This laughter... made Changsun Wuji's eyebrows tremble.

Not only Li Shimin, but also the laughter of girls.

Now Li Lizhi, Zhangsun Wuji panicked even more.

But already here, even if Changsun Wuji wanted to retreat, he couldn't.

You can only bite the bullet! Of course, Changsun Wuji couldn't help but scolded Liu An in his heart.

Damn Liu An! You took Bai Yuchan, didn't you say you know everything and say everything? Why is Li Lizhi here now, don't you say it! Don't ask me to give you anything in the future! The door opened, and he smiled warmly: "Lord Changsun, let's go in.

Don't think about it, when your eldest grandson Wuji stepped into the palace, it has already entered the urn! "Thank you, Eunuch Liu.

Zhangsun Wuji couldn't help clenching his hands hidden in the sleeves, and walked into the Nectar Palace step by step.

In the palace, Li Shimin was teaching Li Lizhi to study, and he should have said something interesting.

When Changsun Wuji saw the two of them, their smiles had not diminished.

"Here comes the auxiliary

Li Shimin's voice sounded very relaxed, but the more so, the more nervous Changsun Wuji became.

He took out the hand hidden in the sleeve and wanted to give salute, but Li Shimin directly interrupted: "My family is together, so there is no need to give salute.

"Thank you, Your Majesty.

Zhangsun Wuji said gratefully.

And Li Lizhi, who was reading a book by the side, also raised her head at this time and looked at him with a smile: "Uncle Changsun.


Zhangsun Wuji panicked, and quickly waved his hand: "Don't dare, don't dare.

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Chapter 256 256: The courage of the emperor, given by Mr. Lin [Subscribe]

Uncle's current eldest grandson Wuji, how dare Li Lizhi call him uncle.

Li Li's appearance is unparalleled, and she is the best in Chang'an. In addition, she was born in an emperor's family, and she is not disturbed by all kinds of secular world. She is as pure as jasper.

When he didn't meet Li Lizhi, Changsun Wuji still felt resentment towards her escaped marriage, Changsun Chong, but now seeing her, Changsun Wuji suddenly gave birth to a feeling of 'how can his son be worthy of it'.

No! Changsun Wuji doesn't know why he thinks like this.

Having met Li Lizhi before, Zhangsun Wuji never thought of it that way.

Why now, does Li Lizhi already have a sweetheart? Scholars die for those who are confidants, and women are for those who please them.

Changsun Wuji felt that Li Lizhi was different now.

"Why don't uncle

Li Lizhi asked the eldest grandson Wuji: "The father and the emperor said just now that the family doesn't have to care about those... red tape, Lizhi calling uncle, shouldn't it be right?

It's well spoken, and it sounds fine literally.

But Changsun Wuji always felt that Li Lizhi seemed to mean something else.

Everything is not as simple as it seems.

Is it his inner unease, or is there really something else... his eldest grandson Wuji stood there and didn't speak up. When he couldn't figure it out, he wanted to avoid Li Lizhi's words.

It's more convenient to talk to Li Shimin, at least both of them are men, and both are adults who know the truth.

Li Shimin didn't let Zhangsun Wuji stand all the time, and asked Liu An to move a stool behind him, motioning to sit down and talk.

Li Shimin said lightly: "The courtiers outside are very noisy.

"It's the first time since I took the throne that I didn't hold a court meeting three times in a row.

Changsun Wuji stabilized his mind, and simply put the confusion to the end.

"Your Majesty's body is ill, and you should rest a lot, after all, the Tang Dynasty is still inseparable from Your Majesty.

"My body is fine.

Li Shimin said directly: "I just don't want to go to court, I don't want to see the envoy of the Tubo mission.

"You know why I don't want to see the people from the Tibetan mission

This is going to be straight to the point! Changsun Wuji's nerves immediately.

Tighten, and handle with care.

Since Li Shimin is straight to the point, he is not prepared to pretend to be confused.

"Your Majesty, but I don't want to talk about marriage.

"That's right!

Li Shimin immediately.

He took the words and said: "The ambitions of the Tibetan wolves are very obvious, what is the difference between being in harmony with them and seeking out skin with a tiger?

"There must be a battle between the Tang Dynasty and the Tubo!

"The battle to decide the fate of the nation!

"Auxiliary, you said that since we can see the future, what is the difference between sending my daughter there now and sending her to death?

There must be a war between the Tang Dynasty and Tubo! After hearing Li Shimin's words, Changsun Wuji knew that Li Shimin would not want to have a relationship with his relatives! He wanted to fight! They all chose to go to war. The eldest grandson Wuji looked at Li Shimin and said, "Your Majesty, it is not the right time to go to war with Tubo.

"After His Majesty came to the throne, destroyed the Turks, and recruited Yuhun, the Great Tang campaign never stopped.

"And the Tubo is different from the Turks and Tuyuhun. Once a long-term battle, the people of the Tang Dynasty are panicked, how can they recuperate?

The eldest grandson Wuji talked eloquently, pinpointing the disadvantages of the times, and pointing to the good prime minister of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Lizhi on the side listened very carefully and did not speak.

She didn't quite understand what she heard, but she felt that if she could remember these words, and then look for some side-by-side details, she might be able to chat with her for a long time when she sees Lin Hao in the future.

Li Lizhi couldn't figure it out either. Lin Hao looked lazy, but he was able to see things in the world. It seemed that everything could not escape his eyes.

Talking about this in front of Lin Hao.... Li Lizhi only listened with her head on, which made her very hurt, so she tried to improve herself in other places, so that she could show off in front of Lin Hao.

This is probably Li Lizhi's favorite thing to do.

Li Shimin was also listening to Changsun Wuji's coherent narrative, and the more he listened, the more satisfied he became.

"Talent is talent, but... Discord: I am of one mind!

The eldest grandson Wuji stood in the position of the aristocratic family, and what he did first was to consider the interests of the aristocratic family, which made Li Shimin a little unhappy.

This is my world! This is the world of the Tang Dynasty! The family can only be the vassal of the Tang Dynasty, not the leader! Because of the relationship of the Queen Changsun, Li Shimin cherishes the talents of the Changsun Wuji.

Only by doing things can the Tang Dynasty prosper rapidly.

Li Shimin was in a dilemma, and Changsun Wuji also finished what he thought.

"Your Majesty, the war with Tubo now is not beneficial to the Tang Dynasty. If we start a war, it may hinder the progress of the Tang Dynasty. I hope Your Majesty will think twice.

Every sentence is from the heart.

Changsun Wuji's talents also showed.

However, he ignored Lin Hao.

This one never played cards according to the rules, but he always had the last laugh watching his opponent grit his teeth.

Changsun Wuji stood on the opposite side of Lin Hao, with such a big enemy in front of him, how could he turn a blind eye?

Li Shimin said to himself, "Otherwise, they would not have sent an envoy to come and have a kiss.

". . .

I don't know who gave Li Shimin the courage to say these words with such certainty.

However, Zhangsun Wuji shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, they sent an envoy to marry the relatives, and the purpose is to spy on the truth of the Tang Dynasty, but they can't fight the enemy and dare not fight because of this.

"Soldiers, the great event of the country!

"Without [-]% certainty, starting a war is of no benefit to the Tang Dynasty.

Your Majesty is a person who knows soldiers, and I know more about these things than I do.

Haha!" Speaking of military affairs, I do know better.

Li Shimin squinted his eyes, and his eyes flickered, as if he was recalling the past, or because Zhangsun Wuji praised him, which made him satisfied.

"In war, there has never been a ten percent battle, and Tubo is not a strong enemy!

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