If Wu Yong was here, he would definitely shake his head and sigh when he saw Zhong Yao leaving happily.

This old official is still too tender in front of Lin Hao.

Is Lin Hao's holiday so good? If you don't return it twice, then it won't be Lin Hao!... Songzhou, on the west city wall.

"Chengdu of Wuzhou, the Tubo barbarians are very ruthless, if they attack the city, the men, women and children in the city will be poisoned by them, and you must never go to war with the barbarians!

The defender of Songzhou City was really unsteady when he saw the barbarian soldiers, but now, when arguing with Wu Yong, he spoke very neatly.

He insisted on persuading Wu Yong to open the city gate and let the Tubo barbarians enter.

And he also plausibly said: "Anyway... They are envoys, not a real war, let them enter the city, and then serve them well, and send them out of the country!

". . .

Before he could say the next words, Wu Ying, who couldn't listen any longer, kicked him to the ground.

Wu Yong was only a civil official, and his strength was not enough to kick down a general, but the general had just been intimidated by the Tubo barbarians using a siege method, and turned into a bonehead, and he still hasn't reacted.

Just like that, Wu Yong kicked him to the ground with a kick mixed with anger.

You are a little annoyed that you dare to kick my guard, but Wu Yong is more annoyed than him! Songzhou City is the most important city at the junction of Tubo and Datang. Not brave enough, but also steadfast.

How can such a bastard and waste be the guardian of Songzhou City! "It's really a shame and shame that the gate of the Tang Dynasty is guarded by such a bastard as you.


Wu Yong turned around, took out his sword from the hands of his personal soldiers, pointed it directly at him, and said, "There is no reason why I open the gates of the Tang Dynasty because of the ferocity of the enemy.

Being pointed at by the sharp sword, just now Wu Yong was angry and kicked his guard, the expression on his face instantly changed: fear, looking at the angry Wu Yong, it was like he was really going to cut him.

Before he could say the words of begging for mercy, his whole body was jolted and wet on the ground.

Scared to pee! Wu Yong lowered his head and saw the gradually opening water trails on the ground, and the rest of his eyes were full of disgust! "Kill you, dirty the swords of the commander's personal soldiers!

When Wu Yong killed him, he felt that he was wasting his strength.

He said coldly: "Where is the courageous man in Songzhou?

"Take him down and escort him to await trial!

You don't need to use your own soldiers, just use the soldiers of Songzhou City! Wu Yong doesn't believe that the huge Songzhou City doesn't even have a bloody man! "I'm coming!

An eight-foot tall man with long beard and under his jaw walked over, grabbed the guard's hair, and dragged it to the bottom of the tower.

After abolishing the Songzhou garrison in one fell swoop, Wu Yong, a scholar, became an image in the Songzhou sergeant's heart.

This literati has courage! Wu Yong returned the sword to his personal soldiers, then glanced at the Songzhou soldiers on the city wall, and shouted with all his strength: "From now on, the city of Songzhou will enter a wartime state, and the Tubo barbarians dare to enter and kill them. No pardon!

Killing words, the words are murderous! Wu Yong did not miss the opportunity to publicize Lin Hao. After shaking the Songzhou defenders, he continued to shout at the top of his voice: "Now, the governor of Yizhou is Lin Hao!

"He is the eldest son of the former governor Lin Feng, Lord Lin died for the country's gatekeeper, and died on Mount Tai!

"The succession of Governor Lin Hao is the long-cherished wish of the father, and he will never do anything to flatter the Tubo!

"Yizhou, the land of abundance, we, Yizhou Erlang, should coexist with it!

"Dare to fight

Lin Feng's name is a hero in the hearts of the people of Yizhou! Lin Hao is the righteous law of the country, and I have heard of it! "Why don't you dare?

The big bearded man who went down and threw the soft-footed shrimp guards walked up to the city gate, and answered Wu Yong's words in a loud voice: "I, Yizhou Erlang, is a hero who stands up to the sky, and if the Tubo dares to come, I will make them come and go!

After he finished speaking, the bearded man with red eyes, knelt on one knee, clasped his fists with both hands and said, "I am the permanent captain of the Xianfeng Army under the command of the former governor of Yizhou, and I swear to guard Songzhou City!

If there is the first one, there will be the second one! Another soldier knelt on one knee with a long spear, and said in a loud voice: "I am Zhang San, a soldier of the front army selected by the former governor of Yizhou, and I swear to guard Songzhou City to the death. !

"I... I am Wang Mantun, a native of Songzhou, and I swear to guard Songzhou City!


More and more hot-blooded men called out their names and made vows! The voices sounded, and Wu Yong was also very excited! The harmony and vigor! Burning pain, but at this time he can't care so much.

He continued to shout at the top of his voice: "I am Wu Yong, the prime minister of Yizhou, and I would like to guard Songzhou City together with Yizhou Erlang!

The mere three thousand Tubo barbarians, in front of the Songzhou soldiers who are united in their will, are nothing but local chickens! "The situation is urgent, permanent, I order you to be the Songzhou garrison and guard the Songzhou city!

Wu Yong lowered his voice, looked at Chang Ren and said, "Dare to answer?


Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 233 233: General Lin's soldiers, request to fight 【Subscription】

The army, the sharp blade of the country! The blade is sharp, and it will kill the enemy when it comes out! Choose the brave in the army, and choose the front! In this case, the strategy to retreat from the enemy! "Why dare not

Chang Ren raised his head and looked at Wu Yong with sharp eyes: "I only have one request!


"Please report to the governor of Ming Xiaolin to reorganize the electorate army!

Chosen Fengjun, Yizhou was once the strongest army, under the command of Lin Feng, defeated the Tubo barbarians several times.

Lin Feng died in battle, and the Xianfeng Army was dismembered.

Now, Lin Hao has succeeded Lin Feng as the Grand Governor, so that the officers and men of the Selected Front Army can see the hope of reorganizing the Selected Front Army.

Those who choose the vanguard are dead and alive! Such a strong army must be reorganized! But this is the most important thing, and Wu Yong can't decide.

"I will report this matter to the Great Governor, and he will make everything up to him!

Wu Yong looked at Chang Ren and said, "Now, we must protect Songzhou well, and if the Tubo barbarians dare to take a step, they will be killed!


Chang Ren raised his right hand and slapped his heart: "Those who dare to approach Songzhou will be killed without mercy!

"Those who dare to approach Songzhou will be killed without mercy!

"Dare to approach...

At the top of the city, the soldiers all swore an oath, resounding through the sky.

outside the city.

Garqin Mausoleum also heard the sound from the city wall of Songzhou.

Lu Dongzan also heard it, he smiled slightly and looked at Galqin Mausoleum: "Grand Marshal, the people of Songzhou City, I'm afraid they won't accept you!

"When I marched eastward, they were taken.

Garqin Mausoleum was still full of confidence, and asked Lu Dongzan: "Is it still the Wang family who is in charge of Yizhou?

It means that the Wang Shi, who had dealt with him originally, did not have such courage.

Replacement! Lin Hao, with the power of thunder, swept away the influence of the Taiyuan Wang family in Yizhou, and forced the family to control Yizhou.

The news was too sudden, and the Tubo spy in Yizhou sent the news, and Lu Dongzan did not have time to deal with it.

Facing the inquiry from Garqin Mausoleum, Lu Dongzan shook his head: "The situation is unknown for the time being, otherwise, I will send someone to inquire about it first.

"Just ask anyone.

Garqin Mausoleum did not take it seriously.

In his opinion, the Tibetans are stronger now than they were back then, and even if Yizhou changes people, they will not be able to stop their iron cavalry.

The news came out quickly, Lu Dongzan glanced at the news he got, his expression was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a playful and playful smile.

He asked the Garqin Mausoleum mysteriously and mysteriously to see Lu Dongzan with a mocking tone, and Garqin Mausoleum also mentioned: "Who is it?

Lu Dongzan said with a smile: "Lin Hao, son of former Yi Governor Lin Feng!

Then, Lu Dongzan told the information from the intelligence to Galqin Mausoleum, and told him who the current owner of Yizhou was, and then said with a smile: "It's really interesting, yes, here comes a small one:.

The latter words, even if Lu Dongzan did not say it, Garqin Mausoleum could understand what it meant.

Garqin Ling was stunned for a moment, then instinctively ignored it.

When I can't beat me, what can my son do? Garqin Ling looked up at Lu Dongzan with a playful look on his face, and said, "Prime Minister, I heard that you once traveled to Tang country and said that the family The strongest in Tang

Lu Dongzan nodded and said, "Exactly!

"Yizhou is a land of abundance, both us and Tang know the importance of this land.

A gleam of light flashed in Gal Qinling's eyes and said, "The family is so powerful in Tang, how could they sit and watch Lin Hao take charge of Yizhou?

Hearing this, Lu Dongzan was stunned.

Immediately, he also quickly understood the meaning of Garqin Mausoleum.

He frowned slightly and said, "The Grand Marshal means that even if we don't fight Lin Hao, the Tang family will not let Lin Hao go.

Garqin Ling did not continue to talk, and Lu Dongzan also felt that his analysis was correct.

The family is an insurmountable mountain in the Tang Dynasty.

Lin Hao is alone, how can he compete with the deep-rooted aristocratic family? Maybe, it doesn't wait: Tubo shot, the aristocratic family has already found an opportunity to pull Lin Hao off his horse.

As long as the aristocratic family is in charge of Yizhou again, then Yizhou will not be the same for Tubo to ask for it. In Lu Dongzan's view, the family is not easy to bully.

The aristocratic family does not seek merit but seeks no fault, as long as they don't make trouble on the family's site, money and those things can be given away, as long as they don't make trouble.

Besides, the money comes from the Tang treasury, not from the family's own money bag, so they don't care how much money they spend.

"and also.

When Lu Dongzan was thinking about it, Garqin Ling said again: "The current guard of Songzhou is Lin Hao's. We are the Tubo mission, and we came to make a good relationship with Tang and Qin, but the guard of Songzhou is not. Don't let us enter the city, aren't they destroying the friendship between the two countries?


Lu Dongzan smiled brightly, but he didn't expect Garqin Mausoleum to be...

Lu Dongzan said with a smile: "We tell Chang'an about this, and the family will naturally seize this opportunity to attack Lin Hao.

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