The above two points are based on the third point.

Because of his belief, he practiced martial arts diligently since he was a child! Because of his belief, even if he is tired, he has almost infinite strength when the enemy soldiers do not die and the enemy soldiers do not flee.

Hard training is part of it, but faith and perseverance are the more important part! Finally, the stream of consciousness no longer flows in, and the fusion is completed.

In the stream of consciousness, there is no information about his peak battle.

I didn't see the scene of leading fifty people, rushing into the [-] enemy troops, capturing the traitor Zhang Anguo alive, and leaving fifty people alive.

The fact that this kind of novel is not dare to write like this, I haven't seen it, it's really a pity.

Presumably, when it is time to upgrade to the peak master state, the influx of consciousness flow is only available! It is only activated after 400 hours of accumulated salted fish.

This is too long! Ding dong!" Reward: The first special forces in the history of the Celestial Dynasty, a complete set of training methods for the 'Flying Tiger Army' established by Xin Qiji, and a complete set of technical parameters for the equipment manufacturing of the Flying Tiger Army.

Immediately after, two streams of consciousness flooded into my mind.

Lin Hao raised his eyebrows, it is not unsurprising! He just wanted to say two words 'powerful'! With them, whether it is siege, assassination and investigation, or destroying the enemy's rear forage, it is no problem.

It's just that there is no war to fight now.

Of course, it's always good to have.

It is also necessary to build up the army first.

He hoped that he would not use: them, but he still felt that he had to have such an army! What if! Ding dong! "To activate the system task, please accumulate 20 hours of salted fish in the dormitory!

Me, he... The last 600 hours were even more difficult.

This time, I actually turned it over and returned it! It doesn't matter, anyway... just messing around! Bai gang is also a jerk, there is hope, and he will gang up faster! He knows that this system is lazier than him, and it usually completes the task after motivating it. It's about to disappear.

Don't bother to pay attention to him, hurry up and wait for someone! When you wait for someone, take a nap, it's also a salted fish! Although it doesn't take long to accumulate, the flies will still be a piece of meat! The eunuch, and a group of Qianniu guards came to the door of the restaurant.

The Qianniu Guards lined up on both sides, and their posture was very strong.

The eunuch is still the same... eunuch, eunuch Liu An Liu.

Li Shimin was very thoughtful, thinking that Eunuch Liu and Lin Hao were also old acquaintances.

After all, the two of them have been in a state of misery.

When he went to summon Lin Hao, he shouldn't be harassed by Lin bastard.

"Dare to ask, this is the father-in-law who was sent by the imperial court to announce my family's entry into the palace.

Liu An paused, looking at Geng Gong, and the brothers behind him, all carrying their burdens, as if they were about to go home.

Could it be that Lord Lin knew that His Majesty was going to call him, so he ran away ahead of time.

Thinking of this, Liu An was also very helpless.

This time, how should we protect him? "Our family is here to announce the call.

Are you Lord Lin gone?

Liu An asked back.

Geng Gong took out a letter and said, "Someone came from Shanzhou last night, and the adults need to go back and deal with it urgently.

"So, my family members left last night.

"He guessed that he would be the No. [-] in high school, and that His Majesty would summon him.

"That's why, I specially asked us to wait here, there is a letter, and I will send it to Your Majesty.

Just after Lin Hao left, Geng Gong thought about it for a while before he settled on such a rhetoric that would not offend the emperor.

Liu An nodded, this rhetoric to deceive ghosts is okay.

But if you want to lie to the emperor, it's up to the gods! He can't figure it out, why doesn't this person want to stay in the capital? After he took the letter, he went straight back to the palace! He knew that this rhetoric would definitely not deceive the emperor.

Everything depends on whether the emperor is willing to be deceived or not!  …, ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing to see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu’s novel

Chapter 88 88: He is only one tough battle away from the champion [Subscribe]

"grown ups!

"My lord, the letter has been handed over to the eunuch.

Wu Yong was drinking tea at the tea house at the fork when he heard a familiar voice.

"Sir, don't sleep, they're here and on their way.

Wu Yong pushed Lin Haodao who was sleeping on the table.

Lin Hao raised his head lazily, rubbed his eyes and saw that he was here, and things were done quickly enough.

After working hard for a few days and getting up a few days early, it can be said that I have been tortured by the biological clock.

Not long after falling asleep, they came.

Lin Hao looked at them, nodded and said, "So soon.

"It is estimated that when you step out of the city gate, they will come.

Lin Hao sighed and said: "Fortunately, run fast, otherwise it will be hard to say.

In fact, it was not the eunuch who came, and he did not dare to leave.

It's just that it's very troublesome to put another charge on it.

"The shopkeeper, is the wine gourd full?

Lin Hao turned to look at the little boss who was the shopkeeper, the boss, and the second child.

"Good morning, take it, ten pennies, thank you.

Lin Hao gave ten cents of money and said, "It's so expensive, don't mix it with water!

"Knock what you said, it must be more expensive to ship it all the way.

"Don't worry, absolutely no water!

Lin Hao was a little worried about this business. It was the same as the shop in the scenic spot in the previous life.

I am afraid that if I give more money, I will not be able to buy good goods.

Lin Hao smelled it and smiled with satisfaction.

Yes, yes, the vendors in Datang are fine, they won't pay high prices to buy fakes.

Lin Hao climbed onto the horse's back and said, "Then who, help lead a horse.

"Yes, my lord!

A group of people rode, leisurely and leisurely on the road.

"Be steady, don't be so fast, and don't rush back to reincarnate.


In this way, Lin Hao took a few sips of wine to help him sleep.

He fell asleep on the horse's back like a dead pig again.

Geng Gong Zhangjian opened the way in front, and the group followed behind.

While a brother was pulling his own reins, he was also pulling on Lin Hao's extended reins.

In this way, supporting the sleeping god who had been seriously lack of sleep these days, he went back to Shanzhou slowly.

Wu Yong, of course, postponed it.

To save Master Lin from sleeping too hard, he didn't even know when he rolled off the horse.

Inside the Tai Chi Hall! Civil and military officials lined up on both sides, and everyone looked out of the corner of the gate.

Even Hou Junji and Li Daozong, who had seen Lin Hao in Shanzhou in that battle, were looking forward to seeing Lin Hao.

Compared with other ministers, they had indeed seen Lin Hao's face, but it was a person who was in a coma like a 'breathing corpse'.

Not to mention all of this.... It's pure, the minister of Candidate No. 666 who has only seen half of his face.

In particular, the ministers of the noble family wanted to see what this person who had offended them to death in front of everyone looked like.

Remember this, so you can take it easy in the future! Li Shimin even sat on the dragon chair and stretched his neck to the point where he was looking forward to it.

He and Lin Hao were very familiar with each other, and he was looking forward to seeing Lin Hao's reaction in such a scene.

If you have been angry with yourself so many times in Shanzhou, you must get your revenge! The minister of great merit is the minister of great merit, and the champion of double material is the champion of double material.

It is certain that you will be promoted to an official title, and so is the princess who bestows the marriage.

However, one thing is one thing! If you have revenge, you still have to get revenge first! Lin Hao plopped down and knelt on the ground, shivering and wiping cold sweat.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for the sin of the mountain!

"Your Majesty, minister, sin deserves death!

"Your Majesty, I know you are wrong!

". . .

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