Wu Ying's eyes lit up and said, "The imperial decree!

"Lord Lin, it was not after you took office, you were the governor of Yizhou and the governor of Yizhou.

It starts from the moment you accept the order, that's all.

"With that imperial decree, you can mobilize the soldiers of Yizhou Prefecture!

Lin Hao's eyes froze, he decisively took out the imperial decree and handed it to Qin Huaidao, the gourd.

He looked at Qin Huaidao and Cheng Chusi and said, "Trouble the two brothers to leave the city late at night and visit the Yizhou military barracks.

"Tomorrow at three o'clock, I want the Yizhou prefectural government and the ten wealthy merchants of the Wang family on the account book to be surrounded.

"Not even a fly can fly out!

As soon as Lin Hao's words fell, everyone was shocked! Master Lin's decision, is it... so fierce and domineering..., ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read, favorite, push

Chapter 23 23: The civil servants and military generals of the Tang Dynasty, the salary is really low [Subscribe]

"Miss Li, get up for breakfast!

"Master Wu, get up for breakfast!

"Master Li, get up for breakfast!



"Get up for breakfast, the old lady got up early to make breakfast for you!

Early in the morning, 卯 Shi has just passed.

If they were in Shanzhou City, they would definitely scold whoever came calling at this time.

It doesn't matter if you are an official, whether you are a king or Laozi.

Even if a wealthy woman like an immortal descended into the world, she would be scolded if she dared to call her so early.

Today, however, he has overcome his long-established biological clock that goes to bed early and wakes up late.

Crunch! Lin Hao's door opened, and a handsome young man in a third-grade official robe came out.

During the three-year period, Lin Hao was the fourth-grade Yizhou governor, and he was the third-grade Yizhou governor.

Therefore, when the imperial court issued imperial decrees and granted official robes, they used the official robe fabrics of officials of the third grade and above.

In the current era, the best fabric - purple cooked brocade! On the clothes, the three-clawed dragon is lifelike.

Right at the mouth of his heart, Jiaolong's eyes widened.

Invisibly, it gave officials a bit of prestige! "Master, this official robe is really handsome!

The maid Yun'er's eyes lit up.

Lin Hao smiled lightly and said, "You deserve to be the old lady's personal maid.

"The breakfast that my mother made for me, I have eaten all the grains left.

Humph! Not far away, Li Lizhi pouted and said, "Who are you!

"Even the old lady's maid laughed.

Immediately afterwards, Li Lizhi frowned again! Although Lin Hao was sloppy, he would never be vague when it was time to be serious.

He was so relaxed that he was about to start.

Thinking of this, Li Lizhi felt distressed again.

Only this time, it was not Lin Hao that she felt bad for, but the old lady Liu.

2:[-] a.m.! The family is having breakfast together.

Not only Lin Hao and Liu, but also Lin Wei, as well as the father-in-law in the old lady's heart, and the future son-in-law.

Yun'er, Leng Yue and Wu Yong were eating breakfast on the side.

Qin Huaidao and Cheng Chusi went out to run errands, and they didn't come, only the butler led eighteen guards to eat in the side hall.

In the main hall of the dining room! After breakfast, after the mouthwash was used up, Mrs. Liu walked up to Lin Hao.

She smiled kindly, straightening the official hat for Lin Hao, and tidying up the official robe for Lin Hao.

She smiled softly and said, "Hao'er, your father and mother, will be very proud to see you returning home in fine clothes, and seeing you as an official at home.

"Compared to when you left, is the ancestral hall better and newer?

Lin Hao grabbed Mrs. Liu's hand and said distressedly: "Second Mother, you can keep the money that my son brought back.

"Why do you spend so much money on building an ancestral hall!

"The ancestral hall is more important in my heart!

Liu Shi waved his hand and said, "Son, Erniang eats well, sleeps well and dresses well, so don't worry about it.

"This ancestral hall was redecorated by your second brother.

Cough cough! Cough cough cough! Lin Wei coughed several times, drank the smallest rice porridge, wiped his mouth, and hurriedly answered: "Mother, that's what a child should do.

"It's a trivial matter, what did you tell the big brother?

Liu Shi said happily: "There is nothing to say.

"Wei Er is also sensible, knowing that he will repair the ancestral hall when he makes money.

"Will gave me all the money he made.

Saying that, Mrs Liu looked at Yun'er and said, "Yun'er, go get a box of money and let Hao'er see it.

Keke! Kekekeke! Lin Wei coughed again, widened his eyes and said, "Mother, you can just hold the flower, why do you have to take it out!

"Yun'er, hurry up and get it!

Speaking, Liu Shi said with a condescending expression: "Both of them are so promising, shouldn't they show off?

"As a mother, you don't have to show off anything, you just want to show off that my son is promising.

Everyone present just smiled faintly, if it hadn't happened, they would have applauded.

They all understand that parents do not ask their children for anything in return.

To speak of return, that is, to make the children prosperous, to satisfy a little 'vanity'.

Just as Lin Hao's nine 9-student high schools were entrusted with important tasks by the imperial court, Lin Hao was happier than he was admitted to the top spot. I don't know how many times he was happier! Soon, a beautiful wooden box was taken out.

Liu Shi opened it and said happily: "This box is... a hundred silver Kaiyuan Tongbao big round coins!

"When decorating the ancestral hall, I brought back five boxes!

As soon as the words fell, Li Shimin was stunned! Li Lizhi was stunned, Leng Yue was stunned, and Wu Yong was also stunned! You must know that the money of the Tang Dynasty is called Kaiyuan Tongbao, all round money, divided into copper System, silver, gold.

The system of coins is 'first one hundred and then ten' system! One copper plate is called one penny, one hundred copper plates is called one coin, ten coins are equal to one silver, and ten silvers are equal to one gold.

You must know that silver coins are rarely circulated in the hands of the common people.

Most of them are used for bulk trade, foreign trade, and official trade.

As for gold, there is very little circulation in the market.

Most of the money is given by the royal family to ministers.

The royal reward is a symbol of honor, and most people are reluctant to spend it.

Regardless of money or silver, it is difficult for ordinary traders to find them, and they need to go to the official counters in various places to exchange them.

Therefore, there is very little money and silver circulating in the market.

Therefore, as soon as you see money, you will think that this person has something to do with the royal family.

As soon as you see silver coins, you will think that this person is a big local tyrant, either a rich businessman or... a corrupt official! Because people bring money, they won't take a single silver coin to go out, at most... a thousand copper coins, that is, consistent money. .

Anyone who can go out with consistent money equal to one or two silver coins is a big brother! When everyone sees that Lin Wei actually has a hundred silver coins, they will know that... The ledger is absolutely true.

When the old lady who didn't understand anything said there were five boxes left, they also understood everything.

The amount of greed is so large that it is staggering and shocking! On the contrary, the old lady did not agree with it, nor did the servants of the Lin family.

Lin Hao knew that they were all simple and thought that the officials really had so much income, legitimate income.

It is estimated that it is because the old man was very rich in the past! The old man is different, the old man is a third-rank grand governor, a Fengjiang calendar, and has land granted by the royal family.

In other words, you can be an upright local owner.

But just the night before my father died of illness, he wrote his will. Except for the house and accepting his son's inheritance, all the estate was donated.

Lin Hao knew that Erniang and the servants of the Lin family couldn't think of this... because they were both pure and uneducated.

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