Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 255: 72 legacy

A very light sword? This description sounds very vague at first, because lightness is a concept that only makes sense when compared with heavyness. Therefore, to say that an object is light, you have to give it multiple weights. The same is true of swords. With the different styles, the objects pointed by the concept of swords are not very different. There are always a hundred different kinds of things. To be brief, why are they vague? What Jianqi said is a sword that is lighter than a sword of the same shape and the same material? Or does it refer to a sword that uses less material but does not reduce its function, and is light due to its unique shape? No one can say bad. But somehow, the cheese and Atta glanced at each other, and both read the same meaning from each other's eyes. They thought about the same thing, the sword that was taken from the hyena man in the night when Allai attacked.

"Can you be more careful. How light is this very light sword? What is it like?" The cheese also has a lot of doubts about the sword, especially the inscription on it He was quite curious about the writing of books that the Master didn't know. For the gray robe of self-reliance, a kind of unprecedented writing means at least one unprecedented civilization. And he is very happy to understand it, because there are countless possibilities in every civilization, such as knights and herdsmen, their views on the world are very different.

Jian Qi was just asking casually, never thought the teacher's attitude was so serious, which made him immediately realize that the two in front of him were likely to know something. So he immediately sat on his knees, his hands straight on his knees. This sitting posture has never been seen before, but I can also feel the meaning of the other party, and I can't help but also awake. "Since Mr. Qi asked, I will tell Mr. 1510, I only hope that if the gentleman knows where this sword is, , Be sure to inform Yu Xia. This shank is three inches long, three feet and two inches in length, less than two inches wide, and weighs about four buckles. It is forged in bronze, the shape of the sword is auspicious cloud, the head of the shank has flying swallows, and it is a red spike. The middle part of the sword body is named Feiyan in the lower hometown text book, and is also the name of the sword. This sword is a sword passed down from my family and was made by our ancestors and is extremely important to me. "

The mage was stunned, not because of anything else. It was just that the measurement units of length and weight mentioned by Jian Qi were not the same as the measurement system he knew, so he first confirmed with the other party that these units are relatively different from the mainland countries. Conversion standards between popular systems. After doing this, the cheese is basically certain that that handle is now used as the weapon of the cat fairy sword, that is the handle that Jian Qi is looking for. Although the sword was light and lightweight, it was relatively normal in length, so it was not worn by Kailas, and was now packed in a pack horse. This gives the two parties the possibility of further dialogue.

"Don't hide from you, we really heard about the sword you said. We just heard about it as a heirloom sword of your family, but how did it fall on the grassland?"

Speaking of which, Jian Qi's body collapsed at once, and he scratched his cheek like a child who did something wrong and shy of speaking to outsiders, but soon, he made up his mind, Fei Yanjian's whereabouts It ’s too important for him. He does n’t want to miss the news because of concealment. “This is a long word. To say this, you have to go back to an issue you said before, that is, you and my race. . Listening to your tone of voice, you must have no idea where our appearance came from. This is not surprising. Many siblings live in different places, and it is normal to forget the homeland after a long time. "

"My hometown is very far away. Most of the people there are like you and me. The ethnicity here is quite different, but the inside is the same. I would like to come to you, your ancestor. I moved there, and have you after a few generations. This is not surprising. Although the faces of the same family I saw along the way have gradually decreased, I can still meet you here, indicating that the adaptability of my people is quite strong. Too far away, in my homeland, my family made swords from generation to generation, and this is a craft that has been handed down from ancient times. "

"The sword has been used as a weapon since ancient times, and has become a ceremonial instrument to show Wuwei. It is a commonly used thing. Therefore, although the status of my family has been ups and downs, it can finally be passed by this craft. In my generation, it is suitable In the flourishing age, the family is prosperous, and my peers already have dozens of people. Around the sword casting and sword casting related industries, it is barely a prestigious force. Those who have seen the eyes call us Jianmen. . There are people who naturally have a reputation for it. Thirty years ago, thieves broke into my Jianmen Ancestral Hall, plundered the seventy-two stems of the famous swords handed down from the tribe, and scattered into the Quartet. "

"My swordsman takes sword as his business and lives with the sword. The seventy-two famous swords are very important to us. The sword temple is stolen, which is the same as the ancestral tomb. Sword makers in China and Africa, those who do not care for the industry, and those who do not care for the house, all go out to search for famous swords, youths, and old age return. Twenty-seven of the stilettos were recovered, and the remaining forty-five stilts were either concealed, or changed hands after being sold, and their whereabouts are unknown. The first generation of long-distance travellers in China went out of their homeland and went far away to find the sword. "

After listening to Jian Qi's words, the two were silent for a while, but that was not to say that they did not believe. On the contrary, the sword's seven words are chiseled, and the expressions on his face are all sincere, but the information he said is too large and takes time to digest. In this information, the cheese noticed something. Jian Qi said that he was an elder in his class, but he did n’t look much different from his own age, so he asked, “As you said, you Seeking a sword from my homeland all the way, this attachment is admirable. But I think your age is similar to mine. I wonder how long you have been away? "

"It's not a secret. I went out from my house at the age of fifteen. Twenty-six years this year, I have been out looking for swords for eleven years. Originally, I had planned to go home, but I just heard the news of Feiyanjian on the road Asked while walking, chased around here. Therefore, if the gentleman knew the whereabouts of this sword, he hoped that he would let it be told. This is not what I want, and it is what everyone on the sword gate wants ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ kid, How can you be sure that the light sword is the flying swallow sword in your mouth? If it is really your famous sword, then it must have been famous and lost for a long time, and it may not be possible for others to copy it. " Secretary, he would use the name of kid to call people, of course, not Atta. The cat goblin who had been lying in the shade of the tree stood up lazily and said to the sword seeker.

Jian Qi was obviously taken aback. He stared at Kailas for a few seconds before slowly regaining his mind. "It turned out to be a cat demon uncle. I didn't know you before I was off. How offended! How offended! "

Kailas stood up with two hind legs and walked slowly, "Don't say these polite words, you haven't answered my question yet. If the sword is in front of you, you're sure it is what you are looking for Is it? "

"This ..." Jian Qi hesitated a little, and he could see that he was afraid of the cat goblin, but it was about the dignity of Jianmen. He still took a deep breath and said, "The people in Jianmen remember the forgings of family history since childhood. Although the swords have never seen Feiyan Jian in person, then I will not focus on the techniques used by the family. If Feiyan Jian is in front of me, I will definitely recognize it! "

"Okay, then come and see!"

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