In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are floating clouds.

However, Li Jing is not... a martial artist.

He is Marshal Wu Neng to set the world on the horse, and Prime Minister Wen Neng to dismount.

In terms of eloquence, he does not lose to Changsun Wuji.

The reason why they didn't say it before is just waiting for them to finish.

They all knelt down and forced Li Shimin to kill the hero, which proved that they were finished.

Li Jing walked to the middle, his eyes staring like that.

The nobles and ministers all invariably took a step back to the side, and their heads shrank for a while.

Li Jing smiled with satisfaction, he was quite sensible.

This book of sages and sages has not yet been read into the belly of a dog! Li Jing smiled lightly: "What all the lords said is also reasonable.

"The main problem is that he invents things and refuses to report them!

"If he reported it step by step and everything went through the formal procedures, he would be... a great man, right?

Zhangsun Wuji cupped his hands and said, "What the marshal said is very true!

Gao Shilian rubbed his ears and said, "Marshal, you are right!

Chu Suiliang patted his ear and said, "Yes, yes, the marshal said it very well!

The noble ministers immediately agreed: "What the marshal said is very true!

Li Jing smiled again and nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, very good!

He put his hand in his arms, took out a booklet and said: "This is the official list of Longyou Dao where Shanzhou is located.

"Please, Your Majesty, take a look!

The eunuch came down and took the roster, and handed it over to Li Shimin.

Just as Li Shimin was flipping through the roster, Li Jing said candidly: "Cui Dacheng, the governor of Liangzhou, and Cui Clan of Qinghe!

"Wang Yong, the governor of Hezhou, and the Wang clan of Taiyuan.

"Lu Shengtian, the governor of Minzhou, and the Lu family of Fan Yang.

"Jiedu envoy of Longyou Dao, Hegan Chengji, disciple of Lord Changsun.

"I think, so many essays, all kinds of essays that are not included in Lin Hao, are all written by them!

"If Lin Hao told this about his inventions... Grand Governor Jiedushi, would he still be able to convey it to His Majesty's ears?

Ouch! Changsun Wuji covered his face and immediately knelt down.

Li Shimin was so angry that a booklet smashed directly on Changsun Wuji's face.

"Zhangsun Wuji, that's how you use people.

Zhangsun Wuji cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty forgives your sins, they...

He guiltily said: "They do have great talents!

Humph! Li Shimin said loudly: "Do you think I'm blind?

"Don't say anything else, just say that this Liangzhou has been looted and bullied for a long time, this is called a great talent

"They are wearing crotch pants, and they are blocking talented people together!

"The plan is to dismiss all these people and investigate them!


The ministers from five surnames and seven Wangs were shocked.

They wanted to beg for mercy, but Li Jing stared at them and didn't dare! Li Shimin looked at Li Jing, and both of them smiled and nodded.

Li Jing is... Li Jing, you did a great job! Li Shimin immediately pursued the victory and said: "I have passed the decree, the governor of Shanzhou, Lin Hao, has made great contributions to the court, so let him come to Beijing quickly to meet me.

"I want to make him an official and a nobleman, and give him a marriage and a house!


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Chapter 3 3: This move will make Lin Hao grow steadily from now on 【Subscription】

Li Shimin directly borrowed the donkey under the slope, and directly used the roster incident to dismiss all the military attachés of the gentry who monopolized local power! Not only that, but also directly announced the decree that Lin Hao should go to Beijing.

Li Jing frowned slightly and shook his head helplessly.

Your Majesty, you are still young.

Faster! The rhythm is one step faster! Li Jing understands that what he is doing is... what Li Shimin is going to do.

All it takes is an introduction, a reason, and a reason to shut up these gentry ministers, and Li Shimin can promote Lin Hao.

However, this list is just foreplay, and it is not enough to completely shut up the gentry ministers.

Li Jing is a real unparalleled national scholar, and he also wants Lin Hao to take his class.

Therefore, he has prepared a real trump card, a trump card that can make the nobles shut up and shame! Before this trump card came out, Li Shimin spoke up, it was too early.

When the nobles heard this, they immediately persuaded them strongly.

"Your Majesty, you can't... ah!

"Your Majesty, it's really too hasty, it's hard to convince the public!

"Removing local officials requires multiple parties to verify their guilt, and the imperial court needs to send emissaries to investigate and collect evidence, and it is not possible to dismiss a provincial highway leader based on a single incident!

Dismissal of the envoy: The title of the imperial commissioner of the Tang Dynasty is hum! Li Shimin is contemptuous of everyone, and he is also an expert who is unreasonable.

Having suffered so much bird anger just now, he finally managed to find a breakthrough. If he didn't implement it directly, how could his plan work?

He said coldly, "Now that you are assertive, you are going to collect evidence from multiple sources, and you are going to send an envoy.

"Why does Lin Hao, who has made great achievements, want me to kill him directly?


Li Shimin's response made everyone shut up temporarily.

They were all thinking about how to say it back.

Seeing this, Li Jing lifted up his clothes and stepped into the middle.

After he stroked his beard, he cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, someone wants to give you a gift!


"Who wants to give me a present?

Li Shimin just moved back to a game, and he is very happy.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't pay attention to any gifts! When Changsun Wuji heard this, he immediately frowned.

His eldest grandson Wuji is prepared, and he also believes that Li Jing is also prepared.

What kind of gift is it? It's... Qin Qiong's guest, the eldest Sun Wuji, narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Qiong, who was proud.

As early as when Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin escorted Murong Fuyun back, they brought back a carriage and went directly into Qin Qiong's house.

At that time, the eldest grandson Wuji wanted to see the situation on the grounds of visiting.

As a result, Qin Qiong has not seen guests since then, and no outsiders are allowed to go to his house.

The person with...the mysterious carriage has never been seen before! Under everyone's attention, Li Jing looked at Li Shimin and cupped his hands: "Your Majesty, that is... the exterminated Tuyuhun native saint, I would like to present a present to you.

"At that time, the minister said, let the minister do the work for you.

"But people have to come back with you, they want you.

Li Shimin laughed immediately when he heard it! He didn't know what medicine Li Jing was selling, but he knew it must be a good medicine.

For nothing else, just because he believes in Li Jing, just like he believes in Lin Hao! He said happily: "I was destroyed by Tang, and you can still give me gifts.

"Fresh, hurry up!


The eunuch was about to speak up when Changsun Wuji jumped out again.

He strongly resisted: "Your Majesty, be careful that Jing Ke stabs Qin!

Haha! Li Shimin laughed loudly, rolled his eyes at Changsun Wuji and said, "Then, Jing Ke stabbed Qin, did he succeed?


Li Shimin was too lazy to say more, looked at the big eunuch and nodded.

He was a little impatient.

To know the native saintess of the plateau, she is equivalent to Li Lizhi of the Tang Dynasty! It really looks like what gift this saintess will give him.


"The original Tuyuhun indigenous saint, see you!!!!

Outside the main hall, Li Lizhi panicked.

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