Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 189: Deficiency and foot

Anyone dragging a three-meter-long ground bear body into the tribe will attract a large number of people to watch. How could a tribe or even a person outside the grassland drag this body? A person outside the grassland dragged the corpse of the monster into the tribe. It is enough for people to chat at the dining table for several days. How can the mysterious shaman, Li Li, go with him? Since the two men have been brought to the attention with such a corpse, they should not be allowed to enter the white wolf camp. But these things are all together, you said, why don't you let the clan fry?

When the two were several miles away from the camp, Ensod got the news, but they knew that when they walked to their camp, the white wolf had to believe that the shaman who should have been away from the crowd in these few days came like this. Reached him. You know, in the memory of Ensod ’s life, except for the time when he was born, he has never been so close to the shaman. He was never the child his father liked. He had no right to listen to the shaman's teachings, nor did he have the courage and courage to ask the shaman about his doubts. But now, the unreachable sage is standing in front of him, and the reason is simply because he took in the strangers last night. This kind of thing sounds simple, but it feels ridiculous and funny when it happens to yourself.

Fortunately, the white wolf is used to being treated as a funny clown, he is too used to it. Therefore, when Li Chou was standing in front of him, he didn't fantasize about the shaman for other reasons. He didn't fantasize that he could be recognized by the people who were respected by this tribe. He is a kind of alien, like his men, and the white, annoying felt houses, carrying a kind of original sin that has existed since birth and cannot be rid of it. Heterogeneous, has given up being recognized.

"Is Ensord, you are already very strong." Li Chou's words are very gentle, but this kind of gentleness hides strangeness in the white wolf. He remembers his name, so what? For a shaman, remembering names is as simple as eating and drinking, and some shamans can even name each sheep in an entire flock and accurately distinguish them. Perhaps in Li Chou's opinion, he was nothing more than a sheep in this herd of tribes, and he was still an outlier.

"The person you are looking for is here with me. Come with me." The white wolf behaved indifferently. He had to do this to suppress his inner discomfort. Perhaps in his heart, Lihou was the last person in this tribe who might give him identification, and the performance of this person just now let him know that his problem was not in the eyes of the shaman.

Li Chou's eyes changed slightly for a moment, he kept up with Ensod's back, and then suddenly said, "Do you know what kind of person is most likely to become a shaman?"

Of course, the white wolf did not speak. On the one hand, he did not know why the other party suddenly asked this question. On the other hand, it was because he had no intention of answering now. Not having a rest for one night does not necessarily make people unable to judge the situation around them, but sometimes it makes people's spirits sensitive. In subtle fatigue, the backlog of emotions is most easily touched.

"Many people think that they are strong or smart children, so in the place where I grew up and received training, people always like to send the best heirs in the family there, hoping that they can become shaman." The old man continued, voice I still can't hear any fluctuations, as if this was not meant for Ensod.

"And what I mean by this means that neither strength nor intelligence is the primary condition for becoming a shaman, but a keen spirit. Only if your spirit is keen enough, gods and things on the earth can more easily enter your world. So who has this condition? Are those people who are born with natural eyesight or hearing amazing? Yes, their keenness can indeed be a help, but that kind of keenness will often make them too focused on it and not comprehensive enough. Disabled people, born or acquired, physical or psychological, they are the most sensitive people. Because only when the absence appears, people will notice how valuable a complete figure is, what is contained in the simple closed loop Value. "Read the book

"Are you saying that I am born with a disability? I have never deserved to live like other people?" The white wolf rarely yelled like this, rarely. Because he knew very early that roar would not solve any problems, the blade that was cut with the roar and the bow and arrow that hit the neck of others were more powerful and persuasive. But to the ugly, he will not show his arms even if he is impulsive, this is the bottom line.

Fortunately, this is already the site of the white wolf, otherwise the public shouting to the shaman is enough to make him more trouble for himself in the already tense brotherhood. At the same time, his roar also brought out the cheese and others who had been waiting in the tent. The mage saw Lothar at a glance, and the breath of the ears made him breathe. The small spells quietly used in the tent also made him hear the words of ugliness and quickly realized why Ensod reacted so much to these words. The most important thing was that he understood what the shaman really wanted to say.

"Calm down, White Wolf, he doesn't mean to discriminate against you. It's just that this example may not be acceptable to ordinary people, because in most people's eyes, a defective person is a defect. This is a fact. They don't The law can do the ordinary things that ordinary people can do. This is their, um, missing. "The cheese wants to raise his hand. He speaks, especially when explaining, he is used to match some hand movements, but now his arms It is also tied to the chest to prevent the bones inside it from reconnecting.

"But the question is, who will stipulate the so-called ordinary people and the ordinary things in their mouths? Who will stipulate what kind of individual is complete at birth and which is missing? Two eyes are complete? The natural one-eyed dragon is missing? Five roots The fingers are complete? The six fingers and the thumb are missing? As for those things that are mentally optimistic, optimistic and cheerful are normal, and the gloomy and closed are missing? It is good to attach importance to family planning, and love music and color to the ecstasy is missing? Forget it Right. Completeness is not so defined. A truly complete person, with short hands and short legs, baldness and toothlessness is also complete. This is the same with the heart. I do n’t deny that there are people in this world that make people feel sick or even evil, but at least you are not You just, the things you like are not quite the same as others ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Li Zhuo patted Bai Lang on the shoulder, "I want to say it is similar to him, but I think you should read it more than it makes sense. Look around and see those who follow you. In any case, your presence allows them to find a place. The problem is always there, it can be suppressed in the long run, endlessly, but it will not disappear. You just singled out the problem and suffered discrimination for it. A large part of this discrimination was not against you, you just took on it. This commitment just shows that you are doing very well. "

Ensod said nothing more, he just silently introduced several people into the felt room. Batu and Atta walked at the end, the hunter blinked, "I still don't understand, what's wrong with the white wolf?"

The female swordsman sighed, "Look at your surroundings. This is a camp but a living area. Compared with other living areas, don't you think there is something missing here?"

Batu looked around for a week. The felt room, the stove, the water well, the stable, everything was well organized and nothing strange.

"Man, there is only me as a woman here. How could there be a man in a living area? This is not a military camp, but it just makes it look like a military camp."

List of dawn chapters of the high-speed text hand hitting the gray tower

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