If this is slandered, if it is spread to others, they will say that he is a fake doctor and a fake scholar.

"Well written, talented, and ambitious!

As soon as the voice fell, the rest of the people were even more shocked.

Lu Shu is spineless, that's a family tradition.

But apart from being spineless, Professor Lu is quite knowledgeable.He was able to suffocate these nine words, enough to see how extraordinary the content on this fan was.

Finally, the fan arrived, and Li Shimin especially told the eldest grandson Wuji, who needed to look carefully, to take it.

"In drunkenness, light up the lamp and look at the sword, and dream back to blowing the corner of the company's camp. Eight hundred miles of subordinates are burned, fifty strings are turned outside the fortress, and troops are ordered in autumn on the battlefield.

"Ma Zuo's Lu Fei was fast, his bow was like a thunderbolt.

"Poor White Happened!


After reading it, Changsun Wuji's head was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky!

He felt that he was going to be scolded.

The literary quality of Changsun Wuji is not ordinary.

In his heart, apart from being astonished by the arrogance of the first half of the battle, like a general general.

What he valued more was the latter sentence, 'but the king does everything in the world, and won the name before and after his death.Poor White Happened! '

The meaning of the first half of the paragraph is that the person who writes poetry has the enthusiasm to sprinkle the blood of the country on the battlefield, and has the ability to stir up the enemy's camp to cry.

The meaning of the second half is that he has the determination and loyalty to die for the king and the world, but he is not waiting for me, he is blocked everywhere, and cannot be reused!

If this is written by ordinary people, it would be fine, but the author is an official!

His eldest grandson Wuji had never seen this Lin Hao, but he was already 'like thunder' about this name!

Lin Hao has always been a provincial prefect, thanks to his eldest grandson Wuji.


I didn't expect that Lin Hao, who was so talented, could actually write such a thing and hand it over to His Majesty.

When it's over, his eldest grandson, Wuji, will be scolded to death.

"Auxiliary machine, you minister of officials, you should know this person!

How can you say you don't know.

Not to mention the head of a state, even the county magistrate, he can also recite the list of county magistrates across the country.

"Yes, the governor of Shanzhou, the governor of Xiazhou!


Li Shimin got angry, slapped the armrest of the faucet, and said loudly: "How can a person who has been praised by the civil and military of the whole dynasty be the prefect of Xiazhou?

"Is this how you appoint talents for the court?

Zhangsun Wuji immediately came out, hugged the jade wat and bowed in salute, "Your Majesty, you don't know something!

"This person's official voice is notorious!

"This official ministry has at least [-] copies of the documents that the regional officials impeached him.

Li Shimin was shocked, how could such a talented person have such a poor official voice?

"Quickly let someone send some discounts, I want to see it myself.


As soon as the words fell, Zhangsun Wuji gave the eunuch the token of the Minister of Officials, and the eunuch went straight to work.

Being an official, whether it is a civil official or a facial feature, has two kinds of reputation.

The first is the word of mouth of the common people, also known as the voice of the people!

The second is the evaluation in the hearts of colleagues and superiors, called official voice!

Soon, there is a very discount, which should be taken casually.

Li Shimin opened a copy and read: "Lin Hao is arrogant and never shares his experience with the governors of other states.

Li Shimin opened another copy and read: "Shanzhou is subordinate to the Longyou Dao, whether it is the Jiedu envoy or the great governor who calls the governors to discuss matters, they never go.

"The first two times the state prime minister was sent to participate, and then the yamen was sent to participate on his behalf.

"Finally, the officials in their hometowns around the Grand Governor's Mansion in the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion attended by the way during their vacations, and no one would attend if they did not take vacations, so they would simply be absent!

Li Shimin opened the third document and read: "Shangguan Jiedu envoy or chief governor went to inspect the area under his jurisdiction, but there was not even a guide, not even a cup of tea.

"To sum up, 'Where do you like to look, it's like hitting a mouse to death by a blind cat, look for yourself'!


Li Shimin did not miss it.

Notorious indeed, this is not infamy.

If he was Jiedushi, he would have to kill Lin Hao!

Li Lizhi, who was outside the main hall, only found it strange to hear.

Needless to say, Lin Hao's public voice, there is no such thing as bad for him in the jurisdiction.

How to be an official, to be able to do this? ......

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Chapter 2 02: Bastard salted fish, after the general [seeking flowers]

Inside the hall!

After Li Shimin read it, the eunuch randomly brought ten papers on impeachment against Lin Hao from the Ministry of Personnel.

He closed the last book, and he was also depressed.

This is still ten copies he has read, and if he has read ninety copies, it is not to vomit blood.


He sighed, it's no wonder that "poor Bai Happens" no one recommends becoming a high-ranking official.

It's a pity, it's a pity that a great talent is so incapable of being a man.

In order to be an official, you need to be pushed by the people below and pulled by the people above in order to become a high-ranking official.

The people above Lin Hao not only did not pull, but also pressed hard.Even if the people below pushed it hard, they wouldn't be able to become a high-ranking official.The most is not to fall, to be able to transition smoothly, until the term expires.

As far as this official voice is concerned, his term of office has expired, and it is estimated that he will not be able to achieve even peace.

Either go down to become a county magistrate, or go home and farm directly.

That's it, it has to be a relatively perfect result when there is no fault and no major fault.

As for imperfect results, that goes without saying.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin shook his head helplessly.

Although he has such a great talent, but he doesn't know how to be a man, even if he wants to make an exception, it will be difficult for him to convince the public.

In history, there is such a great talent who is not good at being a man and has been hired by exception.

That is, the pre-Qin Prime Minister Zhang Yi!

But how can this fan compare to Zhang Yi's credit!

But after thinking about it, how did such a person who can't be a man become an official?

As for the people in the Ministry of Personnel, can Li Shimin understand?

You are ignorant, how can you become an official.

"Auxiliary machine, I asked you again, how did he become an official when he was so unbearable?

"This is also your dereliction of duty!


The eldest grandson Wuji wanted to greet Li Shimin's father, it was a mistake to take the opportunity to pick him.

Fortunately, his eldest grandson Wuji has the ability to never forget, in order to grasp the power, he has always been conscientious and never made a mistake.

There is no information about local officials across the country that he cannot tell.

The eldest grandson Wuji bowed his hands and said rigorously, "Your Majesty!

"According to the regulations of the Tang Dynasty, officials above the fourth rank died in the line of duty, and their eldest son should be demoted.

"Lin Hao's father is the former governor of Yizhou, Lin Feng.

"It's his son? Li Shimin's eyes widened.

Not only Li Shimin, but also Li Jing, Hou Junji, Qin Qiong and the others all widened their eyes.

The information about Lin Feng suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

During the Wude years, the world was initially settled, the Tibetans were restless, and the southwest was very unstable!

Guanxian County in Yizhou, where Li Bing, the prefect of the Qin Dynasty, built the Weiweiyan (Dujiangyan), is a grain producing area in the southwest.

Guanxian means an important irrigation town.

Yizhou is close to Tubo, and Tubo wants to have it in his pocket.

In such an important place, only sending an absolute general can hold the scene.Therefore, Lin Feng, a powerful general under Li Jing, was dispatched to serve as the governor in the past.

In the fourth year of Zhenguan, when the Tang Dynasty concentrated all its forces to destroy the Eastern Turks, the Tubos took advantage of it to enter.

Since half of the troops were sent north to fight the Turks, the troops left in Yizhou were seriously insufficient.

But Lin Feng still lived up to his mission, and defended Li Jing and the others triumphantly.

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