Murong Fuyun's son, Dayan Mangbojie, the prince of Tuyuhun, fled to Tibet, and his leader was accommodated by Songtsen Gampo.

The power of Tubo was further strengthened.

It is precisely because of this expansion that Songtsan Gampo has the ambition and idea to compete with the Tang Dynasty.

Tubo is located on a plateau, barren and has a small living space. It is natural to be fascinated by the legendary flowery world of the Tang Dynasty.

At this time, there were more than [-] people in control of Tubo's domestic strings. Once the war with the Tang Dynasty broke out, they could use [-] troops! Together with the [-] people brought by Prince Tuyuhun, the Tubo army could use [-] troops. The war with the Tang Dynasty is full of success expectations.

This time, the Tubo sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty to make a request for a marriage. One is to covet the Tang women, and the other is to take this opportunity to find out the truth of the Tang Dynasty.

Ludongzan and Galqin Mausoleum could have taken Tuyuhun via the Hetao Corridor through Liangzhou to Chang'an, but Galqin Mausoleum proposed to go from Yizhou to Chang'an.

Regarding... the request of Garqin Mausoleum, Lu Dongzan agreed without thinking.

The rise of Tubo was largely due to the Battle of Yizhou.

Lin Feng was killed in battle, and Yizhou was in chaos. Tubo took this opportunity to obtain a lot of resources, allowing Tubo to take a big step in development.

Now, Garqin Mausoleum is already the military marshal of Tubo, unless it is a battle of national destiny, he does not need to participate in ordinary wars.

The Battle of Yizhou was the most proud battle of Garqin Mausoleum. Now that there is a chance to revisit the old place, no one will refute this good intention.

Garqin Ling was riding on a horse, looked at Lu Dongzan, and said arrogantly, "Prime Minister, do you know?

"Except... very few people from the Tang Dynasty are tough guys, and most people from the Tang Dynasty are weak!

Immediately afterwards, he slowly said to Lu Dongzan: "I fought against Lin Feng, the governor of Yizhou, and Sergeant Tang relied on Lin Feng's tenacity and bravery to form a single rope.

"Later Lin Feng died, and he was replaced by an aristocratic family surnamed Wang to manage Yizhou, his fighting power is not worth mentioning!

"Ha ha ha ha!

Hearing the words of Gal Qinling, Lu Dongzan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

He gave a thumbs up to Garqin Mausoleum and said, "In those days, if it wasn't for the noble family, we wouldn't have been able to obtain such great benefits from Yizhou.

"At the end of the day, we have to thank them.

There are more soft-footed shrimps in Tang Dynasty, which is a great good thing for Tubo.


Garqin Ling also said with emotion: "Who knows that if you don't fight, you will get more than a wok if you fight, and if this is the case, who will fight!

After speaking, Lu Dongzan and Garqin Ling burst into laughter together, and their laughter was full of pride! As if, in their eyes, the Tang Dynasty was just a chicken and a dog! Then, he said to Lu Dongzan: "Prime Minister, how about I make a bet with you?

Lu Dongzan was very happy, naturally he would not refuse the invitation to bet on...

"Wait a minute: we arrived at the place where the Great Tang City appeared, how about the general defending the city?

Garqin Ling said: "Let's see if the current Tang guard is a jerk!


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Chapter 230 230: The literati also have the heart of military commanders, and the prime minister of this state is with the city 【Subscription】

Lu Dongzan was very interested in Galqin Lingti's 'bet'! Since Galqin Ling said so, then the choice of Galqin Ling must have been that the guards in the Tang city were weak.

Lu Dongzan then said, "What if not?

"Then make him a jerk!

Garqin Ling seems to have absolute confidence in himself, and Lu Dongzan felt that since he won the battle of Yizhou, he has become what he is now.

However, since he is the marshal of Tubo, he should have such self-confidence! "Okay, I'll bet with you!

Lu Dongzan seemed to have thought of something very interesting, and said to Gal Qinling: "If you win, I will help you get a princess from Tang.

"If I win...

"I'll bring you ten princesses from the Tang Kingdom!

Garqin Mausoleum patted his chest and said.

After Gal Qinling paused for a while, he said icy coldly: "Tang country let me lose the bet with the Prime Minister, then they will bear the anger after my loss!

In the language of Garqin Ling, domineering is revealed everywhere, as if suffering from a disease that will lead to death if not domineering.


In this way, the two envoys of the Tubo Mission, the two envoys, smiled recklessly...

On the other hand, Lin Hao got his wish and moved from home to the government office.

Resting all day, no one cares about him, the growth rate of the salted fish time becomes faster again.

The Tibetan embassy passed through Yizhou, and they must have come here to make a fool of themselves. If there is no trouble, it will not be the Tibetan embassy.

Even so, Lin Hao did not leave the government office and went to Songzhou, the only way for the Tibetan mission.

Don't argue with a fool. Before the decisive battle, the provocation by the Tibetan mission was nothing but foolish behavior in Lin Hao's view.

Besides, with Wu Yong in Songzhou, Lin Hao believed that the Tibetan mission would not be able to make any waves.

