
Li Shimin gave a faint 'um', then got up and picked up the... paintings and looked at them one by one.

Li Shimin, Princess of Jincheng and Princess of Xiangya, doesn't care about the existence of other princesses.

No, no, no... No! It's Princess Changle! Li Shimin couldn't help but narrow his eyes. After he saw Li Lizhi's portrait, he immediately.

Pull it out.

He took out the portrait of Li Lizhi and questioned the officials of the Code Office: "Why does the portrait of Princess Changle appear here?

"why not

Hearing Li Shimin's words, the officials of the Codex Office immediately thought.

Asked back.

But he didn't dare to say so, he pondered deeply, and said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, Princess Changle is the most suitable one among many princesses, no matter...

Whether it is age or bearing is the best choice, the minister is also thinking of writing a letter to His Majesty, and sending Princess Changle to Tibet is the best way to......show me the style of the Tang Dynasty!


Li Shimin said two words without hesitation.

What a fart! When did the majestic Tang Dynasty's demeanor be shown by a woman? Also, don't the officials of the Code Office know what is the purpose of the Tubo mission to Chang'an this time? Well, it's all bullshit! There must be a war between Tubo and Datang! However, can this be said directly? No! The delicate relationship between Datang and Tubo can only be understood and cannot be described in words, and if you say it, you will be caught by the other party. Hold the handle.

Seeing Li Shimin's very angry expression, the officials of the Code Office seemed to have no idea what was going on, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with his choice.

"Your Majesty, what's the problem?

What's the problem? It's a big problem! Li Shimin looked at each other angrily, his teeth were about to bite.

He thought of what Li Lizhi had said to him again.

This time Tubo came to have a kiss, among them! And Li Lizhi is... the key to it.

It stands to reason that Li Lizhi will not be on the list.

When Lin Hao came to Chang'an and won the champion of civil and military affairs, Li Shimin wanted to recruit him as his concubine, and that...the princess was...Li Lizhi.

The officials of the Tang Dynasty were all aware of this matter, although Lin Hao left Chang'an directly after finishing the examination, and did not go to see Li Shimin, the marriage would not be granted.

However, the marriage of Lin Hao is not over yet! Why is Li Lizhi still on the list of relatives in Tubo and someone is making trouble! And this troublemaker is most likely the eldest grandson Wuji! I can't get rid of it! The more I thought about Li Shimin's face, the more gloomy it became. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said: "I promised Li Zhi that I would not let her be with her again. I don't want to see my daughter suffer in a bitter and cold place in Tubo.


The official's response was very calm: "I think that your Majesty's thoughts and considerations are not a problem. If you go to Tubo, the princess will be the princess. Even if Tubo is a bitter and cold place, it will not neglect the princess.

"Besides, behind the princess is our Tang Dynasty, and His Majesty supports her.

How can the Tubo people neglect Her Royal Highness Princess?

To put it bluntly, anyway... we have already put Princess Changle on the list of candidates to be in harmony with Tubo.

Your Majesty's promise is His Majesty's, and has nothing to do with the Codex.

You go and explain to your daughter yourself.

This is a typical act of disrespecting Li Shimin, but nothing could be picked up by the officials of the Codex Office.

Because no one has ever been to Tibet, I don't know what life in Tibet is like.

Anyway... in the eyes of the people of the Tang Dynasty, except... the Tang Dynasty, other places are places of bitter cold.

But Tubo is much better than other bitter and cold places.

If you are afraid that the princess will suffer, it would be better if you give more dowry.

Li Shimin clenched his teeth and was helpless.

The officials of the Office of Merchants acted in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Rites, and the regulations of the Ministry of Rites were reported to Li Shimin for review, and they were implemented after they were approved.

But now, Li Shimin is obviously shooting himself in the foot.

At that time, I never thought that such a thing would happen! Li Shimin's face was gloomy and uncertain, and the officials of the Office of the Coders also realized that Li Shimin loved his daughter and didn't want her to marry the Tubo, so he didn't say anything.

"Your Majesty asks, I will try my best. After I go back, I will discuss with the adults of Honglu Temple and the Ministry of Rites, and then I will inform Your Majesty about the results.

This is also telling Li Shimin that letting your daughter marry Tubo is not something that I, a little official of the guest office, can solve.

The adults of Honglu Temple and the Ministry of Rites, they nodded their heads and said that they would not marry Princess Changle, and I have absolutely nothing to say.

Li Shimin had no choice but to wave his hand to let the official of the Code Office leave.

But in the little book in his heart, there was a note for him.

In front of the emperor, he was as slick as a loach, and he also picked things that Li Shimin was not happy with. How could Li Shimin not write an account for him and take revenge for a gentleman, not too late in ten years.

This official of the Court! It's over! However, after Li Shimin got angry, he couldn't help but think about how to solve the problem of Li Li's incompatibility.

