Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 888 902: News about Jordan Kule!

Chapter 885 902: News about Jordan Kule!

A shockingly powerful electric shock erupted, causing the demon inside to scream. After a while, Chen Feng felt that the connection between himself and the demon was broken. It was obvious that the demon was electrocuted to death.

"It's very powerful!" Chen Feng was slightly surprised, but he didn't have any regrets. He was a demon anyway, so his death would be in vain.

"Hmph, trash, and you, the guy hiding aside, come out, your smell is too bad!" Chen Feng suddenly slapped his forehead, forgetting that he was not the illusory Skeleton King now, but the Gray Skeleton King, damn it all over his body It's all carrion.

Chen Feng instantly released his transformation, then activated the power of the Gale Skeleton King, secretly planning to sneak away, but a lightning whip struck Chen Feng hard in front of him.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that a human spy would sneak in. Although I can't see you, smell you, and even feel you, I'm sorry, my talent is very vulgar. As long as there is any slightest movement, I will You can all hear it, so I came to control the demons here!”

"Come out!" Chen Feng didn't expect that he would be discovered at all, but at this moment, Chen Feng had an idea and suddenly summoned a skeleton. The ground suddenly broke out, and in an instant, a skeleton with bright red eyes emerged from the ground. Got out from underneath.

"What? It turns out it's just a skeleton!" The demon was stunned for a moment, but the skeleton had a bit of rotten flesh and a slightly corrosive smell. The demon sighed immediately. He didn't expect it to be a skeleton, and thought it was an enemy.

A whip was thrown over, and the skeleton was electrocuted into ashes in an instant.

"What's going on?" asked someone from afar. The demon in front of Chen Feng curled his lips, shouted that it was okay, and then left slowly. A breeze blew by, blowing a small amount of sand on the ground. Chen Feng slowly Slowly flew away.

"Damn, I almost showed my face!" Chen Feng almost broke out in a cold sweat. The guy could actually feel his movements after becoming invisible. Logically speaking, after Chen Feng became invisible, he would be at a glance with Ye Zi, because the invisibility would have a floating effect. , so as not to leave footprints on the ground.

It was like being in a weightless environment. It only took a little effort to float out, but I didn't expect to be heard.

After secretly floating out, Chen Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was almost discovered. After searching in the base for a whole day, Chen Feng could not find the passage into the underground city. Compared to the fact that he was actually in a certain building.

But Chen Feng didn't dare to enter the building because there must be a demon inside. Chen Feng couldn't guarantee whether the mutations here could detect him, so in the end Chen Feng decided to continue observing.

If the demons here continue to be like this, Chen Feng will go back, strengthen targeted training for students, and steal some potions to study.

But what made Chen Feng depressed was that after searching for a long time, Chen Feng could not find the potion he had ordered. Obviously, the potions were strictly collected and paid, so Chen Feng continued to wait for the opportunity.

However, the big base did not give Chen Feng any chance in the end. Chen Feng sighed helplessly, slowly left the big base, and found a small base. While a group of giant demons were forcibly injecting potions, he secretly obtained the medicine from the demon. A little bit came out of his mouth, and then it was done.

Chen Feng walked out of the mountains, and finally opened the scroll to return to the city very simply, and returned to the Demon Fortress. He left to let the alchemist start research, but he didn't know that his every move was being monitored.

"Chen Feng left?" Diavolo slowly opened his eyes. At this time, he was still in a state of nothingness, without a body, but none of the demons standing around him dared to be presumptuous.

"Yes, Master, human Chen Feng has left the Void Mountains, and he has figured out everything here!" A smile suddenly appeared on Diavolo's face.

"Very good, you continue the experiment. I'll give you three years. I want an army of more than one million lesser demons!" Diavolo looked at the demons, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Three years, one million, and it is an army of lesser demons. Over the past year or so, a total of more than a thousand lesser demons have been created. In three years, more than one million have been created, which is almost impossible.

"What? Is it difficult?" Diavolo said calmly.

"No, it's not difficult. If the master allows the use of demons for experiments, it will definitely not be a problem. However, the number of those beasts alone is not enough. Beasts with insufficient physical strength cannot support the physical changes caused by mutations, let alone the support of bones. If you can’t hold on, you won’t be able to hold on mentally!” the devil said helplessly.

"This is not the explanation I want. What I want is to see an army of demons a million times in three years. The rest is up to you to see for yourself. I will give you the greatest rights. Just go ahead and do it! "

"But if I can't see it in three years, then you will stay in my nightmare space for three thousand years!" Diavolo sneered and said, and the devil's face turned green.

