"Sir, hurry up!

As soon as you wash your face with cold water, you will feel refreshed.

On the table downstairs, each table has eight people, all sitting upright.

Dang! The gong hits like this again: "Let's start the meal!

Lin Hao looked at the people who were pulling breakfast, looked at a bunch of Jin Wuwei who had the style of former military training instructors, and once again admired Cheng Yaojin.

Your Majesty is so wise, so wise! Letting General Cheng be the chief examiner is the wisest choice in the world.

After the gathering, Jin Wuwei also began to call names.


A student raised his hand and said, "Here!



Name one, and Jin Wuwei tick one on the book.


Lin Hao looked at Jin Wuwei who was acting like a prison guard at the moment, and couldn't hold back his smile: "Here!

Jin Wuwei nodded again: "escort, no, escort into the examination room!

In this way, the three Jinwu guards rode their way in front of them.

The two teams with swords Jin Wuwei escorted them on both sides.

In the middle, of course, are the students who lined up neatly.

Lin Hao walked in the middle, and he just thought it was too similar! If they tied their hands, they would be connected by a long rope.

Everyone is equipped with a pair of shackles, it will be more like!  …, ask for evaluation, please support, thank you for subscribing to Feilu to remind you: three things to read, collection, push

Chapter 65 65: Do you have any opinions on the question from Mr. Lin [Subscribe]

"Looks like it!

"Your Majesty really wants to implement a fair and just imperial examination system.

"Look at these... The second generation of the official and the second generation!

Haha! "Where are you going to take the exam, this is the attitude of going to the execution ground and being exiled!


"I think it's more like labor being escorted up the mountain.

"Yes, yes, when I think of the Demon King of Chaos as the chief examiner, and then looking at this posture, it is... the labor that was robbed up the mountain.

Lin Hao frowned, walking among them only felt ashamed.

This is called a part of mouse feces, and it ruins a big pot of soup.

How could they all... the second generation of officials and generals, how could they all be worms eating empty pay, or a lot of them were elites.

For example, the guerrilla general Cheng Chusi, who only heard of his name, served Qin Huaidao with a sword.

Another example is Li Jing's two sons, Li Dejian who died for the country, and Li Dejian's two brothers.

For example, he Lin Hao.

He Lin Hao is lazy, greedy is greedy, but he is worthy of it... One side of the people, worthy of... his responsibility! It's a pity that people like them are only part of it.

Looking at the Tang Dynasty, most of the second generation of officials and generals, and most of the children of aristocratic families could not escape the inferiority of human beings and embarked on the road of worms.

Since then, the second generation of officials and the second generation of wealthy people has become a derogatory term.

A total of [-] people participated in the civil and military examinations.

There were a total of [-] people who took the liberal arts and civil and martial arts exams alone.

Three quarters of the hour! Fourteen hundred people entered the temporary examination room built in the East Market Market Square.

Lin Hao posted the distribution map of the examination room on the wall. There are 00 large rooms in total. The plan is to have a large examination room for [-] people, which can accommodate a total of [-] people for examinations.

"Listen all!

"Sit casually, anyway... your unique identification is the test number.

"If anyone dares to write their real name, they will just tear up the paper.

"Enter the exam room!

Jin Wuwei, who was wearing a golden armor, shouted like this, and everyone entered the examination room.

There are two Jinwu guards guarding the entrance of each large room, and they also count the number of people at the same time.

If the number of people is enough, they are not allowed to enter, and go to the next classroom by themselves.

At the end of the hour! Everyone took their seats! Lin Hao entered the sixth room and sat in the middle.

Looking around, the seats are still very sparse, you are not super farsighted, you can't see other people's papers at all.

At this time, the invigilator examiner entered the room.

"Students, this king is Li Daozong.

"You, some people know this king, some people don't know this king.

"Those who know this king should know who this king is.

"My king...  

As soon as Li Daozong finished speaking, someone stood up to flatter him.

"I know, the lord is notoriously ruthless and unrighteous, and the children of the royal family have to beat the board when they do something wrong.

Hahaha! All of a sudden, everyone laughed.

Lin Hao looked at this fat candidate, did he not want to take the test? He has seen a flattering slap on a horse's leg, but he has never seen such a slap on a saber.

He was afraid that the two words, impartiality and ruthlessness, had not been thoroughly understood.

Of course, people are right! To be impartial and impartial, one has to be ruthless and ruthless when dealing with specific personnel matters.

Li Daozong nodded, looked at this royal son from the Li family in Longxi, and shook his head helplessly.

He nodded and said, "Well said!

Immediately afterwards, he looked at all the candidates, his eyes filled with murderous aura: "If you want to find out who is a deer, who is talking to each other, just tore the papers and leave.

"Don't hate me, hate chief examiner Cheng Yaojin.

"What he said, or take the test well, he will tear people away.

Lin Hao looked at the future Princess Wencheng, the father of Li Xueyan, the current princess of the palace.

He looks righteous, and when he was young, he should have been a master of wind and moon.

Li Daozong sat on the high stool directly above and looked down from above.

Suddenly, his eyes met Lin Hao's.

Li Daozong raised his eyebrows and immediately recognized Lin Hao.

"It's him!

All of a sudden, he thought of the battle under the city of Shanzhou that day.

In that battle, how did Lin Hao cut down the flag with perseverance, and how was his armor torn apart.

After being sent to the field hospital, how did the doctor try his best to peel off little by little, the armor with the cowhide lining and the human skin bonded.

Bit by bit, it's vivid in my eyes.

"General Lin, Your Majesty is using your proposal, your question is on the test!

"You must be in high school!

"Princess Changle, waiting for the news of your high school.

"This king admires you, but this king will not release water.

"It's a respect for the imperial examination, and it's also a respect for you who wears the armor.

Lin Hao frowned slightly, always feeling that this prince looked at him a little weird.

No wonder! As far as Lin Hao is concerned, he has never met Li Daozong.

In that battle, he glanced at Li Jing and fainted.

Even if Li Jing was standing in front of him now, he had to take a closer look before he could match the number.

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