Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 253: Go old and welcome new

When the herdsman's singing is far away, the shadow cast by the goshawk can no longer be found on the ground. Layers of vegetation appear on the ground in front of them. Together with the raised hills, they form a three-dimensional space. The trees spread leaves to cover the sky. For people accustomed to the vast grasslands, such a lush scene is quite uncomfortable. If there is anything that can make travellers still believe that they have walked on the grassland, then I am afraid that there is only the gurgling water not far away, and the thick and out-of-date clothes that gradually change on the body. It is already the midsummer season, and no one wants to stand for a long time in the shadowless place.

Two horses, two people, one cat. Grey robe rides side by side with a girl with small chestnut hair, the former's breath is significantly longer. This is not because of the kung fu that the cheese is practicing, but simply because the hot weather forced him to suppress the restless heat in his body in this way. As a person who spends most of his life on the ice field, he hates the heat. The lush forest is messy in his eyes, and his teeth are not as cute as the snowflakes from the north. The hot weather makes people irrational easily, and it seems that the mage is not exempt.

Compared to cheese, Atta showed more calmness. She did n’t grow up in an extreme environment like an ice field. Although the heat in the air made her feel a little uncomfortable, the beam of light occasionally sprinkled in the forest was Can cure this little irritability. The female swordsman tied her hair into a tail and tied it behind her head, exposing her neck to reduce heat. In front of her, the cat leprechaun slouched down on horseback. For long-haired creatures, such daytime activities are not cost-effective. Recently, Kailas returned to the nocturnal instinct, which saves the trouble of shift vigil.

"Let's take a rest first, and wait for the rest of the road to go before the sun goes down." The cheese looked at the sun high above the sky and said to the companions. They have been doing this for the past few days. They set off early in the morning, rested at noon, and waited for another walk in the evening. The trouble with leaving the grassland is that there are not so many stars at night to provide light, plus the threat of beasts in the forest, they don't have much time to move forward every day.

The female swordsman nodded and gently strangled the reins. Her mount immediately stopped, knowing that the journey this morning was over. These horses from the grassland are also not used here. When Atta went to prepare lunch, the cheese carefully checked the state of their mounts, and slowly walked over when his companion called him to eat, his face was not very good-looking.

"In this way, they can't eat enough, and the food is different. And the land here is not like grassland. There are too many stones, so you have to nail them to the horseshoes." Before Atta asked, the cheese said his discovery. Horses are very expensive, the better the horses, the more care they need after they are out of the growing environment. It ’s just these problems now. Soon the climate and mosquitoes will bring more troubles. The mage frowned and thought about it, looking at the two horses that were eating grass stems that were inconsistent, “we ’d better be next The town sold them for two local horses. This is good for them and us. "

Ata has no opinion on the mage's proposal. She's been like this for the past few days. Although she didn't respond slowly, she just didn't talk much. It's no wonder that cat leprechauns are listless during the day, and Losa, who was good at an active atmosphere in the team, has left. Only the unsmiling gray robe of the cheese does cause such problems. It's not that the teacher is too serious, he just always thinks about something, so every time he takes the initiative to speak, the topic is often realistic and heavy, and there is no room for refusal. I am afraid that only people like Elsa can enjoy the time with him.

This is not the way to go. Although the cheese is not good at activating the atmosphere, he also knows that Atta ’s state is not right now, just like the horses on these grasslands do not adapt here, the female swordsman's heart is also undergoing some changes. The mage thought he took a breath here, so he had to do something he was not good at, right? The problem is there, you have to solve it, "Are you thinking of Batu?"

The female swordsman froze for a moment. She blinked at the cheese, opened her mouth to say something, but seemed to stop talking. After a while, it seemed that she finally gave up and the whole person relaxed. "I don't know, I ca n’t say it. I just feel empty, maybe I miss him. Ah! Not that kind of meaning, but I always feel that our team is deserted all at once, a little lonely. "

Qi smiled a little, he could feel the feeling that Atta said. In the past, he was also used to being alone. The training of the Grey Tower allowed him to live alone for a long time without wanting to communicate with others. But after a few years in Gorge City, he found that he was losing that ability, loneliness, loneliness, these things that had been abandoned by him had gradually recovered in him. The mage didn't think it was a bad thing, because he had long since deviated from the path set by the Lord of the Grey Tower. Instead of being a lone wizard, he chose to embrace those who would accept him.

"Aren't you alone? Indeed, the two guys are not there, and there has been a lot of desertion along the way." The cheese's hand rested on his knees, and the tone calmed down. "Listen to them, before you, I mean before Cangshi , Are you traveling alone? You did n’t feel so lonely at that time? "

"Well," Atta buried his head in his arms and made a confused voice ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Never before. When you are a person, you need to think about the direction of the next step. You need to calculate your entanglement. Beware of calculations. There are so many things to be careful of. Is this strange? Compared to that time, Kailas was by my side, and you also promised me to help find my family. My side was obviously much more lively than at that time. Why, why do you feel this way now? Am I a greedy person? People are not allowed to leave me. "

The mage laughed, and he suddenly felt that Atta looked very familiar. She was like him. He used to wear a high mask before meeting Elsa, and put on an indifferent attitude towards the world. . Unexpectedly, this time it was his turn to enlighten others, "If you have n’t tasted honey, you do n’t know what sweetness is. If you do n’t know sweetness, naturally you do n’t have to suffer. You are not greedy. After a comfortable environment, naturally, you do n’t want to go back into the darkness again. But do n’t be too pessimistic, just like the river is flowing forward, it crosses the grassland to get here, does it know what its way forward is? Does it know that the way forward will be better or worse? Maybe, we are missing two companions now, but tomorrow, we may have new companions. Right? "

The female swordsman nodded vigorously, and the haze on her face quickly dissipated. The sky-blue eyes regained their vitality. And as if in response to what the cheese had just said, unusual noises came from the woods behind them. Immediately afterwards, two figures rushed out of the woods. The one on the front is a person, the one on the back is a wild boar with red eyes and fangs!

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