Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 236: Siege (on)

Magic void, this kind of thing is a taboo topic among the caster, even for those who are not the caster, I have never heard of it. As usual, during the process of getting along with the cheese, Lothar and others have inevitably seen his weakness in releasing excessive spells. Although he feels that the mage's body temperature is abnormally high, he only regards it as a manifestation of spell overdraft . The magnificent gray robe masters will not cause any problems because of the overdraft of the spell, which is the conclusion they have always observed. However, before the recovery of the cheese, they still have many problems to face.

Minions are splendid, swords are savage. The mage was carefully placed on the ground, and the count who re-tightened the battle axe began to look around. The aliens who followed Alai had already surrounded them, and they were all ready to open the members of the team. The count now has a fire in his heart. This is not the first time he has blamed himself for not being able to help his boss. As a knight, he ca n’t even protect his friends. Entering a dangerous situation makes yourself look like this. It ’s okay if it ’s the plague of the Ratmen, but now, Lothar has far exceeded his previous self-examination skills.

Far exceeds the former knight, still can only watch the cheese hissing painfully on the ground because of high body temperature. Taking a deep breath, Losa walked to Batu's side. In the current triangle, just an ordinary person, he is undoubtedly the weakest corner. With a wave of hand, the liquid of the fool ’s justice blade that was previously stained with blood or something else was thrown away. "Do n’t want to go, die here!"

Responded to Lothar's growl, it was a wolf. This wolf is an unusual wild wolf. In terms of size alone, it is at least two wolves in size. The high shoulders are like a hill, showing the terrible muscle strength contained in it. This is a wolf. The wolf is different from the ordinary wolf. Some people say that they are a special variant of the wolf, but more people think that the appearance of the wolf is related to the blasphemy ritual. The wolf is regarded as a punishment on the grassland, because the attack of the wolf is enough to kill the small and medium-sized tribes. This cunning beast not only has an individual strength far more than its kind, but also a tactical tactic.

Wolves often exist as leaders of ordinary wolves. They will use their tricks to command people to lay down various tricks to hurt people, but there are also many wolves who choose to act together with a small number of similar wolves. These wolves communities are very dangerous, especially when they are gathered together to multiply for many generations, it is likely to produce a stronger individual, the winter wolf. The winter wolf is the emblem of the Xuelan family. It is a death **** with snowy white fur that can breathe cold air, but it is also respected by people because of its terrifying power. However, the winter wolf is cruel and people are still afraid of it.

The wolf in front of him is not a winter wolf, its fur is gray, and no snowflakes appear in his breath. Rao is so, there are no ten masters of riding a shoulder knife, and ordinary tribes dare not embarrass it. As for why it was found here, it was actually attracted by the rich taste of horse blood on Batu. The taste of the wolf was picky. Among the many creatures, the people they like to hunt most are humans, followed by those and Human-related creatures, whether they are loyal hounds or tame horses, are the food that wolves love. Today, Batu is contaminated with a lot of horse blood, which is particularly delicious in the eyes of the wolf.

Originally, if Lothar did not stand in front of Batu, the hungry wolf had already prepared to swoop past the throat of the falconer to taste the sweet blood, and now he was inserted horizontally, and the beast was also aroused. In a rage, he threatened with a threatening growl, while showing his fangs, and showed an offensive posture. But what it never imagined is that no matter humans or animals on this grassland, the first reaction to seeing a wolf is to hide. Even if it wants to confront it head-on, it always waits for the wolf to attack before trying to fight back. The Earl of Montenegro, who was so angry, didn't eat this set. He saw the wolf throbbing and came directly to a preemptive strike!

"Om!" The heavy battle axe compressed air and made a muffled sound. The justice of the fool was originally a one-handed battle axe, and now the blow he wielded under the hands of Lothar was not a big deal. Although the wolf rarely saw weapons like a battle axe, he also instinctively realized that the blow could not be eaten hard. His legs exerted force and his whole body jumped sideways and back, avoiding the attack of the count. The price of wielding the battle axe with all his strength is that Lothar ’s body is biased by the inertia of his inertia, and he cannot immediately set up. How could a cunning wolf let go of this opportunity? With his hind legs pressed hard, he opened his mouth wide and threw it straight up.

"Poof!" The sound of a sharp weapon piercing through flesh and blood sounded in the dark, but the wolf's imaginary flesh and mouth filling did not appear. It forgot, when it was entangled with this human who wielded the axe, the one as it What the intended human being is doing. At this distance, even without relying on vision, Batu can accurately hit the target with a bow and arrow by sound, not to mention, the two eyes of the wolf are like two groups of ghost fires burning in the night air ~ www .ltnovel.com ~ As a hunter, he will never let this opportunity pass. This arrow pierced the beast's eye socket!

It's a pity that the arrow was too shallow to penetrate the wolf's skull and could not kill him. However, the eyeballs were shot, the pain and the loss of vision completely deformed the beast's movements. When he swooped in the air, he lost his balance, and his huge body fell to the ground. To say that this wolf, the hair can resist bows and arrows, and the ordinary blade can not cut its flesh deeply. It is not easy to be fatally injured at once. But who made it happen to fall into the hands of the Lord of Montenegro today, not only can the witch hunt knife resist magic, but its performance as a weapon is also remarkable, especially Losa very much cherishes his weapon, always grinding The axe blade, although it must not be blunt, can be added to the weight of the battle axe itself. At this point the wolf lay in front of him, and Losa, who came back, raised her hand and chopped down!

"Poof!" The beast's body was sturdy, and the axe did not have any head difference. I saw that the justice of the fool was mostly embedded in the neck of the wolf, and he cut off his thick neck. ! Lothar was on the fire at this time. When he saw this scene, he didn't think about it. He lifted his foot and pointed at the back half of the battle axe! This foot, with the strength and weight of his body, stepped into the axe blade of the battle axe for several inches. The wolf that was still struggling was stepped on like this, and the huge body immediately shivered, but could tremble. After that, his eyes also lost their luster.

The two of them cooperated to solve a wolf. Lothar withdrew his feet to pull out his tomahawk, but when he lowered his head, he could hear Batu crying out behind him,

"Be careful!"

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