"My status in the capital is no worse than those... what is Master Wei, Master Kong's daughter.

"It's not harsh!

"Those... women with five surnames and seven hopes that they advertise themselves, the conditions for marrying a daughter are even harsher than marrying a princess!

It's okay not to say this, but when I say Li Lizhi, I get angry.

Lin Hao smiled coldly and said, "Just that group of daughters of scoundrels.

"I haven't seen it yet!

"Your family is too, the concept of family status is too heavy, and the poor pay attention to it!

Li Lizhi smiled embarrassedly: "My family is not poor, and some have money!


Lin Hao nodded helplessly, that's the truth! Her family is indeed not poor! Hey! After Lin Hao sighed, he immediately lay down.

The conditions are too harsh to do it! "Don't lie down!

"You give me an attitude, go to the capital and become an official, you can marry me.

"Do you

Lin Hao lay leisurely, and shook his feet with Erlang's legs crossed: "Don't do it!


Humph! "Anyway...you have made a great contribution, Uncle, as a marshal, will definitely ask for the credit for you, you deserve it, and it is also his duty.

"When the time comes, Your Majesty will definitely announce that you will enter the palace to receive the seal and enter the capital as an official.

As soon as the words fell, Li Lizhi smiled proudly.

It doesn't matter if you do it or not, anyway... She has already told Li Jing about this in advance.

As long as she goes back and says that Lin Hao is willing, then that's it... She must be willing, and she must be willing.

Could it be that when the imperial decree arrives, you dare not accept it! Lin Hao immediately sat up when he heard it.

He looked at Li Lizhi, raised his eyebrows, and then there was that kind of thing... one or two, no matter what...

Desperate asshole temperament.

"If you don't go, I won't go to the capital to get angry!

"Even if the decree comes, I will not accept it.

"It's a big deal, I will seal it with gold and seal it, and resign and go into hiding!


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Chapter 24: If you can be a local emperor, why wear a dog chain [24/2 for subscription]

Lin Hao was lying on the bed with his hands clasped behind his back and his fingers clasped on his head, Erlang's legs crossed, his feet dangling, very leisurely! Li Lizhi gritted his teeth with hatred.

She was angry when she saw that the mud couldn't support the wall.

The neon clothes and gauze are about to be unable to hold up, and it is as turbulent as it needs to be.

The appearance of this stinky salted fish and stinky lazy pig is also a battle hero. He is injured. I am afraid that he fell asleep during the war and was cut by the enemy.

She had never seen Lin Hao in battle, and she made up for it by her own injuries and her father's dictation.

The battle scene of brain supplement is really admirable, admirable and heart-wrenching.

Looking like this now, I really want to kill this bastard! "You, bastard!

"Get up and make it clear.

"You obviously like me, why don't you want to approach my family's rules?

Lin Hao said lazily, "I have drank the strongest wine, and I have given up on the person I love the most.


"What's the meaning

Hey! Lin Hao just sighed, this is all the past before the time-travel.

In his previous life, he was an orphan, he was admitted to a key university by his own efforts, and fell in love with a girl.

The girl's family is very rich, and it can be said that she is a wealthy woman in the modern city.

The girl said that if you want to be with her, you have to become a son-in-law, the so-called son-in-law.

Going to be a son-in-law in a big family is all about wearing a gold dog chain thicker than a thumb! Lin Hao didn't want to be a dog, so he refused.

But the girl not only didn't understand, she sneered and scolded a scumbag.

Since then, Lin Hao has used this sentence as his motto.

I really didn't expect that when I arrived in Datang, I encountered a similar scene.

Although he didn't come to the house to be a son-in-law, it's almost there! If he went to the capital to become an official, and married and settled in the capital, with his natural salty fish character, he would definitely be scolded by those... arrogant seven aunts and eight uncles.

And because he doesn't like being wronged, he will definitely slap them one by one until they shut up...

At that time, what is disrespecting the elderly and so on... The charges will be overwhelming.

To be honest, he, Lin Hao, is not afraid to recite: there are a lot of crimes.

It's just that those who have offended them long ago...the high-ranking officials of the imperial court will definitely come to the emperor every day to sue him for wrongdoing.

It's not that he is afraid of trouble, Lin Hao is never afraid of trouble! But, he is afraid of trouble, quite a lot of trouble! This kind of life wearing a golden dog's chain is not what he wants.

What he wants is the rich, he is the uncle's, and he lives a tough life! To put it bluntly, if you can be a local emperor, why wear a golden dog chain in front of the emperor! "Who is your favorite person?


"Who is your favorite person?

Li Lizhi shook and shook violently, just...don't let him sleep.

Lin Hao opened his eyes impatiently and looked at Hee Hee! "You're shy!

"You love me the most, as you say

"I he...

Lin Hao raised his eyebrows and said helplessly, "I have seen a thick-skinned man before, but I have never seen such a thick-skinned man as you.

As soon as the voice fell, he turned over and was too lazy to say more.

Li Lizhi got angry when he saw the way he turned over like a salted fish.

She took his arm and shook it vigorously, that is... not allowed to sleep, if you don't make it clear, it is... not allowed to sleep.

Li Lizhi didn't obey: "You obviously like me, and in order to protect me, you personally sent me out of the city gate, and then closed the city.

"Why can't you just do it for me?

"My uncle, Hussar General, is the Grand Marshal of the Three Armies.

"With him supporting you, who dares to bully you who you have offended?

"Why are you so frightened!

The corner of Lin Hao's mouth smiled, it was really similar.

His uncle supports him, so he's not a son-in-law! She doesn't know the word scumbag, if she does, it's more like a scumbag if she does.

Lin Hao was so shaken that he almost fainted, he sat up all of a sudden, and said loudly, "Enough!

"First, I don't need anyone to support me!

"Secondly, what I want is a life where I can do whatever I want.

"Third, I'm not afraid of trouble, I'm afraid of trouble.

"I don't want to live like that... every day at five and three o'clock: go to court, and quarrel every day.

"Also, why can't you just leave me alone?

"Put down all the notions of family status, and join me in this Shanzhou City as a pair of free and easy Sanxian.

"No one is angry, no one makes irresponsible remarks, and you can wake up whenever you want to sleep.

"Don't you feel at ease

"Even, I can make sacrifices for you.

I resign, I don't want this official robe, I don't want this fame and fortune.

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