Presumably, this rule is to warn the candidates not to cheer after the completion of the archery, but to hand in the bow quickly, and then cheer after the score.

In this way, we can also warn the young generals that the examination room is like a battlefield, and they must do their best and not take it lightly! One slip of a step will lead to eternal hatred! Thinking of this, Lin Hao smiled lightly and nodded.

This test is very educational.

At this time, Jin Wuwei greeted him from below, and everyone went to the opposite side of the seat of civil and military officials and the royal family.

"Old Li, you find a corner to sit and don't let people know that you are here.

"I'm going!

As soon as Lin Hao finished speaking, he simply got up and went to the examination room like a battlefield!  …, ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing to see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 76: In this battle, I will protect you all [Subscribe]

Before all the candidates left the rest area, Wu Yong, Li Shimin and Li Lizhi ran to the far corner to play! There were many weapon racks, and many candidates brought their own weapons.

They can see the exam process through the gap, and it is concealed enough.

It was at this time that the people began to chat.

After all, many of the candidates here have heard of and known each other.

"I think that this time Yuchi Baolin will definitely be the first in the martial arts exam.

"Nonsense, Su Qingjie is the master, that is the son of General Su Lie.

"Not necessarily, the prince's son, Li Jingheng's young prince, is born out of blue.

"He guarded the border, and the border was peaceful for two years, and the border was peaceful.

Hmm! "Qin Huaidao is the commander of Feng Yu, and now he has obtained the true biography of the golden mace, why didn't he see him?

"I do not know!

"I didn't see Major General Qin and Major General Cheng Chusi!

"Could it be that the two of them gave up the exam

One thousand two hundred candidates passed by the field in front of the people.

When the people saw the familiar faces, they all started chatting, and they all said that their favorite young hero could win the championship.

Lin Hao overheard the news that Qin Huaidao and Cheng Chusi gave up the exam.

He frowned slightly, these two should not give up the exam, but the common people stand high and see far and see all of them clearly.

The people all knew the major generals in the capital, and they said that if they gave up the exam, they would definitely give up.

Can't figure out, these two people should never give up the exam.

I must give up the exam! If the two of them show up here, everything will be ruined.

"Isn't that the three young masters of the capital!

"Chongsun Chong, Gao Fulfillment, Chu Yanfu?

"How dare you come to participate in the martial arts with real swords and real guns

Hey! "Someone will let them, don't dare to fight with them, I'm afraid that my father's Wusha will not be guaranteed!

Humph! "The wicked, the wicked will receive.

"That Shanzhou governor Lin Hao should be in here too.

Lin Hao frowned and wanted to scold people! Hearing from the rich woman, he is also somewhat famous in the capital.

Why... well! He is a wicked man, and he is an absolute 'wicked man' when it comes to things that don't take the powerful! "By the way, you said, will the candidates from other places win the first prize?

"I think it's possible that those major generals... who are fighting at the border are not battle-hardened.

"At least this time, the half-pots of water that can dance with hollowed-out weapons and show bravery in front of beautiful women are eliminated.


At this time, Lin Hao and the others all came to the front, and the following team was lined up under the guidance of Jin Wuwei.

The venue is a hundred paces wide, with 200 people in a row standing in six rows.

As for Lin Hao and Geng Gong, ten of them stood together, standing in the sixth row, and voluntarily gave up the front row to someone else.

Lin Hao said in a low voice: "Pass it on, let them charge forward later, let's wait a while...

"They're going to have a hard fight, and then we'll take advantage of the opportunity to play lightly.

"If someone reports it, they want to specifically target us, you just go forward and I will block them.

Geng Gong immediately said: "Sir, this is absolutely impossible!

"Your career is important, it doesn't matter if we eliminate it or not.

Lin Hao said rigorously: "In that battle, two thousand soldiers escorted me to the opposite side to cut the flags and flags.

"Today, I will escort you.

"Don't worry, six hundred bows and six hundred arrows!


Lin Hao's eyes widened and he hated Geng Gong and said, "There's nothing wrong with you, at least you have to be in the top [-] and strive for a name.

"Families and folks in Shanzhou are still waiting for our good news!

"We are...their pride, and we must preserve their pride!

"No need to say more, pass it on, this is a military order!

Geng Gong couldn't resist, and thinking about Lin Hao's martial arts is definitely no problem, and he will live up to the love of adults.

"Yes, my lord!

At the same time, the eldest grandson Wuji, Gao Shilian, Chu Suiliang, and Lu Shu, who were sitting at the top of the seat of the hundred officials, next to the seat of the royal family, all drooped their heads.

From time to time, I even hate Li Jing at once! Actually, if I don't name it, they won't be able to know who number 666 is.

If you don't know who number 666 is, all preparations are in vain.

When! Just after Lin Hao's military order was passed, everyone heard the sound! Empress Changsun personally sounded the gong, symbolizing the beginning! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa All kinds of suffocating shouts, all kinds of long howls.

There are magnetic voices, hoarse voices, and rough voices.

There are 200 people in the front row, [-] people, just run away.

The speed is so fast, the leg strength is amazing, and the loess field stirs up dust.

Immediately afterwards, on the field, everyone looked up.

Those in the front row ran away, and those behind had to catch up, and if they wanted to run ahead of them, they had to use light work.

There are eagles that spread their wings and leap up! There are white cranes that brighten their wings and leap up! There are also some muscular men who directly hit the people around them and rush forward.

In short, at the scene, there was a scene of 'the Eight Immortals crossing the sea and showing their magical powers'.

As long as you can rush over, as long as you can get a bow and arrow, you can use whatever you have.

If you are good at it, you don't have to fight.

If you are brute force and strong enough to be able to smash, you can smash directly.

Finally, they all rushed to the front, and the fight had already begun.


"The young people of this class are beyond our imagination.

"There are not only the children of the nobility who have half a pot of water jingling, but also the young generals who really have the ability and martial arts.

If you want to join the group, add QQ: 1934731937, she will give you the group number

Among the generals, Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin, as well as Hou Junji and Su Lie, nodded and expressed their satisfaction.

It's just these... rude and loud, and he doesn't take care of the ministers from five surnames and seven Wangs next to him.

They were trying to find a place to get in.

Especially when they saw their sons and nephews knocked over by those... ignorant out-of-town candidates.

"Why are these eleven people standing still?

People from nowhere were the first to notice Lin Hao and the others.

All at once! Eleven of them, became the focus of everyone's eyes.

Changsun Wuji and the others stood up even more. Changsun Wuji frowned and thought of a sentence: "If something goes wrong, it must be a demon! The demon here must be referring to... Lin Hao."

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