In the eighth year of Zhenguan, on the second day of the second month of spring, the dragon raised its head.

The wedding date agreed by Li Yi came as promised.

The civil servants headed by Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng, Ma Zhou, Yu Zhining, Kong Yingda, and Xiao Yu, together with Sun Shunde, the Minister of Rites, and all the yamen departments of Taichang Temple, Honglu Temple, Shangshanjian, etc., all stayed away from the ceremony.

The Tang Dynasty decreed that the night ban would be open on these three days from February 2nd to February 5th.

It is to celebrate the wedding of the crown prince Li Yi.

This wedding is unusual because the prince wants to marry two first wives in a row.

Li Wan and Wei Shuyi wore green wedding gowns early in the morning and waited for the wedding procession at home.

Inside the East Palace.

Tan'er started to order the maids in the East Palace.

It's strange, it's not clear whether Tan'er is from the male side or the female side.

Wu Meiniang became much more honest in the East Palace after being scolded by Li Yi two days ago.

He is a side concubine, so naturally he cannot be compared with main concubines like Wei Shuyi and Li Wan.

Early this morning, she heard that a princess was coming to the palace, hoping to establish a good relationship.

After spending some time with Tan'er, Wu Meiniang finally let go of her worries.

It has to be said that the princess of the Tang Dynasty was not a arrogant and domineering person. This made Wu Meiniang think twice.

Tan'er was also very satisfied with the new concubine Wu Mei, and the two soon called each other sister and sister.

Wu Mei said to Tan'er:"Princess Tan'er, just wait a moment. I brought you some gifts from Lizhou. I'll go get them right away."

Tan'er said nonchalantly:"Thank you Wu Mei. Sister."

After she left, Tan'er went to the wing to find Li Yi

"oops! Master, why haven't you put on your clothes yet? Seeing Li

Yi still sitting stupidly on the document, Tan'er said angrily:"Do you still want to go to pick up the bride?""

Li Yi looked embarrassed. Looking at Tang Dynasty's very complicated new red clothes, he hesitated.

It was too difficult to put on!

Tan'er said with a sullen round face:"I will dress you, young master!"

Li Yi nodded.

Tan'er then raised her round legs and started to pack her clothes neatly.

Mattress, round robe, waist hanging, futou, inner lining, soap boots, black dragon shirt, glazed crown... all the accessories and clothes The ingenious Tan'er quickly arranged them into categories.

Beads of sweat broke out on Tan'er's forehead:"It's almost done, what's left? No more?"

Tan'er's problem hasn't changed yet. She still likes to talk casually, just like when Li Yi first met Tan'er.

Li Yi sat on the desk with a smile and watched Tan'er clean up everything neatly.

The little girl has grown up.

Her lordosis With her back turned up, even if she was wrapped in thick clothes, she couldn't hide her slender and beautiful figure.

Li Yi stared at behind Tan'er with a half-smile.

At some point, Li Yi had come behind Tan'er.

Tan'er only felt There seemed to be something pushing against her.

She turned around and saw Li Yi face to face.

"ah! Master, what are you doing? Hurry up, don't delay the auspicious time. Li Yi smiled:"

It's okay, don't delay.""

"Hey, Master, why are you undressing me? It's you who wants to change your clothes, isn't it... hmm!"

I don't know when, Li Yi's head had already stretched out towards Tan'er.

Tan'er was stunned, looking at Li Yi with his big eyes blinking, and his breathing began to become heavier, and Li Yi's big hand began to swim like a snake. scurry


"Not now...well.

Li Yi smiled and said:"Didn't you say that you were a dowry maid?" Why doesn't it work?"

Gradually, the room began to become charming.

…… the other side.

Wu Mei returned to the room happily and found the fine jade bracelet she brought from Lizhou.

The Wu family was not poor, and she also brought many treasures from Lizhou.

She knew that there were many things to take care of in Chang'an, especially in the palace.

Of course, she will only take out things to deal with those who are beneficial to her.

Obviously, Tan'er is the one.

After all, she is a royal princess. Since she is a royal princess, she is Li Yi's sister.

