The others had already kept him away, as if they were afraid of contaminating the bad luck of his royal family! Looking at the closed gate of the palace in front of him, Wang Baxian clenched his fists.

Lin Hao must be brought down today, otherwise the Taiyuan Wang family will never recover! The family seems to be monolithic, but only when you are in it can you understand that the family is only monolithic in the eyes of outsiders. Bloody! Taiyuan Wang's original surname Ji, after Wang Yun of the Eastern Han Dynasty, once became famous.

Li Yuan started his army from Taiyuan, and it was with the help of the Wang family.

The king's family in the world came out of Taiyuan, this is true! If Li Shimin dared to turn his face and deny his identity, and be ungrateful for a little Lin Hao, Wang Baxian would not mind giving up everything, and on the main hall, he rebuked Li Shimin for being ungrateful and ungrateful.

"Xuan, King Baxian of Taiyuan, see you!

While Wang Baxian was thinking wildly, the sound of a drake from the yellow door singing at the entrance of the main hall disrupted his thoughts.

Wang Baxian raised his hands for a while, tucked his cuffs, and clasped his hands up the stairs.

When Wang Ba first appeared in the hall, walking slowly to the front from the middle road of the civil and military officials, his eyes were already red.

He knelt down and bowed to Li Shimin, with a choked sob in his voice: "The king of the grass people in Taiyuan, Baxian, pay my respects to the emperor!

"It's really frightening for the grass-roots people to meet Tianyan in person.

The choked sobbing and the slight trembling in the words made Wang Baxian's instant impression of being an aggrieved commoner.

Li Shimin was unmoved.

If he didn't know the details of Wang Baxian, he might also be infected by Wang Baxian's emotions.

But what's the use of it? Li Shimin knew everything about his coming to the main hall, and he knew exactly what he wanted.

No matter how good the performance is, it is not enough to convince Li Shimin.

What's more, the person Wang Ba has to deal with first is Lin Hao, whom Li Shimin values! Thinking of Lin Hao's heart-breaking scene when he and Erniang were fighting each other for the ground, Li Shimin couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. When he glanced at Zhangsun Wuji, Wang Baxian, Lu Shu, Chu Suiliang and others, there was already a faint frost in his eyes.

It's all of you, so my love will lose my brother! It's all of you, so my love will not be able to face the second mother who loves him! Wronged bullshit! The more he thought about it, the more angry Li Shimin felt in his heart.

But... Li Shimin is a general who has experienced strong winds and waves, and is an emperor who was killed from the Xuanwu Gate change. The more angry he is in his heart, the calmer his face is.

Without any emotion in his eyes, he looked at Wang Baxian, who was acting, and said calmly without any tone of voice: "Patriarch Wang is the patriarch of the Wang family in Taiyuan.


Wang Baxian just wanted to speak, but Li Shimin didn't give him a chance to speak, and asked directly: "I heard that the head of the Wang family has grievances to report to me, then tell me, what grievances do you have.

Although I don't know what Li Shimin said before, but now Wang Ba has heard clearly what Li Shimin said.

Without thinking too much, Wang Baxian immediately.

He said: "Your Majesty, the people of the Caomin participate in Lin Hao, the governor of Yizhou, and the people's lives are sloppy, and they disregard the laws of the country.

"His younger brother Lin Wei made a mistake, but Lin Hao put the crime on my family, wantonly killing my family, and only went to Yizhou for a few days, Lin Hao has already made the people of Yizhou complain. The people are not kings

"I also ask your majesty to give justice to my clan, and give the people of Yizhou a bright future.

Disregarding the laws of the country, it is regarded as a conspiracy! Wang Baxian is the rhythm of directly killing Lin Hao! Lu Shu raised his head and glanced at Wang Baxian, and couldn't help shaking his head, it was too hasty.

Wang Baxian is also an idiot, doesn't he know that Lin Hao's eldest son Wuji is also looking at Li Shimin, he thinks he knows Li Shimin very well, but at this time he can't see Li Shimin's plan.

It stands to reason that Li Shimin should be very angry at Wang Baxian's accusation against Lin Hao in order to protect Lin Hao.

But why... Li Shimin seems to have nothing to do with himself, so calm... Lin Hao is no longer in Li Shimin's eyes, Changsun Wuji feels that some world events are unpredictable, and he simply stands there like a tortoise.

Because of Lin Hao, Changsun Wuji has suffered too many losses.

He is not a fool, and he will not blindly avoid hitting the south wall without turning back.

It's not too late to find out Li Shimin's mind before making plans! Zhangsun Wuji made up his mind, put his hands in his sleeves, pretended to be a tool man and stood in front of the officials, motionless.

"Lin Hao justified his brother and slandered your family, but every sentence is true.

Li Shimin asked an ambiguous question, and then continued to ask Wang Baxian: "If it's not true... ... Wang Family Master, do you know what the crime is for slandering the officials of the imperial court?

"The grass people know.

After Wang Baxian answered Li Shimin's question, he raised his head to look at Li Shimin, raised his right hand and raised three fingers to point to the sky: "I swear that everything I said is true, and there is no lie!

Li Shimin sat in the hall, and after hearing Wang Baxian's words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly for a moment, and then he replied: "Okay!

Well, Your Majesty laughed. Wang Baxian didn't think there was something wrong with his eyes. That was... His Majesty was also looking for Lin Hao's fault! Thinking of this, Wang Baxian suddenly became excited.

It seems that the relationship between Li Shimin and Lin Hao is not as strong as rumored by the outside world! If Li Shimin supports him and solves Lin Hao, then the Wang family's losses may be recovered, and to some extent... it can be regarded as restoring some vitality.

