Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 248: Market after night

It is clearly the midsummer season, but the grass on the ground has ugly spots, and large areas of grass appear to be decayed and withered. In the warm air, in addition to the wings of flies and insects, there is a scorched smell and a light **** smell. If this scent is made into a perfume, its theme is definitely disaster and pain. Apart from the **** of disaster, I am afraid that no one will like this smell. Compared with the market where people can feel the vitality when they are close, it is like a scene of two worlds. But the reality is that it took only one night to change from the latter to the former, and it was only a few days before the addition.

Woke up, Ata and Batu were in good health. The group of four decided to go to the market and the tribe to see the situation after they did not find the whereabouts of the cheese nearby. What they saw was this gloomy scene. How fierce the fighting was last night. In fact, the four did not see it with their own eyes, but they can guess from what happened to them. At this time, the tribe has not been reduced to ruins. Fortunately. Many people died last night, but more people are still alive, and outside the market, tribal soldiers have been able to see the organized search and rescue of survivors, and eliminate the evil that still exists here.

Fortunately, the sun is on the side of human beings. Even if the evil things that come with Alai will not be directly reduced to ashes in the sun, they will be greatly weakened during the day, otherwise these tired human warriors may not be able to successfully complete their tasks. Lothar they are willing to help, but their own situation is not very good. Although magic has brought them back to life, none of the blood stains, stains, clothing damage and non-fatal wounds on the body have disappeared because of magic. It is said that they are also the ones who survived in this market. I am afraid that no one will believe it.

According to their ideas, it is the most sensible choice to go to the white wolf first. After all, in this tribe, they are also only familiar with this person. I just do n’t know how his camp ended last night. However, before they reached half of the market, another familiar face appeared in their sight. The eyes on that face apparently found them too, and quickly greeted them.

"You look terrible. I think you must have spent an unforgettable night." The young Tiele headman had a smile on his face, no matter how embarrassed, they were still alive.

"I don't mind telling you how bad it was last night. But before that, how could you be here? What is the situation now?" The Earl smiled bitterly and asked with his tomahawk.

Uvel reached out to a tent not far away that seemed to be complete, and walked in with a few people. It can be seen that this is a place similar to the temporary command post. A few people are not polite, sitting on the blanket, waiting for the leader's answer. Uville beckoned, and invited one of his men to order a few words, and then sat down, "This is not a sentence or two that can be said clearly. I let people get some food and drink, all for emergency use, Do n’t dislike you. Having said that, if you do n’t meet me, should you be looking for a white wolf? ”

"How do you know?" Although the relationship between the squad and White Wolf is not a secret, it should not have been specifically notified to Uvel. That was because the position of the head of Tiele was so subtle that even when there was nowhere to go, few people thought of going to him, but instead chose to find Ensode, whose life and death were unknown. So now, how did the former know about this relationship?

"Do n’t be nervous. I know it ’s because the person who specifically asked me to come to you. But you also saw that now the whole market is in a mess. My people ca n’t cope with the search and rescue. I ca n’t go farther. But fortunately, you did n’t wait for me to find it, but you came back yourself. It ’s just fortunate that you met me. If you just enter the clan like this, I ’m afraid you wo n’t see the white wolf. The entourage who went to get food and drink came in with hot water and dry cakes, put the things in front of several people and left.

The four people who had experienced a warrior's sleeplessness were not polite. At this time, even the rough rations of the march and the tasteless hot water were delicious in their mouths. Or did the Earl raise his head in the gap between the swallows in his mouth and asked, "What do you say we can't see Ensord? Since you said he told you our story, he should have lost his life." That's the hindrance. "

"Indeed. He is now not only life-threatening, but even flamboyant. It is said that last night's tribe became a pot of porridge. It was he and the wolf master's fourth son who calmed the mess together, and called the remaining offspring to complete the fire. It was only after calling the ritual that he repelled the evil that he intended to commit. It is no exaggeration to say that the current Ensod is a tribal hero, and if it is not too unprecedented before him, it is not recommended to be a tribal leader by this matter. Impossible thing. Even if no one has said so now, the large and small affairs in the tribe are now laid out centered on him. It ’s just that the situation has almost stabilized when I followed Nuisa. I failed to look forward to the hero's gesture in chaos. "

After learning the current situation of the white wolf, several people were relieved, of course, this was not reflected in their fast eating. Or Lothar, as a knight, he eats the fastest, and he knows how much food he should eat. When he reaches a sufficient amount, he will not eat more, and then ask the headman, "What about the old shaman?" ? How is he after the fire call ceremony? "

Uville blinked, he didn't expect Lothar to ask this question ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ So he looked around and whispered, "Although I don't know why you should ask him about the situation, I'll say it first I do n’t know much about it. I heard all the rumors. It is said that the price of the fire call ritual is the life of the fire spirit shaman. The shaman must be burned before the fire spirit can come. "

Hearing this, the team members ’faces all changed. Fortunately, the leader did not stop." But this time the ritual seemed to be broken. I do n’t know the specifics. I only heard speculation that the ritual was forcibly interrupted by external forces. In order to dispel the evil and the other side's defeat, the spirit of fire was injured. The old shaman also retrieved a life because of the interruption of the ritual, but there was a large area of ​​burns on his body, which was temporarily inconvenient to move. , As a shaman, he was also called to help inside the clan, and it is estimated that he would come back later. By the way, after all these days, what about your wizard? Why did n’t you see it? "

Learned that the joy of Li and Chou was still silent as the question returned. Uvir noticed the changes in the emotions of several people, and the color on his face also changed with one of them. "Yeah. I said so. Allai has never been defeated by the gods. The gods cannot help mortals resist natural disasters. They are all natural. It seems that the real heroes may have other people. "

"He is not a hero, and he doesn't want to be a hero. This title is meaningless to him. Besides, it just disappeared, maybe it was washed away last night."

"Is it." The head man nodded, and he didn't delve into the problem any more. He didn't want the cheese to die like this. "If so, you can go to the shamans and ask. They know very well about this grassland. Deep, as long as people are still here, they can always be found. "

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