Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 238: Siege (Part 2)

Unlike the arm, which gradually loses its sensation, the arrow in the abdomen is painful. It is a kind of nowhere to vent, a sudden pain that spreads from one point to the whole body in a moment, just a little is enough to cover all the activities of the whole body like the most powerful anesthetic, the rest, only the individual organs in their own way To express the response to pain. The locked lungs, the cramped stomach, and the slow and fast heart. In fact, this pain is no longer a warning of the body's injury. This pain has become an opportunity for all organs to protest.

"Ha, ha ..." Can't breathe, the airway in the nose is completely closed, and the opened mouth is full of saliva. The snot, tears, and sight became a combination of color blocks, and even the scalp seemed to be coming off the bone. Batu has never felt such pain, let alone fight, he now only wants to die, at least he does not have to suffer. Torture, very cruel torture. And this is what the evil cannibal monster wants, he just wants to see this ugly state of death, he just needs such a thing to satisfy his evil desires. So, who will stop this monster?

Someone should come. This evil creature is ruining the lives of others. How can nobody stop him? However, the fact is not so developed. Lothar, still pressed to the ground by a large number of imp, his armor has been partly torn apart, and the flesh was peeled off the body under the ravages of the imp. The knife is fast enough. Cheese, he can no longer see the brilliance in his eyes. The wisdom, calculation, and strategy are all muddled in a mass. His body twists like a primitive humble maggot, constantly rubbing the body on the grass , In order to reduce the scorching heat like being poured into hot iron paste. None of them can save Batu because they are now overwhelmed and need help from others.

Who can save them? Atta? Kailas? Perhaps, if they can get out of the dilemma they are in. Atta's left hand was holding Frakrag's hilt, and her right hand, already showing a weird twisted arc and bent into three. The culprit responsible for all this is a person, no, it should be said that it is a group of people, it is difficult to define.

"She is mine!" "Nonsense, she is mine! Every inch of skin and muscle on her is mine!" "You rough embryo can only turn her into a pool of meat! I will not Let me give you again, I will take her skin off to make gloves! "The plural voices are full of brutal desires, they all come from an individual, that body, at first glance looks like a very tall and strong man, two meters With a body size of about five, the shoulders are three or four Attas wide, and on that unusually wide shoulders, there are three heads!

The three heads are arranged in a triangle, two in the front, one in the back, and almost half of the neck in the back is connected to the back, making it impossible to understand how the bones inside grow. But this is not all. In addition to the three heads on the shoulders, the chest and back of this thing also have different numbers of human heads, just like a flower composed of human heads. It's just that this flower has no beauty at all. Each petal of it is composed of semi-decayed heads. The faces of those heads are ugly, and the contents inside are more dirty. Only maggots and flies like to surround them.

Atta has not fought against ugly enemies. As a semi-goblin who grew up in the goblin kingdom, her mental endurance is actually much stronger than most people living in human society, ordinary skeletons, dead bodies or other Nothing like this would make her feel scared, it was because the perspective of the world was different. But this time, she was afraid. The fear was so real, so fatally hugged her from behind, and flowed along the spine along the ribs into her limbs, grabbing every part of her body, if not the presence of the companion behind her inspired her, she might have Throw away the weapon and turn to escape.

Possibly, it is a wise decision to escape. Just a tentative attack, she lost her dominant hand, which fully shows that the monster in front of her, can not rely on her hand to counter the existence. Even the magic sword from the goblin's hand was cut on that thing, but it left only a shallow wound, and a large number of maggots were drilled in the wound to fill the gap intact. The female swordsman didn't know what he was facing. I'm afraid that apart from feeling the cheese burning all over the place, no one present could know.

Because I do n’t know, I ’m still here, because I do n’t know, so I try to fight with my left hand. This is laudable courage and lamentable persistence. The monster just raised his hand gently, and Flakrague flew out of Ata's hand, and after a few laps in the air, he fell far to the ground. A desperate expression appeared on the female swordsman's face, and she understood that she could not defeat the enemy.

Two arms, one left and one right, grabbed Ata's hands, disregarding the injury of her right arm, and lifted her body off the ground. Every face on the monster is making a harsh laugh ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Then at a certain moment, the laughter turned into a terrible low roar, the belly of the huge body exploded, revealing an oval A round hole shaped like a giant worm!

"No, no, no! Kailas! Batu! Save me! Save me!" She shook her body, shouting words destined for no response. The worm slowly coiled her waist and climbed up like a snake. The yellow-white swollen body strangled Ata, and the head with two sharp teeth snarled low at her ear. The worm's low voice completely disintegrated Ata's will. She yelled like a terrified child. Whether these sounds are to remind her companions or just a means of her vent, no one knows. As the worm's opener drilled into the gap between her left shoulder blades, the cry for help disappeared.

"Asshole! Let go of her!" For others, Atta is an important partner. For Kailas, Atta is the object he can give up everything to protect. After hearing the shout of the female swordsman, the cat goblin turned around and wanted to help her. But his roar came out, his body was light. Kailas looked down with some doubt, and he found that he seemed to be floating in the sky. Strangely, he didn't take off before. Yeah, it ’s really weird, why is there half a cat on the ground? And the cat is still dressed in clothes, sounds familiar ...

"Slap!" Where Kailas fell, very close to the cheese, he and the mage met once. The cat goblin saw the already reddish skin of the cheese and the eyes filled with blood, and in the cheese, he faintly saw a dead cat.

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