I don't know what to say, Cheng Chusi secretly pouted, but he didn't say anything.

As for what Lin Hao said, he didn't understand either, but just like what Lin Hao wanted to teach them, this was not for them to understand, but to plant the seeds in their hearts.

Later, they will understand...

On the way, Lin Hao only communicated with Cheng Chusi and Qin Huaidao, and did not communicate a second time.

And the scouts who were sent out had already arrived in Songzhou City, telling Song Changren there that Lin Hao was coming.

Lin Hao! He is the son of Feng who was in the front office where he used to be.

Because of Wu's single-handed promotion of Chang Ren to Songzhou Guard, Chang Ren was full of curiosity and expectation for Lin Hao.

With Wu Yong's tough subordinates, Lin Hao is definitely a strong man.

He didn't go out of the city ten miles to meet him, but just lined up under the city wall to welcome Lin Hao.

"So young!

Chang Ren's first reaction when he saw Lin Hao was...Lin Hao is so young.

The second reaction is... General Lin's legacy, someone can inherit it! Lin Hao defeated the main force of Tuyuhun with [-] horses in Shanzhou. After Lin Hao entered Yizhou, the news spread all over Yizhou. corner of.

Chang Ren, as Lao Tzu's subordinate, naturally pays more attention to him.

"Duke Lin!

The permanent director salutes Lin Hao very respectfully.

Respect from the heart! "Hmm.

Lin Hao looked up and down when he saw Chang Ren.

He has a strong back, a bronze complexion, and his cheeks are as tough as a knife.

Coupled with Wu Yong's description of him, Lin Hao couldn't help but nodded.

Yes, it's a talent!" I came to Songzhou this time to fight against the Tibetans.

Lin Hao looked at Chang Ren and asked with a smile: "You asked to reorganize the Fengjun. I have already selected Yizhou people with lofty ideals to join them. Changren, are you interested in re-election to the Fengjun?

To be re-elected to the front army, it is bound to give up the current position of Songzhou defender.

For... Chang Ren, it's a demotion! But Chang Ren agreed without hesitation: "The last general is willing to be selected into the vanguard, starting from a pawn!

"General Chang is indeed a loyal and brave man.

Lin Hao couldn't help but think highly of Chang Ren, but he was also a wonderful person.

"Thinking of choosing a frontier army, it's not... Now, I have an important task for you.

Permanent face immediately.

Showing a dignified look, he salutes again and said to Lin Hao loudly: "Please give the commander of the task, we, the 372 soldiers in Songzhou, are willing to serve the commander!

"There are more than [-] soldiers in the area, and the task I gave you cannot be completed.

Lin Hao waved his hand, and the soldiers of the Selected Front Army walked out of a line, leading dozens of carriages to the front.

Lin Hao said to Chang Ren: "Here, there are ten carts of gold and silver treasures worth tens of millions of dollars. I want you to lead the people and soldiers of Songzhou City to build Songzhou into a solid fortress!

"Permanent, dare to answer

"How dare you not

Chang Ren agreed loudly, but after thinking for a while, he asked Lin Hao incomprehensibly: "Sir, why did you choose to build a large-scale construction project in Songzhou now?

"Could it be... Tubo wants to go to war with us

Impossible! Permanent staff immediately.

Get this idea out of your head.

The prime minister and the grand marshal of Tubo are all in Chang'an, unless they are crazy and don't care about the lives of Garqin Mausoleum and Ludongzan.

As one of the cities closest to Tubo in the Tang Dynasty, Songzhou has only one responsibility: to guard against Tubo.

Lin Hao is now building construction and strengthening the city in Songzhou City, which will trigger the sensitive nerves of Tubo.

Once the war begins... Songzhou will be the most important place to fight.

However, the Tibetan people's brains were broken. When Garqin Mausoleum and Lu Dongzan were in Chang'an, Chang Ren couldn't understand why Lin Hao did this.

Moreover, the Tibetan mission went to Chang'an this time, didn't it come to be with relatives? Lin Hao... A thought suddenly popped into Chang Ren's mind, but now he is a little sluggish, and he can't figure out what's inside.

"What I moved is... the sensitive nerves of Tubo!

Lin Hao didn't explain any further, but said to Chang Ren: "Soldiers, obeying orders is your duty!

"You just need to follow my orders and make Songzhou City a fortress that the enemy will never attack!


Chang Ren didn't know what Lin Hao was going to do, but Lin Hao said so, all he could do was obey orders.

Building Songzhou into an indestructible fortress, Chang Ren likes it very much.

And Lin Hao brought a lot of money, he will naturally go all out to follow Lin Hao's orders!... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 254 254: The Tubo King Who Can't Control the Military Veteran [Subscribe]

Songzhou City is like a fang, embedded in the territory of Tubo, and it has become the most critical place for the Tang Dynasty to attack Tubo.