It is impossible for Li Lizhi to have a kiss. She belongs to Lin Hao! Li Shimin knows that Lin Hao likes Li Li, the daughter of a wealthy businessman in Chang'an.

In Lin Hao's understanding, Li Li is not Li Lizhi, they are just good friends.

But... Li Li is... Li Lizhi! Only this stinky boy, Lin Hao, doesn't know! Lin Hao has the talent of the theodolite, and Li Shimin's daughter married him because of their love.

In this case, how can Li Lizhi be allowed to marry the Tubo! It is absolutely impossible to let Li Lizhi go to Tubo! Think of a way... But Li Shimin can't think of a way! He is the emperor, but the court is not his one word! Otherwise, the family wouldn't be able to calculate like this! The more he thought about it, the more Li Shimin's thinking fell into a strange circle, and the more he couldn't think of a solution.

The more you can't think of a solution, the more anxious you are!" Is there no solution?

When Li Shimin was thinking about it, he felt as if he had forgotten something.

After a little thought, Li Shimin's eyes immediately.

lit up.

That's right! How could I forget Lin Hao, this stinky brat? Since he guessed that this problem would arise, doesn't he have a solution? If there is a solution, doesn't Li Lizhi need to go to Tibet... Fei Lu reminded You: Three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 247 247: When the salted fish is full, the system will reward again 【Subscription】

When Li Shimin thought of Lin Hao, he guessed that he had a solution! He didn't hesitate, and immediately.

Ask Liu An next to him to find Qin Huaidao and Cheng Chusi, while he sits on a chair and writes a letter to Lin Hao.

In the tone of "Old Li", a wealthy businessman in Chang'an, on behalf of Li Shimin, he asked Lin Hao how to solve the problem.

As for Lin Hao's solution, Li Shimin only needs to follow the one-word policy.

One word: Procrastinate! Until Lin Hao replies to him...! Qin Huaidao and Cheng Chusi are Li Lizhi's bodyguards, and their fathers are Qin Shubao and Cheng Yaojin, so Li Shimin can naturally trust them both.

When the two arrived at the palace, Li Shimin sealed the written letter, sealed it with lacquer, and handed it to the two: "You two, go to Yizhou and say it's a letter from Chang'an Lao Li to him.

When he said the words "Chang'an Lao Li", Li Shimin also deliberately emphasized his tone, for fear that the two would miss the point.


Qin Huaidao and Cheng Chusi responded in unison, and then they looked at each other, not immediately.


He stood there awkwardly, not opening his mouth.

Li Shimin couldn't help but be curious, looked at the two and asked, "You two, what else is there?


Qin Huaidao and Cheng Chusi answered in unison.

Li Shimin waved his hand and said, "Tell me one by one.

"It's the same thing for both of us.

Qin Huaidao said: "Your Majesty, the two of us went to Yizhou and wanted to come back during that time. This letter...  

Stay for a while and then come back! If you send the letter, you don't want to come back. Whoever sent the letter back to me is so attractive to you. However, Li Shimin still asked: "Why do you want to stay in Naiyi? Is there anything in the state that appeals to you?


For... Li Shimin, Qin Huaidao and Cheng Chusi did not hide anything.

"Lin Hao's father, Governor Lin Feng, once had an army called the Xuanfeng Army, which was full of brave men. Later, his father died in battle and the Xuanfeng Army was disbanded. Now Lin Hao wants to reorganize the Xuanfeng Army.

"Speaking of this...how can your Majesty not know what history does?

Cheng Chusi felt that Qin Huaidao was talking nonsense and was too rambunctious to talk about the main point.

"I'll say it!

Cheng Chusi cut to the chase and said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, Lin Hao has reorganized the Chosen Front Army to build it into a force of steel that can't be dragged down or smashed! The mighty teacher!

"I accompanied the princess to the military camp before, and I happened to see his strange training method. The kid is envious of this, so I want to learn some innovative tactics with Lin Hao, and I hope your majesty's permission.

Lin Hao understands the military.

Otherwise, he would not have used the Shan people to defeat Tuyuhun's [-] main force.

And now Lin Hao's innovative tactics are obviously for the purpose of building a strong army.

Qin Huaidao and Cheng Chusi were the generals, and they were very enthusiastic about...the barracks. Lin Hao's innovative military rules made them very fascinated. Naturally, they wanted to stay in the barracks to learn their skills.

When Li Shimin heard this, this is also a serious matter.

Both are the sons of old friends and Li Lizhi's valet. Now they are asking to learn something, how could Li Shimin not think about their future, "Okay, let's go.

Li Shimin did not forcibly block, but waved his hand and said to the two of them: "I'll ask Liu An to run with you, and then let him send the letter back, you two will stay and learn something, right.

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