If even the Tubo embassy cannot surrender, Wu Yong is not worthy of being the prefect of Yizhou! Of course, Lin Hao did not go to Songzhou for another reason, and it is also the most important reason.

He wants to defeat the Tibetans in an upright manner on the battlefield.

This time, when the Tubo mission came to Chang'an, the deputy was the tomb of Galqin who fought against Lin Feng.

When Garqin Ling dared to come to Yizhou, Lin Hao had [-] ways to make him die.

As long as he died, the war between Tubo and Tang Dynasty would be delayed for a long time, and Lin Hao would have more time to prepare for the war.

However, Lin Hao was not prepared to do so.

Since the grievances were left on the battlefield, they should be settled on the battlefield! Let the Tubo people clamor in Yizhou, and maybe let the 'ren and people' that Yizhou do not have, burst out again! ... Songzhou At this time, the people and food around Songzhou were brought into the city by Wu Yong before the Tubo people arrived.

The city gates on all sides of Songzhou City were closed, and Wu Yong appeared on the city wall where the Tubo embassy would appear according to the news from the scouts in the army.

After waiting for less than half an hour, Wu used the stool.

The mighty contingent of the Fan people had already appeared from afar.

Coming! Wu Yong was a little excited, and his fingers trembled slightly because of the excitement! Phew! "Don't be nervous, you decide the life and death of this city!

Wu Yong kept reminding himself in his heart.

"They are just Tubos, they are just barbarians. Back then, when I fought Tuyuhun with Lord Lin, it was not an easy and ordinary thing.

Now it's just defending the city, not attacking it.

What's more, the Tubo envoys came to be with relatives, not to fight.

Wu Yong kept adding chips to himself in his heart, and kept persuading himself.

Not long after... A group of people rushed out of the Tubo embassy on the opposite side and came to the city of Songzhou.

"People inside, listen!

"We are the diplomatic mission from Tubo to your Tang country, quickly open the city gate and welcome us in, if you don't take good care of it, you must look good!

Cut! Who are you frightening! Wu Yong followed Lin Hao, and he had never seen a mission with less than [-] people watching the opposing team.

At this moment, Wu Yong just wanted to say one sentence: "I have seen an army of [-] people, but I'm afraid of you with only [-] people." "I am Wu Yong, the prefect of Yizhou Prefecture in the Tang Dynasty, and I am patrolling in Songzhou.

Wu Yong was not afraid to announce his name, and then lightly replied back to what the Tubo cavalry had just said: "I am an official of the Tang Dynasty, whether the city gate is open or not, I only follow the orders of my superiors.

"Furthermore, the road map for the Tibetan mission issued by the imperial court did not plan that Songzhou would be a place for you to stop and rest, so you will never open the door!

"In addition, I advise you to leave Songzhou as soon as possible, if we find out that you have destructive actions against the Tang Dynasty, we will deal with you in accordance with the national law of the Tang Dynasty!

When speaking, Wu Yong was very nervous, but as he spit out word by word, his nervousness calmed down, replaced by contempt for Tubo.

The mere barbarians are also worthy of showing off their power in front of the Great Tang city. At this time, Wu Yong finally realized where Lin Hao's contempt for barbarians came from.

Confidence! The blood flowing from the bottom of my heart has also been produced in the backbone of this land that has gradually hardened over time.

Not to mention that there are only three thousand people in front of Songzhou City.

Even if there were [-] or [-] people, Wu Yong would not have the slightest fear.

This time, the people who came to Datang with the Garqin Tomb were the Tubo barbarians who had participated in the Battle of Yizhou with the Garqin Tomb.

When they heard Wu Yong's words, they were angry at the time.

Those who have been defeated once dared to open their mouths to say no, "Little Zhou Cheng, dare to speak madly.

The Tubo savage soldiers rode on horses and pointed at Wu Yong on the city wall: "Hurry up and open the city gate, neglect the mission, and be careful to make the whole city restless!

Let my whole city not be at peace! What a big breath! Wu Yong glanced at the shivering Songzhou defender beside him, and couldn't help snorting coldly.

What a waste! One soldier is roaring, and one will be roaring.

Wang Chang is a useless person, and the people below are also trash! How can such a person guard such an important city as Songzhou, and Wu Yong directly sentenced the Songzhou guard to death in his heart, and this kind of person will never be used again in the future.

He stuck his head out from the top of the city and shouted loudly at the Tubo barbarians below: "Listen to me, too, leave Songzhou City quickly, and if you dare to approach, I will go up and down Songzhou City with hostility. Of!

If you dare to approach, you will die! And the Songzhou defender, after Wu Yong's voice fell, his heart tightened suddenly, the waist knife between his hips, he didn't dare to hold it firmly, and he was hung on the ground with a bang.


From the bottom of his heart, Wu Yong despised this... Songzhou defender.

The guards were unreliable, and Wu Yong had to do it himself. As a literati, he shouted loudly: "Archer, the savage soldiers under the city will not retreat, kill without mercy!

Kill! To deal with these... idiots, you don't need to be polite at all.

Only than ruthless, they are ruthless, only more ruthless than them, more cruel.

Only by frightening them, subduing them, and making them feel fearful in their hearts, can they gain their respect!... Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 23 23: If the princess is not here, I will attack! 【For subscription】

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