"He didn't come for the scientific examination, he came to show off!

When the minister of the noble family heard this, he hurriedly echoed: "Your words are reasonable, and your words are reasonable.

"I have to remind Your Majesty that this child should be removed as soon as possible... ok!

Hahaha! Wei Zheng smiled, looked at Lu Shu, and said loudly: "You want to borrow your majesty to avenge your son!


"The old man is devoted to the country, how can he forget about his public affairs and avenge his private revenge.

Wei Zheng glanced at Lu Shuo, he was almost wholeheartedly devoted to the aristocratic family.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Zheng looked at the eldest grandson Wuji and said, "You hate him for stealing your son's bow and arrows, causing your son to lose her hereditary qualifications and be dismissed from the post of Shaoqing of Zongzheng Temple!

Zhangsun Wuji said loudly: "Wei Zheng, you are slandering.

"My eldest grandson, Wuji, how could he be such a person?

Hmm! "You are indeed such a person!

The voice was so loud, because almost everyone in the military commander's column answered this question in unison.

"You...you just don't make sense.

Above the hall, there was another quarrel.

Before the emperor arrived, before the morning court began, they quarreled again.

With such a vegetable market court, it's no wonder that Lin Hao would come to him! "His Majesty is here!

With the arrival of the high eunuch's sharp voice, Baiguan stopped arguing and waited for His Majesty to arrive.

If you want to make a noise, you will definitely want to make a noise, but you have to wait for His Majesty to sit on the dragon chair, and you have to give face.

"My lord, meet your majesty!

Li Shimin nodded and said aloud: "Everyone loves Qingping.

Immediately afterwards, Li Shimin smiled and looked at the frowning ministers of aristocratic families, and said happily: "This imperial examination pilot has eliminated incompetent viscounts and vacated key positions, suitable for young people's official positions.

Then, he looked at the high-spirited Li Jing and the others, and said with relief: "Not only that, but also selected a large number of promising viscounts who have outstanding performance in both civil and martial arts.

"Among them, the most outstanding one was the governor of Shanzhou, Lin Hao, who made extraordinary contributions in the battle of Tuyuhun and made great contributions to local construction.

After speaking, he looked at Li Jing and said, "Li Aiqing, I especially want to praise you.

"His father used to be a lieutenant who followed you for many years.

"After all, you are half of Lin Hao's master.

Li Jing hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "My minister, I'm really ashamed to be worthy of it!

"Lin Fengchen's lieutenant, he has also taught martial arts and the art of warfare, and there is also a master-disciple relationship.

"But these half disciples and grandchildren have never taught anything about tasks.

"He is where he is today thanks to his father's education.

Having said that, Li Jing cupped his hands and said, "Although that child is not greedy for fame and fortune, the imperial court is rewarded.

"I ask Your Majesty to posthumously confer a title on his father Lin Feng, who was seriously injured and died in order to defend Yizhou.

When Changsun Wuji heard this, the account of leaving the book and leaving has not yet been calculated, so why did he reward him first? He hurriedly stood up and said, "Your Majesty...

Li Shimin ignored it and said, "Precise play!

"It is proposed to postulate Lin Feng as the second-rank Zhennan general, honor: the second-rank Shangzhu Kingdom, and rank: Weiyuanhou!

"I ordered the governor of Yizhou to go to the site immediately, build a temple, and enjoy the incense of the people of Shu!

When the minister of the noble family heard this, he was called a son who had the ability, and when I died, I was also promoted.

Their son was either dismissed from his post because he didn't do well in the exam, or...disqualified from hereditary qualifications.

Lin Hao was better, he left the book and ran away from the emperor without blaming him, and even pursued his dead father.

This extremely poor treatment made them very dissatisfied.

"Your Majesty, isn't it a crime of disrespect for Lin Hao to leave a book and leave?

Lu Shu ran out, knelt down with the jade wat in his arms and said, "Your Majesty, it's not fair!

"Aren't you afraid that the world's Confucian scholars will be cold-hearted by doing things like this?

As soon as the voice fell, a group of people knelt down.

"Your Majesty, an exam can't explain anything.

"But because of one exam, half of the candidates' qualifications have been cut, and everyone will be chilled.

Li Jing's brows were wrinkled, this Lu Shu actually threatened the emperor because he was the head of the Fan Yang Lu family, and because he was a great Confucian respected by Confucian scholars all over the world.

However, the power of Confucian scholars cannot be underestimated. . .

He looked at Li Shimin, he knew that Li Shimin was a little embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, the next step is to see what you do.

"When it is interrupted, it will be chaotic!

Li Jing looked at the frowning Li Shimin, and secretly exhorted in his heart!  …, ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing to Fei Lu to remind you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 9: In order to help his comrades, the emperor even lied to himself [Subscribe]

Li Shimin knew that these people were all-pervasive! In terms of cultural governance, local governance is not enough.

In martial arts, it is not enough to expand the territory.

But only Taoist is a good player who can use the so-called Confucianism and Taoism to deceive a large number of people's hearts and become his pawn in the pursuit of fame and fortune.

Slap! Li Shimin became furious when he thought of this, slapped it on the armrest of the faucet, and stood up all of a sudden.

"Anyway, it's all you noble ministers who are talking about it.

"This book is read a lot, just... can say!

"I see that you have read so many sage books, and you are all talking about it.


The nobles and ministers were startled, the emperor was a coal, such a big fire.

He really dared to say it! Actually, Li Shimin really wanted to say that they read all the books into the dog's stomach.

Since he is the emperor, he should be a little more refined.

Li Shimin continued to say loudly: "The imperial examinations, whether it is liberal arts or martial arts, are all questions that I have given.

"No one knows the title ahead of time, right?

"Answer me, right?

The crowd shook hands: "Yes!

"I didn't have any contact with my elders until the time when the exam was released, right?

When everyone heard this, they cupped their hands again: "Yes!

Among them, Li Jing and the others said it was loud and clear.

Changsun Wuji and the others said that they were unwilling.

Really reluctant! In their cognition, that is, if the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if the treatment is so harsh and fair, they will not get any benefits, so naturally they are reluctant.

Li Shimin also sacrificed himself, whether willingly or unwillingly.

He said loudly again: "From the above two points, are all candidates treated equally?


Saying that, Li Shimin looked at Lu Shu, who was kneeling down and threatened him, and said solemnly, "Don't think that I don't know, I'm just among the common people to watch the martial arts exams.

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