In this way, establishing a good relationship with Tan'er seems to be beneficial and harmless.

And at this time, the princess who can come to the East Palace to personally direct Li Yi's marriage is enough to see the deep love between her and Li Yi's brother and sister.

Wu Mei can understand people's hearts very well.

She knew that Tan'er was kind and simple by nature, and it was easy for such a person to be controlled by her.

After thinking about it, Wu Mei took another jade bracelet.

Then he walked out of the room with satisfaction to find Tan'er.

When they came to the garden corridor, Tan'er was nowhere to be seen. Wu Mei couldn't help but be curious. She grabbed the maids on the left and right and asked,"Where is Princess Tan'er?"

The maid said,"Go to His Highness's room to undress His Highness."

Wu Mei Mei nodded and walked towards Li Yi's hall.

This is an opportunity.

She could take this opportunity to ease her stiff relationship with Li Yi.

Going to Li Yi's palace at this time did not seem too sudden. After all, she was going to find Chen Tan'er, and she believed that Li Yi would not scold her.

In this palace, Wu Mei was extremely careful every step she took. Before doing something, she would always consider the consequences, filter it in her mind over and over again, and only then would she implement it after confirming that it was harmless to herself.

Slowly, Wu Mei arrived at the East Palace Bedroom.

It's very quiet here. Unlike the noise outside, there are no maids or eunuchs here.

Wu Mei couldn't help but walked towards the bedroom curiously.

Just as she approached the dormitory, Wu Meiniang was stunned!

The sounds in the room... made her expression gradually freeze and become demented, and then she subconsciously whispered:"It's so chaotic!"

It was said that the Li Tang royal family was very chaotic, and today she saw it with her own eyes and heard it with her own ears.

Her ears and cheeks were quickly dyed red, and her heart jumped into her throat.

Li Yi would do such an unethical thing.

If this spreads out, can he still keep his position as prince? etc!

Wu Mei suddenly remembered something.

It seems that this can be used to threaten Li Yi?

Wu Meiniang's heart trembled violently. If she could use this to improve her status?

Just thinking of Li Yi's terrifying momentum, Wu Mei unconsciously weakened by three points.

The sounds in the room gradually became weaker.

Then I heard Tan'er say:"Master, you are so bad! Okay, don't do it, let go, otherwise it will be too late." Then came Li Yi's voice:"I have raised you so big, it's time to pick it. I used to be reluctant to let go, but now you have grown up."

Damn it!

Wu Meiniang listened to the conversation between the two and felt that her three views and moral integrity had been shattered to pieces.

This... is abnormal!

You had designs on people when you were a kid?

Damn it!

What is your royal family doing?

When Li Shimin robbed her uncle and sister-in-law, Wu Mei already thought it was ridiculous. Today, her eyes were completely opened. good!

In any case, Li Yi finally has something in his hands, and he can beat Li Yi later to consolidate his position in the East Palace.

Just thinking of threatening Li Yi... Wu Mei's heart still trembled.

But then I thought about it, only in this way can I get the maximum benefit.

The two phases are balanced, Wu Meiniang makes a decision quickly!

If you don’t take can you gain a foothold? Besides, she knew that Li Yi would not dare to fall out! ps: It was my cousin who was not married yet. He died and his body was only found a few days ago.

I don’t know the reason, but I have to do an autopsy. I was too late last night and was really exhausted, so I didn’t have time to update. I’ll code more today. I’m going to listen to the forensic conclusion tomorrow. The criminal police intervened. It’s the first time I feel that death is so close.

I suspect he died suddenly because he was too fat. My daughter-in-law was in an emergency and said she might have died suddenly due to arterial dissection.

People who are too fat and those with high blood pressure are most likely to suffer from this.

Also, for obese people, snoring while sleeping may cause suffocation.

In any case, I wish you all good health, don't make fun of your body, exercise more, especially those who are fatter or have high blood pressure, you must pay attention to your body.

This month, I will try my best to finish the book. I have never stopped updating it. Even if something big happens, I will still find time to write a chapter. I hope I can keep it until the book is finished.

In fact, at this point in the book, I have almost finished writing. Thank you for staying with me.

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