He used his life to teach the last lesson for his son.

He taught his son three moves! The first move is to be both offensive and defensive, because while killing the enemy, you have to live as much as possible.

Because in addition to serving the country, men have to think about going home! The second trick is that the brave one wins when they meet in a narrow path. Only by making good use of everything to kill the enemy can we win the fastest and increase the hope of living.

The third trick, if it comes to the last moment, remember that the country is bigger than the family.

In order to serve the country, it is better to burn the jade than the tile, and burn all the jade and stone together! Where is this veteran soldier, the veteran soldiers who rushed out are all using their own lives to teach their sons, nephews, and nephews.


Finally, the order for them to strike was given.

Ya ah! The one with the spear slammed it directly.

The one holding the shield slammed into it, and at the same time drew out his saber.

The recruits and the veterans are on each other's backs, protecting each other's backs, fighting and slashing.

A miracle happened! There are no Xianbei people who can rush over.

Two hundred paces out of the city wall, no Xianbei people could rush in.

These... father and son combination, uncle and nephew combination, uncle and nephew combination, blocked them.

It makes sense for father and son to go into battle. Such a combination has played an extraordinary level and made a miracle happen.

Seeing all this, Li Shimin was extremely excited.

The trebuchets continued, the crossbowmen on the city walls continued, the archers continued.

The archers under the city wall also continued.

These... the melee soldiers of the old and young combination continued.

Layers of 'sieves', plus the last 'retaining wall', blocked the [-] Xianbei people who were constantly rushing towards them.

Li Shimin watched all this and said excitedly: "Keep it, keep it, keep it!

Immediately afterward, he looked at the charging boat that was about to rush out of the torrent in the distance and had lost most of its weight.

Soon, it's about to go out.

He nodded, showing a small smile of joy: "Keep it for a while, that's enough!


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Chapter 2: This salted fish is finally about to turn over [5/[-] for subscription]

At this moment, Li Shimin and Wu Yong are all looking into the distance! Under the sun! The silver 'charge boat' is still getting thinner and moving forward with difficulty.

One side was drowning in the state, and the other side rushed towards the city wall, and at the same time tried every means to destroy the assault boat.

"rush out!

"Get out!

Finally, the soldiers on the city wall suddenly cheered.


"Look, they're rushing out.

"Next, it's up to General Lin and the others.

Finally, while the combination of father and son soldiers under the city wall created a miracle, the thousand cavalry soldiers who vowed to send Lin Hao to the opposite side also created a miracle.

However, when they rushed out with a road of sand and dust, everyone was silent again.

A thousand cavalry and a thousand horses set off, and now there are less than two hundred cavalry and two hundred horses left.

Li Shimin looked at everything in front of him, and looked at the very conspicuous white cloak among the cavalry rushing out in the distance.

He couldn't help asking himself, is the miracle of all this due to his good command? Maybe, there are some factors! But more, it is the excellent protection and weaponry, and the excellent and sufficient strategic material reserves.

And this far exceeds the equipment level of the imperial court, it's all about the young man who is usually lazy and a dog, but at this time he has to personally go to kill the flag, and it took a year to earn it.

Recalling those officials in the court, the tall pile of memorials for reporting him.

Shame! Forcibly collecting tolls from foreign merchants, and running unfunded businesses specifically targeting the Hu people, it is useless to the rich and can’t afford to be too early... Every piece of this is not what an official who has studied for many years should do. thing.

However, those officials who have read the book of sages and sages for many years are absolutely unable to do what he does.

This is usually too lazy to look like a pig, either lying down or... the way of an official who is standing up, whether it is right for this war or not, has already told him Li Shimin's answer.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin looked into the distance and said firmly: "You have to lead these two hundred cavalrymen, who are heavily wounded in battle, and in front of three thousand Xianbei people who are equipped with chain mail and machetes, you have to slash flags and flags!

"It's up to you!

As soon as the words fell, Li Shimin looked forward without blinking! Looking at the open space! Among the two hundred cavalry covered in blood, a white-robed general with silver light and a snow-white cloak fluttered in his hand. Gun, on a white horse, came out.

