"Miss Li!

Today, Li Lizhi is a celebrity in Shanzhou.

From the image of the unreasonable female local tyrant before, it has become the image of a wise and wise lady.

The change in name is enough to prove everything.

The somewhat mocking 'rich girl' has become a polite Miss Li'! Li Lizhi took out a piece of gold Kaiyuan Tongbao coin, let Leng Yue give it to Qin Huaidao, and Qin Huaidao handed it over to Zhao Laoliu.

Although Miss Li sometimes has a big nerve, she still has some sense of proportion.

It's not that she puts on airs to think of herself as too noble, it's just that she remembers a bottom line, except... Lin Hao, she won't touch any man.

Li Lizhi smiled gently and said, "This money should be treated as a gift!

"At the same time, this was given to me by Your Majesty, with a dragon spirit.

Don't spend it!

"After the child is born, let him wear it around the neck, it can ward off evil spirits better than a golden lock!

When Zhao Laoliu took the money, he laughed out loud.

The very grateful rich woman looked at Li Lizhi with her hands behind her back, and swaggered off to the prefecture.

This rich girl is always a rich girl! The habit of throwing money when she is happy cannot be changed.

Along the way, Li Lizhi and his party saw the strength of the Han family's sons and daughters, and the quality of the people in the area under the jurisdiction of Governor Lin.

At the gate of the prefecture, he saw that the plaque on the door of the 'Shanzhou Defense Command' was no longer there.

Now, this is Shanzhou Prefecture! She stood at the door and looked at the mountain overlooking the city of Shanzhou.

"Their performance is as you wish


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Chapter 20: Amazing explosive power, the peak state is coming [Subscribe]

Time passed quickly, and another five days passed! This morning, it can be said that the air is fresh and very comfortable.

This kind of weather will make people feel better when they do things.

Outside Lin Hao's room, a lot of people gathered around.

Wu Yong stood outside the door, and the yamen also surrounded the door.

Today is the day the doctor expected to remove the packaging.

Everyone is looking forward to the appearance of Lin Hao unpacking, just hope that he will not be disfigured.

No one expects him to have no scars on his body, that is almost impossible unless there is a miracle.

But it doesn't matter, the scars on a man's body are the best military medals.

However, I still hope that there will be no scars on his face.

What a handsome young man! In the room! The doctor unwrapped a little on his arm, and was surprised to find that he was completely healed, as if he had not been injured by a knife.

This restoration of regeneration ability has caught up with the wild grass that can't be burned by the wildfire! "Doctor, what's the matter?

Li Lizhi asked expectantly.

These days, every time the doctor came to change the medicine, she avoided it.

After all, the dressing change is to remove all the packaging, that is, just like he came out of his mother's womb, there is no extra equipment.

Familiarity is familiarity. After all, I haven't married yet, so I still need to avoid it! Although Li Lizhi likes him, she still can't cross the bottom line with the proper etiquette and cutscenes.

Therefore, she had no idea what Lin Hao's recovery was like.

These days, she just observes by the side, and calls the doctor at any time when there is a situation.

Of course, she did things like feeding medicine and rice soup! That's enough! It's enough that the dignified eldest princess can take care of a local official like this.

If other state officials found out about this, it is estimated that Changsun Wuji would go crazy when he read the complaint file.

The doctor looked at Li Lizhi and said politely, "Miss Hui, Master Lin's injury is recovering well.

"Please, Old Master Rong, take another pulse.

Having said that, the doctor started immediately.

Hmm! "Good, good!

"With this body, how can lazy and industrious people have it?

"The pulse is neither floating nor sinking, neither big nor small, the rhythm is even, calm and gentle, fluent and powerful, and the kidney pulse is even more powerful.

Li Lizhi and Leng Yue looked at each other and blinked at the same time.

"What do you mean

Then, they asked at the same time.

This is too professional and too official to understand.

Well, after thinking about it, the doctor explained: "That's right... The heart, liver, lungs and lungs are all very good, but this kidney...

Li Lizhi frowned slightly and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with his kidneys?

The doctor looked like an old professor, stroked his beard, nodded and said, "It's nothing major, it's also excellent, his ability in that area is still very strong.

"which aspect


The doctor looked at Li Lizhi in surprise, could it be that the doctor smiled lightly: "This, it's hard to say, he has nothing to do with it.

"That's... ... a month without getting angry, but with a big fire!

"After the conditioning is done, it's good to make a fire!

"Please go out, miss, we're going to start removing these...the dressings.

After Li Lizhi and Leng Yue got up, they bowed to the doctors and left.

Outside the door! Li Lizhi looked at Wu Yong and the other yamen and said, "The doctor said that he hasn't gotten angry for a month, but his kidneys are very hot, what does that mean?


"Between you...

Cough, cough, cough! Wu Yong coughed fiercely, then winked at the yamen, telling them what to do.

Immediately afterwards, he replied in a less embarrassing way: "That's right... No one has made him angry for a long time, and he is uncomfortable.

Li Lizhi frowned slightly, her expression a little strange.

This Lin Hao is indeed a 'slut'.

Thinking of this, she was a little happy again.

She knew that Lin Hao liked her, it should be her unique advantage of making him angry! Keep it up, keep it up! In the room! Lin Hao's finger moved.

He was in a coma these days, and whether it was feeding medicine or rice soup, it was a subconscious swallowing reaction.

He himself doesn't know anything.

Ding dong! "Congratulations to the host, the accumulated salted fish time has reached 200 hours!

"Changshan Zhao Zilong's martial arts inheritance, from the intermediate master state, to the peak master state!

At this moment, Lin Hao frowned slightly.

Crunch! Two hands suddenly made a fist, and the knuckles made a crisp sound.

呲! The doctors heard this sound and were very familiar with it. It was the sound of shredding cloth.

When they looked closely, they were startled.

If Lin Hao is dead, this can be called a corpse fraud.

Suddenly, he clenched his fists with both hands, and the muscles on his arms instantly broke the tangled silk cloth.

From the forearm to the forearm, all the silk cloth that was wrapped around was broken.

"Oh my God!

"It's expected to take two days to wake up, too soon!

"Doctor Zhang, this is an early recovery of consciousness.

"Practice as soon as you regain consciousness!

"This explosive...

呲! As soon as the words fell, the doctors were even more surprised and frightened and backed away.

The tangled silk cloth on the thighs and calves was also broken by the instantaneous explosive force of the muscles.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Immediately afterwards, they heard Lin Hao's rapid breathing.

I saw that he kept going up and down in front of him.

Ah! Two cowards: The doctor was so frightened by the sudden shout that he backed away.

"Don't panic, it's good!

"This, this is to restore consciousness, and I dreamed that I was practicing.

"It's just that this explosive force is too strong!

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