When the captain thought of this, his brows wrinkled and he said loudly, "Hold your weapon tightly, don't lose your temperament.

"Tell them that when officials from the capital come to the borders of Shanzhou, a tiger will be a dog, and a dragon will be a snake.


After a while, Liu An and the Golden Armored Thousand Bull Guards came.

They don't even have to lower their heads, and they have to cross the suspension bridge.

If you cross the suspension bridge, you won't say anything. If you don't even look at them, you don't even say hello. Just think of the capital! Swipe! Beside the city gate, a hundred soldiers of the government all stood in a row, blocking their way. Point them with a sharp point.

"What are you doing?

"I don't know that officials outside Shanzhou are going to cross the border, that civil officials have to get off their sedan chairs, and military generals have to get off their horses, do you?

"I have many business trips on Shanzhou Avenue, what should I do if I bump into someone?

"All dismount for me,,!

"There are so many unidentified soldiers

"I don't care why you want to enter the city, if you want to enter the city, you have to hand me the weapons!

Zhang Xiaowei held a gun in one hand, looked down on all the golden armored Qianniu guards, despised Eunuch Liu, and said coldly and domineering!... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 36 36: You make it clear, why is this official hypocritical [Subscribe]

The eunuch Liu An has thought about the various treatments that the people of Shanzhou treat him. He bows his head and bows his head, and there are people who lead the way! I haven't thought about it yet, welcoming Shangguan's treatment like a bandit kidnapping.

"Blind your dog's eyes, don't you know this brush from our family?

Liu An screamed in anger and roared in a shrill voice.

He thought that if these people saw his whisk and knew that he was a eunuch and a member of the royal family, they should apologize and lead the horse.

Zhang Xiaowei glanced at it and said, "The eunuch

"Our family, the Great Eunuch Liu An.

"Our family has come here to announce that your adults will enter the palace to see you. That's how you hillbilly treat our family.

"Our family carries the imperial edict to represent the emperor!

Zhang Xiaowei nodded and said, "The dog fights against the people, oh!


At this time, the captain of the Qianniu Guards shouted loudly: "Bold, the mere captain of the gate guard, dare to make trouble.

"You know that the eunuchs who passed the decree to represent the emperor are like dismissing an envoy!

Dismissing the envoy: Zhang Xiaowei, the official name of the imperial envoy of the Tang Dynasty, nodded: "Dismissing the envoy is still a dog fight against people, oh!


Zhang Xiaowei didn't talk to him either, and said coldly, "Okay, don't talk too much.

"When we arrive in Shanzhou, this is the rule!

"We haven't seen the emperor, our lords haven't seen the emperor, and we haven't seen any deposed envoys. God knows if you are impersonating.

"Just in case, the captain of the school gives you two options.

"First, after handing over your weapons, you are not allowed to ride horses when you enter the city, you must lead your horses.

These... the Qianniu Guards composed of young master soldiers exploded at once, let alone this little Shanzhou, no one in the capital dared to treat them like this.

When a soldier hands over a weapon, isn't this handing over his life to someone else to manage it? It is absolutely impossible to hand over a weapon.

"Ignorance government soldier, this general will kill you!

Aah! The captain of the Qianniu Guard rode on his horse and shot at Zhang Xiaowei.

Zhang Xiaowei stood on the ground, neither dodging nor raising the gun: block, grab with one hand, and then grab the barrel of the gun.

Yeh!!!! Captain Qianniu has exhausted his strength, but he can't pierce in, and can't pull it out.

The young masters and soldiers in the rear saw that the guards in this district are all good at martial arts. Their arms are strong enough! Drink!

The captain of the Qianniu Guard flew out and threw up blood on the spot.


"You, do you know who he is?

"He is the son of Fan Yang Lu!

Zhang Xiaowei smiled coldly and said, "The one who fought was... ... Fan Yang Lu's son.

Zhang Xiaowei twisted up the Qianniu Guard captain surnamed Lu and threw it over there.

He taught aloud: "You guys... young master soldiers who eat imperial food, don't usually practice martial arts, even I can't beat me, and they still protect the emperor.

