Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 232: Starfall

The air is filled with complex flavors, not the smell of grass, not the smell of earth, the smell of iron and blood is already disturbing enough, not to mention the disturbing smell hidden behind the sweet smell. The fire light twirled the body on the gathering ground of the tribe, which is different from the usual Wanjia lights. At this time, the light in the tribe is almost all gathered together, which makes the huge body not bring safety to people when it twists. Feeling, but cast more and darker shadows. The huge monster swallowed the roar of human beings, and in the distance, it mixed with the wind to make a noise.

Standing on the hillside, Uvel deeply breathed the noisy air, and a relaxed expression appeared on his face. In fact, he doesn't like this kind of pure disorderly chaos, otherwise he can't tell Wu Qi the vision of hoping to combine the grasslands into one place. However, Tiele's headman didn't like it, but some things in his body were like chaos for the chaos. The killing and destructive desires tumbling from his heart hinted that he rushed into the fire to vent his impulse to destroy. It's just that this hint can't shake Uvel, his mind is sober in the evening breeze, and his eyes are not confined to one place.

"Your brothers and sisters will have a good night." He didn't need to look back to notice that Nuiza was standing behind him. The wolf master's eyes were fixed on Yingpan. She bit her lips lightly, but that wasn't because she couldn't bear it, it was just a subconscious movement when she was calculating. Nuiza is thinking about how the pattern she is familiar with will change after tonight, and how she should get the most benefit from this change. Uville turned her head, her eyes flickered with contempt as she swept over the focused woman, she only focused on the fire, ignorant of the dark, abnormal night.

In spite of this, Uville's contempt lasted only for a moment, and the other party did not realize that things in the darkness were good for him, and it was then that he also noticed that Nuiza's clothes were thin. It's no wonder that there are no women in the camp at this time, and naturally there will be no women's clothing for her to replace. And her original clothes were mostly damaged in the previous incident.

The headman did not hesitate, and took off the fur cape on his body and put it on the wolf master's daughter. The latter was awakened by this action and blinked at Uvel, his cheeks flushed slightly in the firelight. She gave a soft acknowledgment, turned around and walked back to her tent, glancing back at Uvel before entering the tent. If some men are impulsive, I am afraid that they will rush up together at this time.

Uvel only showed a gentle smile and gently saluted the other party to say good night. He waited until Nuisa's tent lit up, and Wu Qi was already standing there.

"She looks interesting to you." The shaman's tone was a little complicated. Because this kind of thing is not new, any woman may like him because of Uvel ’s move today, not to mention that he also brought soldiers to take her back from the Shenlan caravan. Everyone in the army is saying that today the headman is returning a wife, daughter of the wolf master, this identity makes the combination of Nuiza and Uvir become logical, and most people are happy to see it. It's just that Wu Qi always feels that this wolf owner's daughter is not ordinary. Her eyes seem clear, but there is a haze inside.

"That means her expressiveness is good. She hopes that I think she is interesting to me. It's good, and people who put everything on their faces will get bored when they get along." Uville's voice was calm, even cold. It doesn't feel like someone has just plucked the heartstring. He turned his eyes to the southwest of the market, where the darkness came from. If there was nothing but destruction in the body of the fire, then for the source of the shadow, he only felt the heartfelt obedience and the desire to follow. emotion. There are not many things on the grassland that make demons obey.

Wuqi noticed the headman's gaze and a slight tremor of his body, and as a shaman, he more or less noticed the truth of the shadow. As a shaman, he thought he was obliged to stop the action of that thing, but his strength alone was too weak, "Are n’t we going to help? Allais is a disaster for everyone, let alone deceive and burn. Their fire will eventually burn us. "

The shaman's suggestion exchanged a sneer. The expression of the headman was slightly distorted, and there was a low noise in his throat. It seemed that something wanted to crawl out of the throat. This abnormality did not last long. No matter what made Uvir change, he quickly regained the dominance of his body. He pointed to his chest. "You see. It ’s not that I do n’t want to take that When things get rid of, the closer I get to it, the less obedient this thing is. Besides, it is impossible to repel the disaster with human resources, and those who are not human will not perform much better than me. "

"That's right." A deep voice rang out from the darkness, and the tall, dark-haired man walked slowly, his upper body completely naked, covered with unhealable scars, and the man's eyes were dark, as if embedded in Two pieces of obsidian. With the appearance of this person, Wu Qi clearly showed a wary expression ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ His hand was retracted into his sleeve, which was a sign of preparing to cast a spell.

"You comforted your people?" Uvir was not so afraid. He asked the man naturally, and the tone seemed to be saying hello to the people in the clan. The man walked in front of him. The figure of more than two meters made him lower his head to see Uver's gaze. Therefore, the resulting sense of oppression gave the illusion of confrontation with a black bear standing up against him.

"Be more confident in us, kid. We are different from those guys who only know to succumb to instinct behind others, otherwise, why do you think you and your sad clan have not become our food?" The man grinned Mouth, showing two rows of sharp teeth that are not like humans. Look carefully. There are many details about his inconsistency with human identity.

To this, Uvel just shrugged, "I have always trusted you quite a bit, you should understand this. It's just that I can't imagine anyone who can resist Allai's call."

"The people who fight against it are stupid. Humans and us, it is unstoppable. Unless the stars in the sky fall, Alai is the ultimate on the grassland." The man said with a deep voice.

Then, as if in response to his words, a star in the sky suddenly became brighter. It was so bright that it overshadowed the stars of the sky and the brightness of the moon for a while. The star grew bigger and bigger, because it was coming from the ground The closer. At the same time, the horses in the stables of Tiele III all awakened from their dreams and hissed at the star! No, not just Tiele, the horses on the whole grassland, whether they are young or old, male or female, human or wild, they all express their way in the direction of this star falling from the sky.

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