Raising troops to fight against Tang, I would like to see, by then their emperor will not be able to go to court!

There was no respect for Li Shimin in the words, but a kind of urge to conquer the Tang Dynasty: the urge to try.

Lu Dongzan didn't think so, all he wanted was to bring Li Shimin's pearl to Tibet.

As for what happened after returning to Tubo, Lu Dongzan didn't care at all.

If you want to fight, fight, if you don't fight, don't fight.

That's the matter of Garqin Mausoleum.

"The future will be discussed in the future, let's prepare more for the next meeting with His Majesty the Emperor of Tang.

Lu Dongzan was not as far as Galqin Ling thought, and if he couldn't even pass the current test, his plan would probably fail.

For... taking away Princess Changle, Lu Dongzan is bound to win! Even if the person who gave them the information of Princess Changle at the beginning now regrets the original decision, it has not changed Lu Dongzan's determination.

Three days later, before it was dawn in Chang'an, Lu Dongzan and the others were shouted, and after they were dressed up, they were brought to the palace to see the emperor.

When Lu Dongzan and Garqin Mausoleum patiently accepted the dressing, and when they set off for the palace, the sky gradually became brighter.

Not long after they left, a person dressed up came to the post in a hurry, and when they saw the Tibetan people who were staying in the post, they asked.

"What about the marshal and the prime minister?

"I am Zamp's messenger, and I have urgent business to see Prime Minister Yuan and Prime Minister.

When he spoke, he had a token in his hand to prove his identity.

The Tibetan people who stayed in the post house were in awe when they saw the token, but they seemed helpless when they answered the question.

"The marshal and prime minister have already gone to the palace to meet the emperor of Tang.

When talking about this, I couldn't help but complain: "I have something important, why didn't you come earlier?

". . .

When the messenger of Songtsen Gampo heard the man's words, his face turned green.

He rushed to Chang'an after a lot of hard work. In exchange for this, even if he wanted to come early, he could still come in. Don't you know that the curfew in Chang'an City has been waiting for one night, and I will come as soon as the city gate opens, and you will come in. "Why didn't you come earlier?" I can't help it. If I haven't seen Garqin Mausoleum and Ludongzan, his mission will not be completed, and we have to continue to wait.

When Ludongzan and Garqin Mausoleum return...

Garqin Ling did not know what he missed when he went to the palace today.

The imperial palace of the Tang Dynasty is full of majesty, and when Ludongzan and Garqin Mausoleum saw the majestic palace, they couldn't help but yearn for it.

A sentence almost popped out: the man should be like this.

However, the fiery eyes in Garqin Ling’s eyes betrayed his inner thoughts. The Chang’an Imperial Army, who was stationed in the palace next to him, saw the expressions in the eyes of Gal Qin Ling and Lu Dongzan, and their waists straightened. few.

It seems that guarding this imperial city is an honor! Once inside the imperial city, no one pays any attention to them. Exist the same.

This feeling of being ignored made Ludongzan and Garqin Ling even more uncomfortable.

Lu Dongzan was in front, and he could even hear Garqin Mausoleum talking to himself.

"One day, I will make you kneel before me like dogs!

Changsun Wuji also saw Lu Dongzan, but after just one glance, the old god stood comfortably in front of the palace and cupped his hands.

At this time, Changsun Wuji didn't even care about them.

A group of guys who are not enough to swallow an elephant, today I will let you know what the real Tang Dynasty is! I also want to marry Li Shimin's pearl in my dream! It is lucky to be able to leave Chang'an alive! The content, Zhangsun Wuji did not tell anyone.

For several well-connected families, the eldest grandson Wuji only hinted them not to talk too much in the court, as for the reason, the eldest grandson Wuji did not say.

The aristocratic families have their own way of communicating, and since the eldest grandson Wuji reminded them, they won't talk much.

In today's courtroom, someone is destined to run into the wall and hit the muzzle of the gun that Li Shimin had dug.

But Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and some other short-tempered generals owed their service at first glance.

After waiting for a while, the gate of the palace opened, and the courtiers filed in in an orderly manner. Ludongzan and Garqin Mausoleum also wanted to enter with the courtiers, but before they took two steps, they were stopped by the forbidden army behind them.

"Can't get in!

"Why can't you get in

Garqin Ling did not expect that even entering the door would be discriminated against, how could he bear it? He pointed his hand forward: "Why can they enter and why can't we?

"They are His Majesty's officials and officials of the Tang Dynasty!

The Imperial Army looked at the Galqin Mausoleum with cold eyes and said, "You are envoys, you need to get your Majesty's decree before you can enter!

". . .

There are so many rules! Garqin Ling pouted, then raised his head and forced himself to calm down.