"Chu Suiliang.

Li Shimin called out Chu Suiliang.

Chu Suiliang was stunned for a moment, but he quickly walked out of the queue: "This minister is here.

"Do you think what the Wang family said is true?

Li Shimin asked, "Do you think that Lin Hao is a person who is ignorant of selfishness and blames others?

Hearing Li Shimin's question, Chu Suiliang was a little flustered.

Damn, this hot potato, why did you throw it to me to go to Lu Shu, Gao Shilian, and Changsun Wuji, what does it have to do with me? Chu Suiliang almost cried, why did he just stand out and be a standout? Well now, Li Shimin is thinking about it "Uh...

Although Chu Suiliang was annoyed that his behavior was too reckless, he was, after all, a person favored by the aristocratic family.

After a short period of panic, Chu Suiliang said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, I know very little about Lin Hao, and I don't know exactly who he is.

"But I think that the family of the Wang family was killed by Lin Hao, and he will not blame his family on him. The minister believes that no matter what...

Who, disregarding the laws of the country can be regarded as a rebellion. Lin Hao killed the people of the Wang family without His Majesty's permission. This move is no different from disregarding the laws of the country. I also ask Your Majesty to take the laws of the country first!

The ministers who followed Chu Suiliang heard that what Chu Suiliang said made sense, they also sang along with them and shouted: "Please, Your Majesty, put the law of the country first!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 22 22: The eldest grandson Wuji, why are you staring at me [Subscribe]

There are several meanings in Chu Suiliang's words! First, I, Chu Suiliang, don't know Lin Hao well. I don't know how to answer the question you asked me by Li Shimin.

Second, it is a fact that Lin Hao killed Wang Baxian's clan, there is no doubt about that.

Third, the punishment can't be done by a doctor. Since the Northern Wei Dynasty, 'Lu Cui Zheng Wang' has been... four surnames Gaomen.

Killing these four surnames must be reported to the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and he can do it only after the Emperor's permission.

Lin Hao did not report to Li Shimin, but directly killed half of the Wang clan.

Fourth, the above are the views expressed by Chu Suiliang on behalf of Wang Baxian, and have nothing to do with Chu Suiliang himself.

Fifth, Lin Hao killed his younger brother Lin Wei, didn't he take the national law as the most important thing? Today I attacked Lin Hao with the national law. You and Li Shimin can keep Lin Hao because of Chu Suiliang's answer. Let more people choose second opinion and side with Chu Suiliang.

These meanings, how could Li Shimin fail to understand that it was Lin Hao's fault? If you, Li Shimin, do not punish Lin Hao, you are...disregarding the laws of the country.

But killing Lin Hao is a victory for the family.

No matter what Li Shimin does to choose Ze Ze, he Li Shimin seems to be the loser.

Yangmou! Chu Suiliang accidentally used Yangmou to force Li Shimin to the point where he had to choose one or the other.

After Changsun Wuji and Lu Shu heard Chu Suiliang's words, they became calm.

What Chu Suiliang said was right, there was no need for them to come out.


Li Shimin seemed very surprised, he continued to ask Chu Suiliang: "Chu Aiqing, the governor of Yizhou has the power to kill, right?

"The Wang family is just an ordinary commoner. His brother Lin Hao made a mistake, but he blamed the common people. This sounds...isn't it too bizarre?

"Could it be that you, Chu Suiliang, have committed a crime, and you can take the blame by dragging a common man on the street?


Chu Suiliang was stunned by Li Shimin's strange logic, and he didn't know what to say.

Lu Shu next to him squinted at Chu Suiliang whose mouth opened and closed, and shook his head involuntarily.

This kid is still too tender! Li Shimin is just blurring the definition of common people and pulling apart the high contrast between Lin Hao and Wang, you Chu Suiliang don't know how to take the trick. Too tender, or too tender "What Your Majesty said is wrong!

Lu Shu succeeded Chu Suiliang and said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, there is no king in the world, and Yizhou, where Lin Hao is located, also belongs to Your Majesty.

"Even if he has the power of life and death, he can't...kill the commoners, this will damage His Majesty's reputation for loving the people like a son, and his prestige to control the world.

"If all the top officials in the frontier are like Lin Hao, and the power of life and death in the palm of your hand ignores the laws of the country, wouldn't this world be in chaos?

Like Lin Hao, Li Shimin snorted coldly in his heart, this old man Lu Shu really knows how to put gold on his face.

If all the officials in the world were like Lin Hao, Li Shimin would be more relieved! When Lu Shu saw Li Shimin sitting on the dragon chair without speaking, he felt complacent for the people.

Taking advantage of the victory, he continued: "Furthermore, the Wang family made great contributions to the establishment of the Tang Dynasty.

It is disrespectful to the Tang Dynasty that Lin Hao treats the fathers of the Tang Dynasty so cruelly!

"and many more.……!

Li Shimin stopped Lu Shu and asked, pretending not to know: "Taiyuan and Yizhou are far apart, what Dr. Lu said, the people who Lin Hao killed in Yizhou belonged to the Wang family in Taiyuan.

"How did they get to Yizhou?


You said, uncle, if Li Shimin was not the emperor, Lu Shu would point to his nose and scold you for pretending to be the Taiyuan Wang clan. It meant that Professor Lu still had to think about what Li Shimin meant by this, but some officials who had a good relationship with the Wang family couldn't help standing up and wanted to stand up for the Wang family.

"Your Majesty, the kings of Taiyuan are four surnames of Gaomen, and Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty personally named them, except... Your Majesty, no one can let them die, Your Majesty also...

The three words 'can't' were still not uttered after all.

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