"It's better to die!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xiaowei walked up to Liu An, Liu An choked, and immediately dismounted.

Ouch! "Master Jun, the little one has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai.

"Little: I'm just here to convey an edict, I shouldn't offend you so much!

Zhang Xiaowei sneered and said: "When I was old, when I was licking the blood with the knife, you motherfucker still gave the concubines foot-washing water!

"The goods that are neither male nor female, dare to make trouble in my Shanzhou

"Yes Yes Yes Yes.……

Where can Liu An dare to say more, and he just keeps saying yes.

He is also depressed enough, this big fat difference has turned into a big hard job.

I have long heard that this Shanzhou Governor Lin has a quirky temper and is extremely unfriendly to the Grand Governor and Jiedushi.

When Shangguan inspected, he never received him, and he never gave anyone a glass of water.

But anyway, it's also allowed to enter the city! It's good that the emperor's people didn't even enter the door, they vomited blood first, and then a meal: education.

Liu An recorded this account. The second skill of a eunuch is.... Absolute number two and chief.

The ability to make small reports is definitely the first! Zhang Xiaowei said coldly again: "This second, you don't need to hand over weapons, just give me the imperial edict, and I will pass it on to our adults, you guys are waiting here.

"Waiting for our family's reply.

Liu An looked at the other Qianniu guards, and now he will not hold him.

They also have a bottom line. They only heard that the military attache went to see the emperor to hand over weapons, but they never heard that Qianniuwei had to hand over weapons when they went to the place.

Liu An looked at the form and didn't dare to say more.

If he was thrown like this, it would not be as simple as vomiting blood.

He hurriedly took off the yellow cloth and gave it to Captain Zhang.

"However, we always have to cross the border and send Saintess Tuyuhun home!

"You confiscated their weapons, what do they do

Zhang Xiaowei looked at the carriage and said loudly: "Wait, Master Lin will reply!

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Xiaowei took the imperial edict and rode away.

State ya queen ya! Lin Hao is quite energetic, completely violated the system's salted fish rules, completely violated his own salted fish character.

Just because someone came to give a gift.

The West City of Shanzhou has become a trading port for the Han merchants and the native merchants of the original Tuyuhun Plateau! Since the market opened, the natives have used their native products to trade with local Han merchants, as well as Han merchants from afar, and made money .

When they make money, they also have the food and cloth they desperately need.

To explain it with the most primitive 'barter' transaction, it is... a pound of dried Cordyceps sinensis can be exchanged for grains that cannot be grown on a stone plateau at all! That is to say, a pound of dry Cordyceps sinensis can be exchanged for 06 pounds of grain! For… ...For the indigenous people of the plateau, they made a profit! For ... the Tang Dynasty, they did not lose any money! In the reception hall of the Houya, there was a very poor Chinese.

"I don't know, Master Lin is still satisfied with this.

Lin Hao looked at so many boxes, so many plates, and so many different kinds of souvenirs in front of him. He was very energetic! Lin Hao was so energetic only when he saw money! But these, although not money , but more than money.

These..., though not jewels, are better than jewels.

What is the most expensive treasure, human life! These things can save the lives of many people. To save the life of a rich man, it is not too much to ask for [-]% of his family property! Lin Hao is drinking highland barley wine , Seeing Qian Qian opened his eyes from time to time, he glanced at so many open boxes and so many plates.

"This, this official has no merit and no reward!

"This official likes money, but it's also a good way to get it!

Yuan Tuyuhun, the local aboriginal elder, laughed and said, "Lord Lin is just... refreshing, I haven't seen an official who directly admits that he likes money!

"My lord, it's human too!

The first elder toasted a glass of highland barley wine he brought, and said sincerely: "Lord Lin, for... us plateau people, you are the least... qualified to say 'no merit but no reward'.

"It would be hypocritical to say that!

"What the hell

"I'm being hypocritical

Lin Hao frowned, this was a big injustice, and he was so anxious that the Yizhou hometown dialect came out all of a sudden.

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