In the future, I must let them lie down in front of me like dogs and beg for mercy!... Most of the courtiers know that today is the day when the Tubo embassy will be seen, and big and small things must make way for this matter.

Without making Ludongzan and Garqin Mausoleum wait too long outside, Liu An's voice of the decree resounded in the hall.

"Xuan, the envoy of the Tubo has an audience!


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Chapter 260 260: The time difference used by Li Shimin in the previous dynasty [Subscribe]

Lu Dongzan and Garqin Tomb looked at each other, and then walked slowly into the hall according to the etiquette taught by the officials of the Honglu Monastery Office! All eyes were on Ludongzan and Garqin Mausoleum.

The feeling of being stared at by countless pairs of eyes made Ludongzan and Garqin Mausoleum, who were in high positions in Tubo, a little flustered.

Especially the eyes of the generals, as if they were going to eat people, made people feel terrified.

Taking a long breath, the two slowly walked to the front and the middle of the 'Human Wall'.

Stand still! Put your right hand on your left shoulder and bend your neck slightly.

"Lu Dongzan, the envoy of Tubo, has met His Majesty the Emperor of Tang!

"Garqin Mausoleum, the envoy of Tubo, has seen His Majesty the Emperor of Tang!

"Well, calm down.

Li Shimin's tone was light, without surprise or anger.

It seems to be a very common thing.

Garqin Mausoleum shouted loudly in private, but when he got to the court, he was also a tortoise, daring not to talk much.

He gave himself a hint: "I am a military general, and this kind of lip-smacking thing, just let Lu Dongzan do it.

"I'll take care of the war!

"I heard this... ... Tang Guo's generals are very powerful, and I will teach them a lesson in the future!

I don't know where the confidence of Garqin Tomb came from, to have such an idea.

If Lin Hao knew what Gal Qinling was thinking, he would definitely laugh, this guy is just...a lack of beatings.

Lu Dongzan and Li Shimin had a one-word conversation, and in the end, it was easy to talk about the matter of relatives.

"Your Majesty, Zamp asked us to come to Datang to seek long-term friendly exchanges between the two countries.

Lu Dongzan couldn't wait and wanted to blurt out the thoughts in his mind.

"Therefore, on behalf of Zanpu, I ask His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty for marriage, and I hope that I can ask for marriage on behalf of Zanpu and marry your daughter, Princess Changle!

I still brought it up! Changsun Wuji cursed inwardly, Lu Dongzan was really courting death.

If he hadn't mentioned Li Lizhi, he might still be able to account for one percent of the 'reasonableness'.

But now when he mentions Li Lizhi, he really can't stand any reason.

Wait for Li Shimin to take care of him! Changsun Wuji knew that he didn't need him now, so he just lowered his head and looked at his shoes as if nothing happened.

Li Shimin was not surprised by this result, he just glanced at Changsun Wuji, but found that Changsun Wuji was looking down at his shoes, and could not see his expression at this moment.


Li Shimin looked away from Zhangsun Wuji and looked at Lu Dongzan: "You said that you came to Tang Dynasty for peace.


Lu Dongzan didn't panic at all.

If Li Shimin brings up the old story again, saying that the war between Tubo and Yizhou is like this..., he can take this opportunity to put pressure on Li Shimin and agree to their request for a marriage.

After all, after Lin Feng, Tubo has always won the battle against Yizhou, and has a certain psychological advantage.

And many courtiers who were already ready to take advantage of this opportunity to make a wave of capital are also gearing up at this time.

The two countries are friendly and friendly.

What a great achievement! With this achievement in place, wouldn't the promotion be a sure thing, even if he is not in the court, he will be a big officer outside the court! However, Li Shimin is.... he doesn't play cards according to his routine.

"The friction between Tubo and Datang continues, even if you two Tubo envoys are in Chang'an, your Zamp has not stopped harassing the border of Datang!

Li Shimin, however, was different from what they had imagined, and he scolded: "You went to Chang'an, under the guise of being a relative, but sent troops to attack me in Songzhou, this is what you call the friendship between the two countries.


After Lu Dongzan heard Li Shimin's words, he was stunned.

It is impossible for Tubo and Tang to fight again! The first thing that Lu Dongzan thought of was...impossible.

Before arriving at Chang'an, he had already discussed with 'Zamp' Songtsen Gampo, and he would never harass the border of Tang during this period.

Besides, he...the Prime Minister of Tubo, next to this...the Marshal of Tubo, both of them are still in Chang'an, Songtsan Gampo will send troops to harass the Tang Dynasty Lu Dongzan does not believe that Songtsen Gampo would do such a thing.

He glanced at Garqin Mausoleum, and Garqin Mausoleum immediately.

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