Unexpectedly, the wish will be fulfilled so quickly.

This trip to Yizhou is really worth it! And veteran soldiers like Xu Si couldn't help frowning after hearing Lin Hao's words.

Lin Hao led the troops to take the initiative to attack the Tubo camp. Don't he know the strength of the Tubo? He also went into battle in person, which is not a good thing! If Lin Hao's force is not very good, on the battlefield, wouldn't they still protect Lin Hao? How could they win? It's a pity, the four of Xu are humble, no one pays attention to what he said, and he won't say anything.

"it is good!

However, Lin Hao held the bright silver spear in his hand from the side and shouted loudly: "Choose the front soldiers to obey the orders, follow the general, and attack!

'General Lin in peacetime, General Lin in wartime', led the army to attack! Attacked, Tubo barracks!... To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 266 266: Can pull a carved bow like a full moon, General Lin has no false hair [Subscribe]

"Lao Xu, do you have any doubts about his strength when you see the Grand Governor in person?

When arranging the war horses, Cheng Chusi looked at Xu Si who was frowning and said with a smile: "Don't worry about this, the strength of the Great Governor is very good.

Ten 0s, I tied together, are not the opponents of the Grand Governor!

Where is Xu Si worried about Lin Hao's strength?

What he was worried about was taking the initiative to attack! How good is it to defend on the city wall, and the Tibetan barbarians are not good at attacking cities, so there is no need to face too many dangers on the city wall.

Now it's better to take the initiative.

Isn't this hitting the muzzle of the Tubo's gun? They all say that one's own strengths are used to attack the other's weaknesses. Now it's better, knowing that Tubo's melee combat ability is strong, and now Lin Hao collided with the opponent's tough place.

Isn't this asking for trouble? Originally, it was said that it was luck on the battlefield. Now, when I take the initiative to attack the Tubo camp, it is already dead. Where is there any luck? Xu San opened the mouth and said: "Tubo is not good Hit, take the initiative to attack, will kill a lot of people!

When Xu San said this, Cheng Chusi and Qin Huaidao understood.


It turned out to be this! Xu Si was frowning because he didn't want to go to the battlefield.

"A man stands between heaven and earth, and he should be proud to fight on the battlefield!

Cheng Chusi did not look down on Xu Si because of this.

After all, Xu Si survived the battle with Tubo, and is also an old soldier.

The truth that good fighters fear war, Cheng Chusi has already taken root in his heart.

He put his arms around Xu Si's shoulder and said carelessly: "Fourth, when you are on the battlefield, I will protect you, young master!

"Get out of your daughter's egg!

Xu Si pushed Cheng Chusi away, and said cursingly, "You little brat, when you're on the battlefield, stay away from me!

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Hao rode on his horse, and behind him were the [-] selected frontmen and the permanent [-] old soldiers.

Qin Huaidao and Cheng Chusi were behind Lin Hao and left: Chang Ren followed Lin Hao.

The entire army was silent, waiting for Lin Hao's order! "Open the city gate!

Lin Hao gave an order, and more than a dozen Songzhou defenders who had been waiting behind the city gate all pulled down the sticks that were lying on the city gate, and then pulled together the four ropes on the left and right gates. Open the gate quickly.

As the city gate slowly opened, the bright silver spear in Lin Hao's hand slowly raised: "Choose the front army! The old soldier's camp!

"Wan Sheng!

Then clamp the belly of the horse and slowly increase the speed! A distance of two miles.

The sprint distance is 3 meters! It's enough to increase the speed of the horses to the fastest! And followed by Lin Hao's permanent officer, Cheng Chusi, Qin Huaidao, three people, after hearing Lin Hao's words, they also raised their guns high, and then shouted: "Wan Sheng!

The soldiers behind, even if they don't want to attack, but the military orders are like mountains, this is an unchangeable fact.

Can only charge! "Wan Sheng!

"Wan Sheng!

Everyone followed Lin Hao and attacked Tubo!... Outside Songzhou City, Tubo's camp.

The [-]-strong camp was muffled, and the blue smoke mixed with the smell of horse dung was slowly rising.

Just as Lin Hao had expected, the Tubo people never thought that the Tang army would take the initiative to attack. They were still doing what they did before, and when the time of war came, they would send their troops to fight the autumn wind.

It's that simple.

They buried the pot to make rice, and even the sergeant took out the treasured wine bag and shared it with the people around him, discussing with a smile.

Negotiated and waited: let the people in Songzhou City deliver the wine, and their wine sacs can be full again.

They didn't even have guards outside the camp, so they dared to set up camp two miles away.

Whoever gives them the courage will be defeated! When the earth began to tremble slightly, they were stunned for a moment. Why did the earth move?

As the ground trembled, the movement grew louder.

Finally someone reacted: "The Tang army has attacked!

How could it be possible that the Tang army had attacked? After a brief period of daze, the Tubo savage soldiers began to get excited.

It's easy to say if they attack! What they are most worried about is not that the Tang army will attack, but that they will defend the city.

The Tibetans would not attack a city, and they themselves knew it.

But now that the Tang army took the initiative to attack, the Tubo barbarians would not be afraid.

They still don't feel that they are weaker than Tang Jun.

The Tubo soldiers began to take weapons and look for war horses to fight.

However, the response is too slow! The distance of two miles is not a distance at all in front of the cavalry.