Of course, Tubo also believed that Songzhou City was a battleground for military strategists.

By taking Songzhou City, they can occupy it and become the spearhead for attacking the Tang Dynasty.

But to this day, Songzhou City, coveted by Tubo for decades, is still firmly in the hands of the Tang Dynasty.

The Tibetans sent a mission to the Tang Dynasty to find out the truth of the Tang Dynasty. If possible, they would take Songzhou City as their own.

Even if the army is overwhelmed! However, when the Tubo mission went to Chang'an, the Tang Dynasty suddenly built a large-scale civil engineering project in Songzhou City.

Countless Tibetan news reports found that the people of the entire Songzhou City were mobilized, and countless giant boulders were manually transported to the city wall, and the city walls were full of people, and a solid city was slowly emerging.

This information was sent to the Tubo king Songtsan Gampo by the Tubo spies as quickly as possible.

The information has been given, how to do it depends on Songtsen Gampo's plan.

Seeing the thick stack of information in his hand, Songtsen Gampo felt that his forehead was a little tight.

What is Datang going to do? Have they already discovered their own plans and have already started preparing? What should Songtsen Gampo do? The first thing that Songtsen Gampo thought of was to call Ludongzan and Garqin Mausoleum to the palace and ask them Method.

But when he was about to shout, he suddenly thought.

Garqin Mausoleum and Ludongzan were not here at all, they went to Chang'an.

Originally, Songtsen Gampo didn't want the two of them to go together, but Lu Dongzan said...: "Zangpu, in order to show our sincerity to the Tang Kingdom, it's more appropriate for the two of us to go, so as to confuse the eyes of Chang'an people.

The analysis is correct, but the reality has given Songtsen Gampo a blow.

Datang's reaction was completely the opposite of what they analyzed.

Not only is there action, but the action is huge.

Reconstruction of Songzhou City, it is clear that it is...for the Tibetans! "No, we must save the Prime Minister and the Grand Marshal!

Without any hesitation, Songtsen Gampo wrote a letter and took it to Chang'an, asking Ludongzan and Garqin Mausoleum to return quickly.

If they really fight, the two of them will not be able to return to Tibet! Songtsan Gampo's approach is right, but he forgot one point, Galqin Mausoleum is the general marshal of Tubo! The military power of Tubo is basically controlled by Galqin In Ling's hands, important positions in the army are all his cronies.

Songtsen Gampo also knew that Garqin Mausoleum was loyal and did not interfere with his command of the army.

But now that the Tang Dynasty is building construction in Songzhou City, and the news of the fortification of the city has spread to Tubo, the first person who can't sit still is... the general of the army promoted by Galqin Mausoleum.

They were worried about the marshal's safety, but they came to the palace without a brain, and asked Songtsen Gampo to quickly order the transfer of troops, besiege Songzhou City, and force the Tang Dynasty to return the Garqin Mausoleum.

In the eyes of this group of Tubo generals, if there is such a movement in the Tang Dynasty, it is very likely that the Garqin Mausoleum has been brought under control.

The only way to save Garqin Mausoleum is to attack the Tang Dynasty.

". . .

Songtsen Gampo was stunned when he heard the generals' requests.

How mindless they are to attack the Tang Dynasty at this time. This is not life-saving, but harmful! But the generals present did not realize that every word you said and I asked Songtsen Gampo to send troops.

Songtsen Gampo's head exploded when he heard it.

"Shut up all!

No way, Songtsen Gampo could only shut them up.

After the hall was a little quiet, he calmly said to everyone: "Generals, I have sent our Tibetan spies to Chang'an with my handwritten letter. What is the current situation of the Prime Minister and the Grand Marshal? It's clear, don't be impatient

"Furthermore, when the Tang Dynasty repaired the city, maybe it was only aware of our plan, and had no plans to attack Tubo.

"What is their plan, how does Zamp know

One of the generals was full of flesh and stood in front of him like a mountain of meat: "The businessman who returned from Songzhou City said that the Governor of Yizhou has arrived in Songzhou City, and he has also brought an army of more than ten thousand people!

"The name of this army is the Chosen Front Army!

"It was re-established by Lin Hao, the son of Lin Feng, the governor of Yizhou!

"Choose the Frontier Army! Which one of the present has never heard of it?

"Datang is......he came to us specifically, and sooner or later we have to fight a battle, why don't we take this opportunity to defeat Datang and rescue the commander!

"Defeat Tang! Rescue the handsome!

"Defeat Tang! Rescue the handsome!

The other generals echoed one by one, and Songtsan Gampo's brain was all noisy.

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