Bang! A hundred trebuchets, the sound of the impact of the force arm and the limiter constantly came.

Such a large wine jar rubbed against the air, making a sound of breaking through the air.

Take the distance of [-] paces between [-] and [-] paces from the city wall as the width, and the length of the city wall as the length.

Such a rectangular striking surface is the effective landing point of... these... trebuchets.

They hit these... Xianbei violent soldiers like zombies, and exploded like cannonballs.

The wine jar itself turned into countless pieces of shrapnel and scattered to kill the enemy.

"Fire the rocket!

Om! Thousands of rockets went straight down, and this huge face caught fire in an instant.

Everyone on the city wall laughed.

The soldiers standing under the city wall also laughed.

Such a long and wide burning surface is more realistic than a moat.

If the people in the back want to charge, they are not afraid of being burned to death by the people who are running around after the fire, so they can charge.

Sure enough, the Xianbei army in the rear stopped charging.

In the Xianbei army, a general with gleaming eyes, gritted his teeth and hated the laughing defenders on the city tower.

Xianbei mother tongue: "In order for the Xianbei to survive, kill these people... who are on fire.

"It is our honor for them to die for Xianbei.


Ya ah! Immediately afterwards, Li Shimin stopped laughing.

No one laughed.

Li Shimin patted his forehead, and he was still saying that Li Jing drove these Xianbei people to a dead end and made these Xianbei people 'people who don't want to die in order to survive'.

When he did it here, he directly turned these people into beasts.

In order to stay alive, you can kill beasts of the same kind! Just kill these... People who run around after being on fire will not hurt so much.

There is a limit to when a wine jar is dropped and the kerosene scatters.

Such a large attack surface is like a ring of fire from east to west.

The purpose is to make those... people who are on fire panic, and then run around, throwing others into the fire.

Secondary damage is the real damage.

Last time, it was also the second damage that worked a lot.

If there is no secondary damage, as long as you dodge it, you will also dodge it.

Xianbei mother tongue: "If anyone gets caught in the fire, he will commit suicide.


"Kill it!

Li Shimin frowned and looked at the elite soldiers under the city wall. Melee battle is inevitable!  …, ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing to Fei Lu to remind you: three things to read, collection, push

Chapter 09 09: No military orders, no more military orders 【Subscription】

On the city wall, everyone was shocked! Everyone's eyes revealed the word "I can't believe it."

This is really ruthless, even his own people are not spared, it is already a beast in human skin.

Because, this is the habit of beasts! Li Shimin and the others finally understood why Lin Hao was afraid of the final battle.

Because, his strategic purpose will definitely force the opponent into a terrifying beast.

"The order!!!

"Each catapult in the trebuchet array, left and right: the rocker arm fires continuously at will.

"The order, the archers on the city wall, aim at the place that is not on fire, and shoot with precision!

"The order was sent, and the crossbowmen continued to shoot their head soldiers with precision until they hit the paradoxical blocking formation. …!

"Send the order, under the city wall, the archers behind the sword and shield soldiers, test the firing range.

The target landing point is [-] steps in front of the contradiction to prevent the formation.

"The order...  

Li Shimin gritted his teeth and said, "All melee soldiers, prepare for melee combat!


The messenger sends orders quickly, and where the order arrives, it will be executed immediately.

In the city, a trebuchet operator composed of veterans rode on the control wheel, and turned the joysticks on both sides at will with both hands.

That way, it looks a bit like the diesel engine starter rocker on the ship in the previous life.

Just one on each side, it's a bit like the pedals of a bicycle, but it only needs to be operated by hand.

The working principle is the steering principle of the anti-aircraft gun.

It's not... that Lin Hao used modern ideas when he refined the design of the trebuchet.

Rather, the modern concept was originally based on the more ancient Luban concept.

The arm of the trebuchet is designed, within the allowable range, left and right at will: it is shaken, and it is also fixed at will.

As long as a certain point, trigger the operator, trigger the trigger mechanism.

Outside the city, the Xianbei soldiers really panicked! Originally a big jar that repeatedly landed on one point, now it drops randomly and hurts at will.

The rocket soldiers on the city wall also aimed well and aimed to shoot.

Uh! Ah!!! The screams are endless.

The Xianbei general slashed to death, his companion who was on fire and ready to run around.

He hated the commander under the tower and gritted his teeth: "Their trebuchets can be turned left and right.

"Always look overhead and avoid.


He looked at the arrow that shot him in the opposite corner, and then at the commander he hated just now.

"God, marksman!

As soon as the voice fell, he lay down.

Li Shimin handed the bow and arrow to the soldier, and said viciously: "It's your motherfucker who talks too much!

At the same time! In addition to.... the soldiers who controlled the three-bow crossbow, aimed at the front row and fired five arrows in a row, all picked up the bow and arrow.

Where there is no jar of kerosene to drop, they will shoot wherever they go, and after they shoot one arrow, they will shoot another arrow.

Li Shimin's method is... the fork fills the damage.

You Xianbei people are not so ruthless that you can't even cause secondary damage to your own kind, so you can use supplementary damage! Although this can't achieve absolute full coverage damage, it can also reduce the pressure for the upcoming melee combat. .

In that two hundred and fifty paces wide, an area the size of a city.

The trebuchet kept throwing jars of kerosene with irregular landing points, and when one fell, the rocket soldiers ignited one.

At the same time, the archers are also repeatedly shooting where there is no landing point.

In this way, an interception belt is formed! If you want to attack a city, you must first pass through this interception belt.

Although it is said that it cannot be completely blocked, the ten Xianbei people who come in will have to kill five or six people.

Looking from the tower, the effect is very obvious! Before entering the interception zone, the density can be said to be one person per square meter.

But after breaking out of the interception belt, it becomes a person of more than two square meters.

It's just that it's not so easy for them to siege the city and go to melee combat.

Li Shimin gave them back and prepared a move! In front of the city wall, behind the sword and shield soldiers.

Those soldiers who carried big bows, quiver on their left waist, and Tang Dao on their right waist, had already completed their test firing.

Once the enemy passed the interception belt, they were only fifty paces away from the Contradiction Blocking Array.

It makes sense that Li Shimin asked them to test the landing point [-] steps before the formation.

Fifty to thirty steps away from the contradictions blocking the enemy formation, the distance of these twenty units should be concentrated and the arrow rain should be brushed again, and their density should be reduced again.

As for the distance of the last thirty steps, long-range weapons cannot be used, and it is easy to accidentally injure one's own people.


Li Shimin shouted at the city, and the soldiers who had drawn bows and arrows long ago wanted to let go of arrows.

Om! The dense rain of arrows once again drew a magnificent parabola with the sound of breaking the sky.


"How could there be

The Xianbei soldiers were all stunned. First they had to experience the blow of strong arrows, and then they had to experience the baptism of fire and bows and arrows.

2 people can overcome these two barriers, that is, [-] to [-] people.

Now, there will be another wave.

In other words, [-] people have to be wiped out.

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