In order to achieve the goal as quickly as possible, the demon immediately set out to research. This time he directly started the smart demon experiment, and the entire Void Mountain Range instantly fell into an unprecedented craze.

"Why do we want that human being to know what we are doing on purpose?" Suddenly, a huge demon walked in not far away, with its towering chest completely unobstructed, and the triangle area was also lush. As the graceful woman moved, the chest Constantly trembling, it is absolutely a perfect and attractive figure.

But the long hair is like a venomous snake like Medusa, and the four big spider-like legs on the back make people look creepy.

"To put humans on guard, do you believe it?" Diavolo didn't even look at him. His beautiful and hot figure was completely unable to attract Chen Feng.

"Why don't you look at me? Are you scared?" The female demon who looked like Medusa slowly walked up to Diavolo, posing with her figure which was perfect on earth.

"Hmph, Lilith, I have no interest in women like you at all. Stop seducing me. You should go find your Inarius!" Diavolo said lightly.

The demon who seduced Diavolo was actually the legendary "mother" of mankind, the demon Lilith, the wife of the legendary angel Inarius.

But later he tried to take away the human world, fell out with angels, and finally returned to the devil. There are even legends that Lilith is not only Andariel's mother, but also the daughter of Mephisto.

Of course, this is all nonsense.

Lilith's own strength has also reached the level of a demon king, but she cannot master the original power, so she is essentially a second-class demon, because only by mastering the original power can she be a real demon king.

"Would you rather let humans know about our long-planned plan than accept me?" Lilith said resentfully, and Diavolo sneered.

"There is no relationship between the two. Chen Feng has been looking for the Skeleton King these days. Although I cannot observe the location of the Skeleton King, I can be sure that there must be a Skeleton King hidden in the Void Mountains!"

"If this news is given to Chen Feng this time, what do you think he will do if he takes it seriously? Bring Imparis here to bring it here? Huh!" Diavolo said disdainfully. Now that he has completed the fusion, he and Super Diablo merged into one again, and their strength increased countless times.

Now, not to mention that Chen Feng has three skeleton kings, even if there are five, Diavolo can face them, so Diablo is not worried about Chen Feng at all.

Instead, he was worried about the fragments of the Skeleton King under this land, so he ordered the demons to search for them. It was a pity that Chen Feng did not go deeper, otherwise he would have seen that the forest was destroyed and countless demons were looking for the fragments of the Skeleton King.

"Stay away from me!" Diavolo snorted when he saw Lilith trying to get close to him, but moved away a little. Lilith's eyes flashed with anger, but in the end she sneered and stepped on her tall steps. left.

"Evil woman, do you think I don't know what you want? You actually paid all your attention to my head!"

"My poor brothers, I didn't expect that Chen Feng would kill all of us except me. According to human strength, it will take four to five years to resurrect Jotun Kule, right?"

"It seems that they haven't even found the sealing location of Jordan Kule, let alone the tomb that Jordan Kule built for himself!"

"I am determined to get the Dark Soul Stone, but damn Jotun Kule, when he knew about my plan, he actually sealed the Soul Stone, and he had to unseal it himself before he could use it!"

"It seems that I still have to lurk, but since this is the case, then I will personally guide the humans to find it!" Diavolo gave a last smile, suddenly tore apart the space, came to the human world, and found it all at once His target instantly sank into the man's body.

"Let's start, my body, don't let me down. Only the human body can truly exert the power of the World Stone. As long as I get the Dark Soul Stone and the power of the Fusion World Stone, I will be the king of this universe. !”

On the third day, shocking news came. Jotun Kule's sealing location was discovered, but it was filled with amazing Horadrim guardian machines, making it impossible for ordinary people to get in.

At the same time, there was also a crazy discussion going on in the paradise, discussing whether everything Chen Feng saw was real, but in the end everyone knew that it was real, but what Chen Feng said was too shocking.

Even the Demon Fortress may not be able to stop thousands of inferior demons from attacking the city at once.

"Has Jotun Kule's seal been discovered?" After Chen Feng's report, there was a report from the human world. Upon hearing the news, Hagrid immediately stood up excitedly.

"Yes, but since the magic guards of the Horadrim clan are still in operation, it is basically free for human god-level experts to enter!" The angel shrugged helplessly.

"Jotun Kule? Since it is the Black Soul Stone, let Chen Feng go for it. After all, you are from the Horadrim clan!"

Chen Feng pointed to his nose in astonishment, "Shall I go?"

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