Since the founding of Tuyuhun, the Xianbei people, one of the main culprits of the Five Husbands, settled here and became the rulers here.

They wantonly implemented the slave-owner system here, so that people who settled here for hundreds of years became slaves.

From the bottom of their hearts, they hated the Xianbei people.

This is also after the Tang Dynasty broke the city, they not only did not resist, but also actively reported where the Xianbei people were hiding.

Gululu! Murong Fuyun, the king of Tuyuhun, who was wearing a prison uniform, was pulled out of the palace in a prison cart.

After Li Jing broke the city, he beheaded seven generals.

His uncle's broadsword also cut off 999 heads of alien enemy generals, and this one is just short of it.

As long as the sword falls, the hero's thousand people will be beheaded! However, the grand marshal is... the grand marshal, he held back.

He wants to transport King Tuyuhun back to Chang'an, and travel quickly on Zhuque Street, let the people of the Tang Dynasty see the majesty of the Iron Army of the Tang Dynasty, and let the people return to the majesty of the Han Dynasty from the bottom of their hearts.

The prison car, escorted by the Tang soldiers, went up the main street.

Woohoo! Tuyuhun said: "Xianbei Murong, who was bitten by a dog, has finally fallen.

"Thanks to the Great Tang Heavenly Soldiers, thank the Great Tang Heavenly Soldiers for saving us!

"Smash him, smash him!

There are no rotten vegetables and rotten eggs here to smash infamous death row prisoners.

They smashed infamous death row prisoners with different materials.

Too many people smashed it, so that the elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty on both sides of the prison car were recruited.

Oops!" I really don't know how they would go and snatch it, what a friendly exchange.

"Look at how good the highland barley is to be used so badly.

"Ouch, caterpillars hit people!

"Fucking caterpillar, this motherfucker is Cordyceps sinensis.

An elite soldier looked at an old man with angry eyes, and saw that he grabbed another handful of Cordyceps from his arms and smashed it over.

At this time, the red hidden weapon in the sky was violently smashed by a little indigenous girl.

An elite soldier pulled out a hidden red weapon that accidentally hit his nostril, and took a closer look.

"Such a big wolfberry!

"These people, why don't they know how to use these...   in exchange for food

"Don't smash, don't smash.

"You are spoiling things, ah!

In the prison car, on the unkempt hair, the specialty of Tuyuhun.

There are the best highland barley, the precious Cordyceps, and the best wolfberry produced in the Zidamu Basin.

Murong Fuyun glared at these... the local natives, scolded: "I am your king!

"I am your king!

"After the city was broken, not only did you not defend the city, but you also reported my Xianbei people.

Hahaha! "If you are not of my race, their hearts must be different!

When he cursed like this, it was even more incredible.

The elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who were in the circle of the prison car were also recruited.

They were so angry that they lost their language, and the long guns changed...., and when they reached into the prison car, they just... smashed and stabbed.

Ouch! Ouch! King Tuyuhun danced awkwardly in order to avoid being beaten in the prison car.

Hahaha! "Relieve your anger, relieve your anger!

"Thanks to the Great Tang Heavenly Soldiers!

"Thank you Datang Tianbing!!

"Thank you Datang Tianbing!!!


The officers and men of the Tang Dynasty left here in the farewell.

Hou Jun gathered Li Daozong and the others, and there was one more thing on their necks.

All of them...the generals wore Hada on their necks.

There are blue hada symbolizing the blue sky, white hada symbolizing white clouds, and green hada symbolizing river water.

The Tuyuhun aborigines are not Tubo people, but they follow Tubo customs and their beliefs are similar.

They gave Hada to Po Wu, their city, and the Tang generals who destroyed their country.

This is enough to prove how Xianbei Murong implemented the slave-owner system here and oppressed the natives.

The soldiers of the Han family who have experienced the Five Miscellaneous Central Plains understand their feelings very well.

In the city! Tuyuhun, an aboriginal elder in his [-]s, accompanied Li Jing and watched the elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty return to China.

In order to keep the old Tuyuhun homeland without an army from being invaded by distant barbarians, Li Jing decided to leave [-] troops to guard it.

Duan Zhixuan, the general of Zuo Xiaowei, who was proficient in the customs and language of the Western barbarians, temporarily took charge of the military and political power.

"Old man, you have such good specialties, why don't you make peace with each other: the development of trade between countries, and looting everywhere?

Li Jing looked at these people and ruined the baby for not being a baby, and it was very heartache.

Even more puzzled, I asked the old man.

The old man was the elder Tuyuhun, and his position in the local area was similar to that of the patriarch in the Central Plains.

Hey! The old man sighed and said: "Xianbei people are born to like to rob, like to get something for nothing, how can they know the way of business.

"I heard from my parents that we used to do business with the Central Plains and the countries in the Western Regions.

"After the Xianbei people came, everything changed.

"It is impossible to do business with the Han family clearly, which also leads to the inability to sell alpine medicinal materials such as Cordyceps.

"There are few people flowing into the Central Plains, so naturally most of you in the Central Plains can't afford it, so it's terrifyingly expensive.

With that said, the old man deliberately bowed to Li Jing Xing Han: "Please tell the Great General to the Khan of Heaven, and send a man of learning to be the Great King!

"We also want to be friendly and mutual!

Li Jing paused and said, "This commander should report this, and wait for His Majesty's decree.

After speaking, an indigenous girl came with a red hada and said, "The red hada is given to the respected military god of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Jing smiled kindly, bowed his head slightly, and let the girl put on a Hada for him.

He smiled lovingly: "Why is mine red?

The little girl adored: "The elder said that only the protector of the earth is worthy of having this red Hada.

Li Jing was surprised at first, and then smiled with relief.

The end of this military career is complete.

Immediately afterwards, the little girl took out a box and opened it for Li Jing to see, which also contained a red Hada.

She smiled sincerely: "I heard that the governor of Shanzhou, Lord Lin, fought for a year to eliminate the Xianbei Murong who harmed us.

"He is now fighting against [-] Xianbei violent soldiers, and he has asked the general to pass it on to him.

Li Jing looked at the red hada around his neck, and then looked at the red hada in the box.

He looked in the direction of Shanzhou City and smiled lightly.

God's will! This kid accepted my handsome seal, it's God's will! ......, ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 99 099: The evaluation of the military god, the pattern is bigger than the sky [3/5 for subscription]

Just when Li Jing was sighing, the little girl took another colorful hada from the local aboriginal elder, which was made of five colors of silk fabrics! "Respected military god of the Tang Dynasty, please, on behalf of your revered Majesty Tian Khan, Accept the colorful Hada that we sincerely present.


Li Jing hesitated.

He recalled all the things that happened from the time he entered the city to clean up the remnants of Tuyuhun and Xianbei until now.

Li Jing implemented the strategy that Lin Hao wrote in the letter of advice, targeting the local people after capturing the city.

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