Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 259: Sleepy town

Marriage is a very delicate thing. It is said that in ancient times, the marriage system did not exist. People combined like birds and beasts and nurtured the next generation like birds and beasts. Some people miss that era and say that it was an era of freedom, equality, selflessness, and selflessness. Everyone is a relative and a brother. Some people despised that era, thinking that people at that time did not understand what is love, what is home, what is family and self. It is meaningless to argue this issue now, because that era has long since passed, just as the present era will also pass. Therefore, if a person in a place has a different marriage system than what you know, if you do n’t know its specific cause and its significance in that society, do n’t discuss it any more. Anyway, time will take away the problem itself. .

But that being said, marriages in this world are very diverse, and a couple of fifteen years old sounds rather strange, but if you really want to find them, they may not be outrageous. Of course, the scorer, the cheese has no reaction to this, the cat goblin has also seen all kinds of human beings, but it is Atta, a look of silence, until they leave the tavern.

"Well, don't you think it's wrong?" If the experience on the grassland caused Atta to doubt his affection, then when Jian Qi said indifferently that his wife who hadn't crossed the door was born after he watched it, let him The female swordsman was confused about love. Should the world be like this? The heirs of the wolf master were born in the emperor's family for the time being, so they had to give up their love. But Jianmen doesn't sound like a big and prominent family. No, even if it is an eminent gate valve, if the people in this gate valve can't even decide their marriage, what use is this right and glory?

"I don't think it's appropriate, what can I do?" Xunjian said that there was a bit of bitter smile on his face. He tightened the package on his body. In fact, he couldn't go back. No matter how strict the sect was, he couldn't ask for a complaint Teenagers with weak crowns are not allowed to go home for ten years. But he chose to wander outside, in addition to his nature, probably because he knew that he would be shackled when he returned.

"You can tell your family that you don't want to marry a girl who is looking at growing up as a wife. They must listen to you. After all, the person who married is you!" Atta's words attracted the attention of some passers-by. Perhaps in their view, this is like a man who is engaged to his family and tells his lover that they can't be together.

Noting this, Jian Qi made a quiet gesture, and whispered after people's attention shifted, "If I can take Feiyan Jian home safely, I have the capital to change this thing. . So, let ’s put this matter down first and allow me to help you complete the task, okay? That ’s the immediate priority. ”

Chess and Kailas listened to the conversation between the two of them, with a happy expression on their faces. This feels right. This is the style they have always been. The dull should not belong to the girl with sky blue eyes, nor should it belong to anyone in this team. It's just that when they are happy, they can realize that the atmosphere in this town is not allowing them to be so happy. The mage and the cat glanced at each other, and they both noticed something. Combining all the things they encountered when they came in from the door, yesterday, Jian Qi once again said that the town was not right, and it was again in the heart.

"Where are we going now?" The conversation with the sword seeker did not get a satisfactory result. Atta was somewhat unpleasant and walked to the cheese to ask him who was silently moving forward. Just in the tavern, she has been shocked by Jian Qi's marriage, not paying attention to the master how they decided to take the next step. And honestly, now Atta is not too concerned about this matter. This is a bad problem that people who have been with the cheese for a long time will always develop, because he always has a clear goal, and the people around him will no longer actively think and participate in the formulation of his plan.

"Go to the dock first. After confirming the time required for the ship and the voyage to go to the rushing capital, then go to replenish the supplies. Since it is not far from the city of everything, the sooner you go, the better." As he said, his eyes swept across pedestrians. The people in this town did not react to their pedestrian, except that they had just been attracted by the noise of Atta. This is actually a very strange thing. It stands to reason that this kind of town will be curious about the foreign population, but it is not the case for the people who are in the town. And they do n’t look used to it, it ’s more like ...

"Excuse me, is there any celebration in town recently?" Jian Qi stopped a pedestrian and called him. The man seemed to have walked straight forward as if he hadn't heard him, or the sword seeker took a step back when the two were about to collide before he could escape. After that, the passer-by did not say anything, and continued walking forward. Strangely, it is completely normal to watch him walk alone.

Jian Qi touched his neck and walked back to his companion. No one accused him of having a twig outside the festival. On the contrary ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The expression of the cheese was like asking him what he had gained. The sword seeker's eyes moved to both sides, and he quietly gestured to continue to move forward. After the three people walked, he lowered his chin and whispered, "The person looks okay. It's very tired, you don't have Seeing the front, his eyes can be used as an arrow target. It is difficult to imagine that a person with such a weak spirit can still resist to sleep and work. And I think there are many similar people in this town. "

"It's not surprising, did the boss lady of Ivy League say that, the town hasn't started construction this year. Logging is a hard work, and the spirit is so bad that it can't go into the mountain." The mage's words agreed with Jian Qi's speculation. The sense of violation that permeated the town of Jiefa was that the town was too quiet. For a town with a considerable population and stable industries, it is too quiet here. Walking on the street is like walking in the cold winter. Everyone covers their clothes tightly. Simply unable to communicate with others.

"The good news is that these people are just in poor state of mind. At most, they eat a good meal and sleep a little more. It's okay. The bad news is that you'd better expect our boatman's spirit to be okay. I don't want him to hold his palm. Rudder, the whole person slept over. "The cat fairy lay on the shoulder of the cheese and made a hutch and said leisurely.

But his worries did not come true. Because there is no one on the dock of Jiefa Town.

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