Except... he is the Inspector, or the general.

The soldiers hoped that he would go forward bravely and climb the peak bravely.

Rhythm! After the big white horse gave a whistle, he suddenly stood up, valiant and heroic.

The white horse is galloping, and the boy in white goes forward bravely, never looking back.

Dang! This is Ming Jin's withdrawal of the big white horse, then subconsciously stopped, and turned the horse's head.

Lin Hao looked at the soldiers on the tower and clasped his fists.

He knew that the sound of the war drums was to call him forward and wish him a bright future.

Ming Jin withdraws his troops, hoping that there will be a day when they can come back to meet again! Clap! All the soldiers on the city wall returned with their fists and bows slightly.

"Shanzhou, goodbye!

Drive! Lin Hao pulled the reins and slammed the horse's stomach fiercely, and the war horse galloped wildly on the bright road.

If you don't look back, you'll be afraid that you won't be straightforward or dashing when you look back.

Finally, the 'street lights' came to an end.

This road, illuminated by the people of Shanzhou holding high torches, is over.

Because they continued to the fork, and extended to the direction of Yizhou.

They showed the way for Lin Hao.

An hour later, it was dawn.

Lin Hao drank wine and walked slowly like a ranger doing nothing.

How fast you go without pulling the reins depends on the horse's mood.

The decree said immediately.

If you are in a hurry to take office, you still have to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

The scenery along the way is not to be missed.

"Lord Lin, Lord Lin.

"Wait for me!

"You can't be without me!

"Lin Hao, it's really yours, and you actually run away secretly!

Lin Hao turned around and saw Wu Yong chasing after him.

The wealthy woman is angrily, and she is catching up!  …, ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing to Feilu Reminder: Collection of three things to read, push

Chapter 203 203: His Majesty's determination must be a Beijing official [Subscribe]

Lin Hao turned his horse's head around and saw that the people who were chasing were Wu Yong and the rich girl! Old Li was chasing after him, Xie Rake's face was suffocating gourd, Little Fatty was chasing after him, Leng girl was chasing after him, The eighteen uniformly dressed and uniformed bodyguards also caught up.

Hey! Lin Hao sighed and frowned slightly.

Don't let them come, except... a little bit of a lone ranger temperament, I know that this road is not peaceful.

The imperial decree to let himself go to Yizhou to take office was issued, and those who want him to die must know it.

This position, this site, is too important to the aristocratic family.

They wouldn't willingly hand over the southwest granary to someone like Lin Hao, who looked at the family like dung.

They will never let themselves take office comfortably.

It's all right now, it's all here.

He looked at the wealthy woman, at this weak woman who had no foundation in martial arts, and became inexplicably worried.

Even if you have yourself, even if you have so many masters.

But to protect a person who dare not kill a chicken is a trouble and a risk after all.

He frowned slightly, and could only think of a foolproof plan.

Urge! Wu Yong restrained the war horse and said unhappily, "Sir, this is your fault.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to find me a Bashu girl?

Lin Hao nodded, smiled and said: "For Lao Tzu, don't regret it, they are fierce and evil!

Wu Yong said with a nonchalant look: "The mountains and waters in the southwest are beautiful, and the girl's skin is so good!

"As good as your skin is.

Me, he... This is such a compliment, why is it so awkward! Lin Hao smiled helplessly: "Wu Jinshi, you bought it with money, this is an unprofessional statement.

"Okay, don't be afraid to kneel on the washboard for the rest of your life, just follow me!

"Is this...is it so cruel?

Lin Hao smiled lightly, that must be so fierce.

The washboard was invented in the Han Dynasty, and its only use was for women to wash clothes.

But starting from the Sui Dynasty, in the cottages in the southwest, there was a strong woman who developed a second use.

Later, it spread in the southwest region where the folk customs are strong.

Since Wu Jinshi wanted to experience some lessons, let him go.

At this time, Lin Hao looked at Li Lizhi and said seriously: "What are you doing here?

"It's a long way to go, and it's hard to walk uphill!

Li Lizhi rolled her eyes and blurted out: "Your Majesty told my father, I'm afraid that your appointment in Yizhou will not go well, and you have to wait for it to go smoothly before leaving.

As soon as the words fell, Li Lizhi looked straight at her father with big eyes.

Li Shimin also knew how to get up, and quickly said: "It's like this, so you shouldn't leave early.

Haha! Lin Hao smiled helplessly, this Li Shimin is a thief.

"This emperor, Laozi, is... different!

"I'm afraid I'll run away

"What a goddamn chicken thief!


Li Shimin's eyebrows turned cold in an instant.

Lin Hao glanced at Old Li and said, "Okay, don't mention the emperor and lose his temper.

"Knowing that he was your general before, I respect it!

"I'm here to speak ill of him, can he hear me?

"Nervous hammer!

Li Shimin nodded with a smile: "Yes, I don't know.

"But it's not Ying to speak badly behind your back!

Lin Hao spread his hands and said bluntly, "I'm in front of him, dare I say it?

"I'm not Wei Zheng, and I'm not an iron head!

Cough cough! Cough cough cough! Leng Yue, Cheng Chusi and the others, as well as the guards, all looked at the scenery and coughed softly.

In their eyes, Master Lin's head was much more iron than Wei Tietou's.

Haha! After Li Shimin heard Lin Hao's words, he laughed speechlessly.

That's right! The emperor, didn't he just tell people behind their backs? Mr. Lin said it was the truth! At this time, Lin Hao thought of something.

When Lao Li followed him to Yizhou, when would he start collecting rent? He looked at Lao Li and the others and said, "According to the contract, you should receive [-] catties of potato seeds from Master Geng, and then go back to the capital.

"Implement this project as soon as possible, the people will get benefits earlier, and I will collect rent earlier.

"If you delay one day, I will lose a day's money!

"I can take office myself, you go!

Li Shimin said with an all-arranged expression: "It's all arranged, I have already discussed with Master Geng, and my people will pick up the goods.


"Okay, let's go!

Lin Hao nodded and had nothing to say.

Everyone has made arrangements, and if you are determined to see yourself take office smoothly, then you can follow.

Anyway... I'm bored all the way through mountains and rivers and climbing hills.

Drive! The group of people was talking and laughing like this, and they walked and walked for several days.

Li Shimin was depressed after leaving, this person is clearly resisting the decree! Let him 'immediately take office without error', he is completely ignored.

On the way to take office, I am riding a horse and not walking fast.

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