Li Shimin gave an order, the city gate opened, and the soldiers gave way.

Two carts with wine jars and earthen bowls respectively went out.

Li Shimin watched them pick up the wine bowls, and the soldiers poured wine for them next to each other.

Li Shimin himself did not believe that this would be his order.

He has such a good relationship with Cheng Yaojin, and Cheng Yaojin's army secretly drank alcohol and was spanked.

This is the most absurd military order he has issued in his entire life, the general Tiance, who is the supreme commander of military orders.

Lin Hao looked at this bowl of wine, perhaps the last bowl of wine in this life.

Looking back on this year, I was lazy for a year, and I have never been so diligent.

Maybe he is like a worker bee who guards the hive every day, eating, drinking and being treated every day.

However, in this lifetime, you can only fight once! "Soldier, please!

Li Shimin, holding a wine bowl in both hands, said heart-piercingly as the temporary commander-in-chief.

As an emperor, he was extremely grateful.

Gollum! Ha! "Cool!

"This bowl of wine is the most enjoyable.

"Drinking before the battle, this is the first time!


Boom! Just as they had just finished drinking, they heard a voice resounding through the sky.

The distance, two thousand five hundred paces! The Xianbei cavalry charged, and the infantry charged.

No formations, no rules.

As long as the city walls are, they are distributed widely.

They just shouted to kill, just held up machetes, shields, spears, waving, shouting, and running wildly.

Ninety thousand people ran at the same time, and the dust that was raised was incredible.

Sure enough, Murong Zun rode his horse and watched under the banner.

Beside him, there was a team of guards in chainmail.

Although it is chain armor, it is also a unified iron armor, and the equipment is also very unified.

It seems that there are almost three thousand people, like the Xuanjia army of Xianbei, the three thousand Xuanjia army whose equipment level has been lowered.

Li Shimin gritted his teeth, this military order was a little too hard to say: no.

Even if the [-] destitute people were broken through, the [-] elite soldiers had to be defeated before they could kill Murong Zun.

Li Shimin looked into the distance and secretly expected: "Li Jing, hurry up.

"Have to hurry!

Thinking of this, he frowned, and murderous intent burst out in his eyes.

He waved the black command flag like this: "The Expendables, attack!

Crackle! Wearing a blue cloak, the oldest general of the thousand cavalry smashed the bowl of earth and pulled out... the black iron spear that had been inserted on the ground earlier:.

Glory! The warhorse neighed. … and rushed out in a single stride.

Immediately afterwards, ten captains in black cloaks followed.

The soldiers followed on both sides, and finally formed an arrow formation with a very small angle, rushing forward.

If the [-] Xianbei people in the distance were floods, the arrows formed by this thousand cavalrymen would be the charging boats going upstream.

Drive! Lin Hao rushed to the horse, and the last one followed.

On the city wall, I only saw the white-robed general, who was holding a gentian and bright silver spear in one hand, a long sword on his waist, and riding a white horse. He quickly reached the middle of this arrow! He will not fight the enemy directly! No one wants to rush out Before this 'torrent', he fought directly against enemy soldiers.

Because in that case, it would prove that all these thousand people died.

After the death squad rushed out, Li Shimin regained his composure.

As the head of a state, Lin Hao did what he should do.

He, the emperor, the general, and the temporary commander-in-chief, should also do what he should do.

He looked at the [-] people who were charging, with no formation and scattered all over the battlefield.

He took out the blue command flag and waved it fiercely: "Three bows and strong crossbows, test firing at the maximum elevation angle.

Ka Ka Ka! The sound of the wooden mechanical roulette turning sounded on the tower, all adjusted to the maximum elevation angle.

The entire city wall, distributed according to a uniform distance, was all replaced with a hundred three-bow crossbows with five arrows firing slots, all of which were fired.

Om! Five hundred strong arrows that are twice as long as ordinary bows and arrows, equal to one-third of the length of the original siege crossbow arrows, shot into the sky!  …, ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing to Feilu Reminder: read three pieces collection, push

Chapter 07 07: Better than not to die, who the Han family is afraid of [Subscribe]

The end of the hour, the beginning of the hour! The sun has already finished rising, illuminating the battlefield brightly.

