Turning his head to look, sure enough.

Lin Hao walked in front of her, glanced at her, and said, "If you want men's clothing, you should restrain yourself a little more.

Li Lizhi looked at herself, and immediately said slightly fiercely: "Who are you!

Li Lizhi didn't mind either, if others dared to speak to her like this, Qin Huaidao would have thrown it away long ago.

As for Lin Hao! Sooner or later it will be his, it doesn't matter.

It's just, not yet, that's a little bit blushing.

She changed the subject and said, "I knew that you must be stuck.

Leng Yue immediately said coquettishly: "Miss, we have been waiting here for a few days.


Li Lizhi glared at Leng Yue, really said everything that shouldn't have been said.

Lin Hao raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Thank you, big brother.

"What about your father?

Li Lizhi rolled her eyes and said, "It's all your fault, take my father to the brothel.

I came back and told my mother that he was locked up.

Pfft! Lin Hao almost didn't laugh out the sound of pig's feet. The owner of such a big business is also a strict wife! "By the way, what about the shoe-rake-faced brother and the big round-faced brother?

Li Lizhi raised her eyebrows, this is not telling the truth.

The two of them are very busy, their home has become a check-in point for candidates, and they need to help at home.

Li Lizhi thought, no, I can't let him go to Qin Qiong's house and Cheng Yaojin's house to register.

If you go there, everything is over.

Maybe, this bastard Lin really didn't take the exam, he just ran away.

"Something happened at home.

, they are both helping!

Oh! After Lin Hao nodded, he looked at the sun, it was getting late.

If you don't sign up, you're really not eligible.

He waved his hand and said, "That's it for now, after the test, I have to go and register.

"General Qin and General Cheng's houses have withdrawn, and they don't sign up anymore, you can go to the other examiners' houses to sign up!

Lin Hao frowned slightly, turned his head and said, "Why?

"Because, because most people are arranged, it doesn't take that much.

"They have other things to do!

"You think that everyone is like you, step on

Lin Hao thought about it, and the same thing happened.

General Cheng Da is the chief examiner, and he must be the three new officials who take office and are very busy.

Qin Qiong's health is not very good, so it makes sense to withdraw first.

"Okay, I'll go directly to General Li to sign up.

After watching Lin Hao and Wu Yong leave, Li Lizhi also happily went to the palace.

"Let's go, tell your father, he's here.

Reassure your father.

Leng Yue chased after him and said, "Why don't you follow him to see how many numbers he got?

Li Lizhi smiled faintly, full of self-confidence: "This imperial examination pilot is... what he proposed, he does not need special care.

"Like the battle he proposed to kill Tuyuhun, I believe he can do it.

After Li Lizhi returned to the palace, Lin Hao also rushed to the gate of Li Jing's palace.

In front of the door, there is a table and a stool, and a master dressed as a master is guarding the stall.

Beside him, stood a team of Jinwuwei.

It's time to escort those who have successfully signed up to the local soldiers.

"I'm going to sign up!

The master looked at the sundial and said, "There is still half an hour before the time passes.

"Give me the information!

Lin Hao took out his identity certificate and gave it to the master.

When the master saw it, his eyes widened instantly.

He looked straight at Lin Hao and said, "You you you you...  

"Please cast lots!

Lin Hao stretched out his hand into a box similar to a lottery draw in his previous life, and there was a lump of paper in it.

Caught or not, that's what happened.

When I took it out, there were three words 'Lu Lu Lu' written on it! Wu Yong smiled and said, "Sir, this number is ok, number 66, shun shun shun!

After the master registered, he immediately said to Jin Wuwei: "Send Lin... examinee to Changle Restaurant!

Upon hearing this, Wu Yong smiled again: "Good luck, I heard that this is the best restaurant in the capital.

Lin Hao smiled lightly and looked at the master.

Presumably, he should be Li Jing's housekeeper, and he should have heard of him.

So the housekeeper gave himself the care within the scope of his authority! Lin Hao cupped his hands and said, "Thank you housekeeper!

As soon as the voice fell, student No. 66 went to the big restaurant with his book boy to wait for the exam.

The butler took a look at his information, nodded, and then went to find Li Jing!  …, ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing to see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 62: The Martial Arts Exam, There Will Be Dangerous [62/3 For Subscription]

When Lin Hao was escorted by Jin Wuwei to Changle Restaurant located east of Dongshi, Li Lizhi also arrived at the palace! In the imperial study! "Father, Lin Hao is here.

"Now, it's time to complete the registration and be sent to the special restaurant for temporary candidates.

Li Lizhi said happily.

Mmmm! Li Shimin nodded, it's right to come.

The stone in my heart has been let go.

This is not only a matter of whether his daughter can marry him, it is also closely related to his own happiness.

It's just that it's a little more difficult.

This Empress Changsun is ruthless enough, and the requirements are not too high, and she actually wants to be a double champion.

Li Lizhi looked at the sad-faced father, and felt a little bad.

"Father, what's wrong?

Li Shimin sighed and said, "Your mother said that he will hand you over to him only if he needs to be the top-ranking scholar in both Chinese and martial arts in high school.

Ah, Li Lizhi hurried forward and said anxiously, "Isn't it enough for him to be a capital official?

Li Shimin said lightly: "Being an official of the capital, I only have the qualifications to marry my princess, and I can stop you from talking.

"But you are the eldest princess!

"It's my fault, I...

He made a bet with Empress Changsun, broke the vinegar jar, and brought disaster to Lin Hao and Li Lizhi, needless to say.

"Well, don't worry, Lin Hao is fine.

Oops!" If I had known, I should have followed him and followed him to see what size he was.

"Well now, Erchen can't see him in private anymore.

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