On the high platform right in front of the open space, a long banner was pulled.

Banner content: "Warmly celebrate potato grain production breaking one million catties!

On the main seat, Lin Hao sat leisurely in a suit.

In front of him is a long table, and there are several dishes on the long table.

Roasted mutton with potatoes, roasted pork with potatoes, roasted chicken with potatoes, steamed potatoes... The two flowers Chunmei and Dongxue of the brothel, who had been pinching their backs for a long time, sat beside him in gauze clothes.

"Lord Lin, eat potatoes!

Chunmei held a piece of potato in one hand, brushed her sleeve with the other, and fed it to the corner of Lin Hao's left mouth, smiling softly.

"Lin, drink up!

Dong Xue raised the glass with one hand and brushed her sleeve with the other, feeding it to the corner of Lin Hao's right mouth, blinking her eyes and smiling.

"No, Lord Lin eat potatoes first.

"No, Lord Lin drink first.

Lin Hao's eyes were left and right: One turn, should we eat potatoes or drink first? This is a question worth thinking about.

If you eat potatoes first, if Dongxue accidentally pinches her back one day, what should I do if I pinch it first? If I drink alcohol first, if Chunmei is careless when pinching my back, what should I do with a heavier hand? This will seriously affect the spa massage. What a great experience! On the left, sits the state prime minister Wu Yong, the chief coach Geng Gong, and the state government staff.

On the right, there are two county magistrates, two county magistrates, and two county officials.

The girls from the local brothel finished their performance, then turned around and bowed their heads in four directions.

"it is good!

"Good dance!

". . .

The girls ran to the front and said with a charming smile, "Lord Lin, are we dancing well?

Ah Lin Hao immediately glared at Chunmei and Dongxue, and Yan Yu said, "It's all your fault, I didn't watch the dance properly.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao nodded fiercely: "Well, you dance well.

The girls frowned slightly and pouted, wanting to pull Master Lin down and beat him.

If it is better to talk nonsense with your eyes open, Master Fei Lin is none other than Master Fei.

I just said that I didn't watch it well, so I can dance well! "Okay, take a seat!

"Food girls, let's go and eat!

Lin Hao dismissed it lazily.

As soon as the girls heard it, they immediately forgot that Lin Hao didn't take them seriously.

A foodie is...a foodie, I've long wanted to eat these...delicious dishes.

It's just helpless, this kind of occasion needs a talent show.

Everyone was eating and drinking, but they were dancing. It was so painful.

Now that they were finally seated, the girls jumped straight to their reserved round table.

After the girls left, the staff of the prefectural government office and the staff of the subordinate county government office started toasting and drinking.

Lin Hao looked at them and you toasted me, and I was happy when I toasted you.

If he is compared to the emperor, his 'capital' officials and 'local' officials are so harmonious.

Let's look at the capital of the emperor, if there is any banquet, it will be a quarrel.

Absolutely everywhere you see that kind of..., small group phenomenon.

Hehe! "Beijing

"Don't go!

Lin Hao drank a glass of wine and said indifferently.

Yawn! Lin Hao yawned, only to feel sleepy.

Holding the wine bowl, he stood up and shouted loudly: "Everyone eat well and drink well, I'm dozing off, so I won't accompany you.


"Lord Lin, let's have some more drunken swords!

"that is.……!

"I just like watching Lord Lin play swords!

Lin Hao looked at the front table and the little girl.

That expression told Lin Hao that what she said was 'playing cheap'! Lin Hao pointed at her, like a brother next door, and taught him: "Sister, pay attention to the words you use, otherwise people will be misunderstood.

"Not only must pay attention to the words, but also pay attention to the coordination of expressions.

"The expression is different, the meaning is different!

Hahaha! Hahaha! I laughed, and all the people at the hundred tables laughed.

At this moment, Li Shimin and the others turned over and dismounted.

At the last table of Dongfang [-] and [-], everyone recognized them.


"Isn't this General Li, and Miss Li?

"There are two other little generals, and Miss Leng Yue.

"Come, come!

"Everyone gets their seats and let them take their seats.

"We actually...

Without waiting for them to speak, the enthusiastic people of Shanzhou pulled one by one and took their seats.

The two girls took Li Lizhi and Leng Yue and went directly to the women's table, which was full of women.

Everyone didn't know that he was Li Shimin, only that he was Lao Li, the former commander of the Shanzhou defense battle! Everyone still called him 'General Li' at first sight, which made him feel really relieved.

The enthusiasm of the people of Shanzhou cannot be let down.

This one has to be entered, and this feast has to be eaten.

Once you are seated, you can naturally ask about Lin Hao's situation! Hmm, "It smells so good!

"what is this

Li Shimin looked at the roasted mutton with potatoes and suddenly asked this question first.

The fellow smiled proudly and said, "The rich man from the capital has never eaten it!

"That's right, this was planted by our Lord Lin not long ago.

"During the war, because the output is not much, it is only used as a storage grain for emergency use.

"But it's not used yet, the battle is over.

"So, we took it and replanted it again!

"Today, our whole city celebrates that the total output of this potato has broken one million kilograms.

Li Shimin picked up a piece and looked at it like this, that's how it is! "One million catties, how much...mu of land is heavy.

"What is the yield of this thing per mu...  

After asking the question, I immediately put it in my mouth and tasted it.

Such a chew, a feeling! Li Shimin laughed, his eyes widened and he smiled happily! The fellow replied: "The yield per mu is [-] catties!

"It was planted in experimental fields, and it's more than [-] acres of land!


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Chapter 44 44: The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, a small ideal [Subscribe]

After Li Shimin took a mouthful of potatoes, he only felt that it was a delicacy he had never tasted before! The potatoes in the roasted mutton with potatoes, the entrance: slag, not only has the sweetness of the grain, but also the aroma of the vegetables, and it is also integrated into the mutton. meat flavor.

Yes, delicious! Just when he picked up the potatoes in the roast pork with potatoes, the fellow answered his question enthusiastically.

The yield per mu has reached [-] catties, which is more than [-] mu of experimental fields, and the output is as high as: one million catties.

If this is extended to all parts of the country, all parts of the field will be used for planting.

Without further ado, if a prefecture uses [-] mu of land to grow potatoes, the output will be.... The army of the Tang Dynasty is no longer short of grain. If the nutrition of the potatoes can keep up, and the storage time can be long.

The army of the Tang Dynasty could attack the Asan Rong Japanese Dynasty in the south, Goguryeo in the east, and Tubo in the west, as well as the wider western regions.

Li Shimin has always had a small ideal, that is, to truly return to the glory of the Han Dynasty and go after Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

To achieve this small ideal, there is an iconic place that must be captured! A place that symbolizes the entire Silk Road and belongs to the Tang Dynasty completely! It symbolizes that the entire Silk Road belongs to the Tang Dynasty completely. The place is Shule City! Geng Gong, a famous general of the Han Dynasty, once led three hundred Han troops to defend Shule and blocked [-] Huns.

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