In front of him were three 3-strong squadrons.

Behind these three 3-strong squadrons is Lin Hao's target, the former Prince Tuyuhun, and now the only Xianbei man surnamed Murong in the world.

And behind Murong Zun, the only one in the world...., the red deer totem banner that symbolizes the soul of Xianbei.

On the battlefield! Murong Zun stood up suddenly, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Not only that, the three generals around him were also shocked.

Xianbei said: "Impossible, I rushed over.

"What about rushing over, look at these two hundred people, 200, with broken armor and panting.

"Don't underestimate the enemy, this white-robed general has no blood stains on his body, nor a single blood stain on his weapons.

"Obviously, he did not use force along the way.

"There must be a reason for these people trying to send him here, with a little effort.

Humph! "Where can it be so powerful?

They are very unscrupulous, and feel that in the face of the absolute difference in strength, all the tactics and formations are floating clouds.

It's just two hundred remnants of soldiers, plus a young general.

Look at yourself, the three thousand iron armored army who are waiting for work, and their generals.

In their opinion, this white-robed general who came here after all the hardships is nothing more than hitting a stone with an egg, just sending him to death.

Not only them, Li Shimin is also very worried.

In the face of absolute strength, all tactics are really floating clouds.

The so-called one husband is the one who controls the ten thousand husbands, and it must be the absolute geographical advantage.

The place in front of him is extremely open, and it is a favorable terrain for the large army to besiege.

Not to mention that the siege was blocked, the [-] people were being rapidly consumed.

As far as the war between Lin Hao and Murong Zun is concerned, the time is right and the place is right and the people are there.

Unless he, Lin Hao, has the inappropriate courage of ten thousand husbands! Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to take the rank of admiral among ten thousand armies! Li Shimin looked into the distance and couldn't help but start to think, why he dared to wear white robes throughout the ages, and the general became white There are only a few people in the robe! Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Li Xiuning... These people wear white robes for nothing more than... One reason, because white is the most conspicuous, and it is easy to attract the attention of both the enemy and us.

To attract the attention of your own soldiers is just to play the role of a military flag, letting everyone know where your general is.

To attract the attention of the enemy, that is to reduce the pressure on your soldiers, and let the enemy attack him as much as possible.

That is, the performance of absolute confidence in one's own strength! It can be said that it is self-confidence to the point of conceit! "Impossible!

Li Shimin is not someone who grows others' ambition and destroys his own prestige.

It's just that he really couldn't believe it. Lin Hao showed his strength in front of him once, when he threw a bow and arrow at him, and quickly got in front of him.

The strength is good, and the movement is fast enough.

But this is at best just agility, and it is thousands of miles away from the inappropriate courage of Wanfu.

Looking at the court authorities, whether it is Yu Chi Gong or Su Lie, these... the so-called inappropriate husband, which one is not a physique that is afraid of a bear? At the time, he saw Lin Hao riding a horse and moving.

Drive! Lin Hao came to the middle of the two formations and immediately hit a Hache.

The drowsiness is here again, the terrifying biological clock! He directly took out a water bag and poured it on his face! This madman-like move directly made everyone in the enemy look at me, and I look at you.

"This man is crazy!

"What is he doing

Lin Hao shook his head, wiped his face, and instantly opened his eyes, sharp eyes.

"Doze is coming, wake up and doze.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the three thousand dwarfs with his eyes that looked down on the world and with a giant mentality.

Murong Zun's brow furrowed instantly, only feeling the wind was a little cold.

This look, this condescending aura, made him feel very cold.

Murong Zun stood under the flag of the Red Deer Army, and said in surprise, "You can leave your name here.

Haha! The laughter is very cold, very magical, and it makes people's back cold.

Lin Hao tilted his head and said with contempt for Murong Zun: "Old friend, we have dealt with each other a few times, but we just haven't met.

"Aren't you going to make me a prince?

Clap! Murong Zun slapped him on the leg, his eyes were bigger than cows.

He said loudly: "It's you, you are actually younger than me.

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