I saw that five hundred strong arrows were twice as long as ordinary bows and arrows, and were equal to one-third of the length of the original siege crossbow arrows, and they shot much higher than bows and arrows.

The greater the arc of the parabola, the further away it falls.

Three bows and strong crossbows, when you concentrate your strength to launch a strong crossbow, the straight line range is a thousand steps.

Using the principle of mortar, it shoots at an angle of [-] degrees upward, and the final landing range can reach [-] steps.

When five strong arrows occur, although the power is divided into five, the total weight of the five arrows is still equal to the weight of one strong crossbow arrow.

Therefore, when the maximum elevation angle is inclined upward for forty-five shots, the landing point of this row of fixed-point test arrows is also [-] paces away from the city wall.

Li Shimin looked forward, the front row of the [-] army was still [-] paces away from the archery test.

In other words, they were [-] paces away from the city wall, and they had already charged [-] paces.

And when he rushed over to the death squad, he had already rushed out [-] paces.

Double shot distance, seven hundred paces.

They faced each other, getting closer and closer.

The enemy's leader is also cavalry, and the death squad is also cavalry, so their forward speed is similar.

That is to say, if both sides advance 350 steps, they can meet.

It is not difficult to calculate that they will collide at a distance of 5, [-] paces away from the city wall.

Li Shimin frowned slightly, and the hand holding the command flag a little trembled.

The range of the three-bow crossbow is 5 steps, and they will meet at [-], [-] steps.

He Li Shimin had to shoot and kill a large number of enemy cavalry within a distance of fifty paces.

At the very least, the assault boat that helped this boat against the current would be able to go smoothly, one head... plunging into the crowd.

Da Da! Just as the enemy's horses hooves crossed to test archery, Li Shimin's eyes lit up and he waved his flag fiercely.


Om! Five hundred strong arrows drawn a magnificent black parabola, chasing Lin Hao and the others.

Uh ah! 咴 嘴 li! There were screams of people, and the screams of war horses.

Just when the death squad was about to meet the intruding cavalry, the strong arrow fell straight from their front and fell down slantingly.

Shot through the enemy soldiers, and shot through the horses.

Lin Hao looked back, only a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

This old Li is really strong! With such precise distance control, he is definitely an old shooter.

In a previous life, I found out that the current His Majesty, Li Shimin, was very good at riding and shooting bulls, and he was very proficient in long-range weapons.

It's strange, it's no wonder why this old Li family is full of shooters! He is Li Jing's younger brother, but he who has learned two moves from Han Chuhu is a master himself.

Moreover, they used to be Li Shimin's generals, so it's time to see them.

Thinking of this, the corner of Lin Hao's mouth twitched, and he was lucky.

Being able to meet such a precious father and daughter, the father has helped me a lot, and the daughter is unparalleled in beauty.

Although the rich woman is a little nervous, she is also a woman.

It's a pity... Thinking of this, Lin Hao no longer thinks about anything else.

He has only one goal, the banner like a humble soul, and the man under the banner.

Drink! Only heard a loud drink.

The first man of the death squad, the oldest, the general of the thousand cavalry with a two-stroke beard, shot out his iron spear, left and right: swinging open, blood splattered on both sides.

If this is an assault boat going upstream, the bow has already entered the torrent.

Immediately afterwards, ten captains of the Hundred Cavalry also attacked from both sides with their weapons.

Above the tower! Everyone held their breath, although they did not go up with the death squad, but the hearts of their comrades were connected.

"Go in, you must go in smoothly.

"Quick, quick!

Li Shimin frowned slightly, and the palm that held the hilt of the sword around his waist was sweating.

In his eyes, compared to the torrent of charge made by [-] people, the thousand arrows that shone with silver light in the sun were too small.

This silver arrow can't get up at all.

It can also be said that every step forward is difficult.

I only saw that those... Xianbei violent soldiers in black leather armor were constantly being lifted up and smashed to both sides.

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