And Lin Hao, who is the chosen frontal army to attack the arrows, is even more powerful.

He rode on the horse, his feet clamped the belly of the horse, and his body swayed regularly as the horse ran.

He hung the gun on the jacket of the saddle, drew the bow with his left hand, and drew the arrow with his right.

A feather arrow is placed between the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger.

Can draw the eagle bow like a full moon! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The three feathered arrows shot out like eyes with eyes, and every arrow was sure to hit! Pozz! The head of a Tubo barbarian was directly pierced by the shot arrows.

Bang! He was killed without even taking out his weapon.

Of the other two, one was shot through the heart and the other was pierced in the neck.

More air in and out less air, and it seems that it will not survive.

Lin Hao's quiver of twelve arrows was emptied, and twelve Tubo barbarians had already fallen to the ground.

"Good archery!

Xu Si, who was behind, saw Lin Hao's arrows were not empty, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

He had not seen any general with such outstanding archery skills! Thinking of Cheng Chusi's admiration for Lin Hao, he suddenly realized that Lin Hao chose to take the initiative to attack, and it was not unreasonable.

Such a good skill, if it is only used in defending the city, it is really too talented.

Immediately hanging the bow on his back, the iron spear shot out! A little cold light came first, followed by the spear: out like a dragon, the iron spear in Lin Hao's hands, in Lin Hao's hands, seemed to be a dancing dance of death.

The tip of the spear is quickly decorated, and every shot can end the life of a Tubo barbarian.

With a swing of the silver spear, it swept away thousands of troops! The long spear was like a stick, sweeping away a piece of it.

Lin Hao took the lead in breaking into the middle of the Tubo barbarians, stabbed left and swept right, and the road ahead that was densely blocked by the Tubo barbarians was instantly swept out of a huge area.

He smashed a brutish soldier into the air, smashed a piece of it, and then turned the muzzle. The blade of the gun slashed the throat of the Tubo brutish soldier on the other side, and blood splattered everywhere.

Chang Ren, Cheng Chusi, and Qin Huaidao, who followed closely behind, saw Lin Hao's fierceness, the blood in their hearts was also aroused, and the weapons in their hands danced and whined.

"Cut through!

Lin Hao shouted, and immediately smashed the head of the Tubo barbarian in front of him in the posture of smashing Huashan.

Immediately, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Lin Hao's mouth.

In his opinion, the Tubo savage is nothing but a turkey! Today, he must win!... Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 267 267: Two old and two young, kill the enemy bravely 【Subscription】

A sheep leads a group of wolves, then they are all sheep! A wolf leads a group of sheep, then they are all wolves! Lin Hao is a wolf who wants to eat meat! The rewards of system inheritance and countless combat experience made him feel like a duck to water when he was on the battlefield.

The Tibetan camp is... the sheepfold, and the barbarians are...the sheep.

When wolves enter the flock, there is only one word: kill! Wherever they went, Cheng Chusi and Qin Huaidao, who were behind Lin Hao, basically didn't encounter a few savage soldiers, and the others were all dealt with.

This battle was really refreshing! There was no pressure! How could the Tubo barbarians imagine that Lin Hao would take the initiative to attack each and every one of them in a state of ignorance, but he was completely wiped out by the wind.

This is just piercing! There is no killing! Lin Hao is the arrow, and the mere Tubo camp can't resist Lin Hao's ferocity. The gentian and silver spear are dotted with cold stars. Everywhere you go there are people turning their backs.

The [-] selected front troops who followed Lin Hao to attack, and the [-] old soldiers led by Changren, had such a high morale! Lin Hao's bravery affected all the Tang soldiers present.

There are handsome and brave people, why don't they try their best to make achievements, right now! Kill! Kill the resentment that has accumulated over the years! Kill! Kill all the hatred for Tubo! Kill! At the end, he was killed by the army led by Lin Hao! All the Tibetans were stunned.

They have never seen such a brave Tang army! Even Lin Feng, who they think is the enemy, is not so fierce and brave! Where did this group of Tang army come from, how can such fierce and brutal soldiers not know, What choice should they make.

We can only sit and wait and watch these fierce Tang army overrun their camp! What should we do or... run away first and then think about running away, this is everyone's desire to survive.

However, the Tubo savage soldiers never escaped after serving as the Grand Marshal in the Galqin Mausoleum! Moreover, the punishment for deserters was extremely harsh, and they simply could not bear the consequences of escaping! What could they do? Standing there, watching Tang Jun cut off his head? At this time, no one told the Tubo Man what to do...  

Pierced! The camp was directly pierced! When Lin Hao rushed out of the Tibetan camp, there were dark brown blood stains on his face, body, and iron spear, as if he had been bathed in blood.

The Xuanfeng Army and the [-] old soldiers who rushed out of the Tubo camp with him were also bloodied, and their expressions were full of fighting intent! "Xuanfeng Army! Old soldier camp!

Lin Hao's voice exploded, making every Tang Jun who heard his voice cheered.

"Will it be possible to fight

Can this be an insult to them! "Kill!

All the excited Tang Jun shouted this word together.




"Come with me!

Lin Hao's spear pointed, "Everyone in the Tubo will be killed!

As long as they are Tubo soldiers, they can be killed! Kill without mercy! In this battle, don't take prisoners! "Rush camp!


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