Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 883 897: Find Azmodan!

Chapter 880 897: Find Azmodan!


There was only a shout of surprise, and the World Stone suddenly burst into light, and then a huge shadow slowly appeared in the void. That shadow was Diavolo.

"Hahaha, after integrating the power of the World Stone, I no longer have to be limited by the World Stone. From now on, I can absorb the power of hell anywhere, and I will become extremely great!" Di Apollos laughed and said, and at the same time, bursts of lightning fell from the sky.

"I, merge again, the worst evil is me, I am Diavolo, the Dark God of Destruction!" Diavolo turned around and saw the World Stone emitting a burst of light again, and two corpses were thrown out. Mr. and Mrs. Boole.

"It's a pity that this body can no longer accommodate my soul. It seems that I have to use the body that I had planned long ago!" Diavolo slowly flashed the World Stone and came to the human world. There were countless demons outside. It was as if Diavolo was completely invisible.

Diavolo slowly flew out of the top of Mount Arreat and looked at the countless demons below, but he did not feel a burst of contempt and disgust in his heart. In the past, Diavolo would not have noticed these demons, but Today, that's even more true.

"Humans and angels have become more powerful now. I didn't expect Chen Feng's training to be really useful. Although it can't be detected in that academy, there are a group of angels who have been trained and joined the battle, but they are much more powerful than ordinary angels!"

"It seems that Chen Feng's academy is truly successful!"

"Since angels and humans have become stronger, my demons must also start to evolve!" Diavolo smiled, and suddenly a passage was torn in the sky. Diavolo walked into the passage as if nothing had happened. In a moment there was hell.

"Hell, the Seven Origins, and the Original Sin of Darkness. Except for Azmodan's power, everything else is now under my control, but I cannot come forward, and Azmodan must die. For my powerful power, For the fusion of Original Sin, for me to become the true King of Darkness!" Diavolo looked at Hell ambitiously.

"For my grand plan, Azmodan, you must die!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Found, traces of Azmodan!"

Chen Feng was sitting in the office, and suddenly Imparis rushed in. Chen Feng was shocked. Hearing Imparis's words, Chen Feng stood up excitedly. He had been preparing for half a year to kill Azmodan, but Azmodan's trail has always been shrouded in mystery.

But this time he showed up unexpectedly, which surprised Chen Feng.

"How did you find it this time?" Chen Feng asked unexpectedly.

"It was our insider. He discovered that Azmodan actually appeared in his city, and immediately informed us. We followed the root and found it directly. Unexpectedly, more than half a year later, his injuries He hasn’t fully recovered yet, and he is currently hiding in that city to recuperate!" Imparis said excitedly.

"What? It's been half a year and you haven't recovered yet?" Chen Feng was immediately shocked, but if he thought about it carefully, although the water of the Styx had the power to heal all injuries, it still couldn't regenerate limbs quickly.

When Imparis was seriously injured, Chen Feng could only summon "Tears of Ice" three times in his life, and with the help of life force, he recovered within three months, and it took a full half a year to fully recover.

"Where's the container? Where's the container? Give it to me and I'll leave immediately!" In order to seal Azmodan, Hagrid had actually started to build a container a long time ago, but this container was based on the Soul Stone of the year, but it couldn't be sealed. To the height of the Soul Stone, we can only forge a temporary container based on Chen Feng's Flower of Life.

If you can capture it at that time, you can seal it, then create layers of barriers, and then get Duriel's soul stone, destroy Duriel's soul, and then seal Azmodan.

But there is another process behind this, which is to find the legendary Jotun Kule and create the black soul stone, the legendary soul stone that can seal any demon king.

Only in this way could Azmodan's soul be completely sealed, and then destroyed using the Hammer of Hell's Forge.

But now there is a key problem, that is, Jotun Kule does not know where he died. After the Horadrim clan and Hagrid killed Jotun Kule together, Hagrid felt extremely aggrieved. He didn't attend Jotun Kule's funeral.

The Horadrim clan sealed the corpse of Jotun Kule, but no one knew its location. With the defeat of the Horadrim clan, the last Horadrim clan The man, Kane, was also completely dead, and almost no one in the world knew the location of Jordan Kule.

At first, Kane could still be found in books, but after Kane died, no one could understand the documents left by the Horadrim. Hagrid once let Chen Feng read them, but Chen Feng was just a fool. Damn, it’s ridiculous. No one knows those words or Chen Feng.

"At Hagrid's side!" As a result, Hagrid had no choice but to create the seal himself. He used the principle of the seal box to strengthen the restraint on the soul, and then strengthened the seal of the box and suppressed the power of the soul. After a month, it was created. A box.

Then it was handed to the Alchemy Guild, and the alchemists added a large amount of crystals and powders to it, which also had a suppressive effect on the soul.

"Let's leave now!" Chen Feng stood up immediately, came to the Demon Fortress, asked for the address, and rushed out without saying a word. This time, after half a year of planning, Chen Feng was definitely going to kill Azmodan.

"Have you got me?"

"If you can't beat the two Skeleton Kings, then there's nothing I can do!" Chen Feng said, and Azmodan nodded. If Chen Feng now has two Skeleton Kings and is still no match for him, then in this world, there will be no more There is no one who can rival Azmodan.

"While he is still seriously injured, I am absolutely sure to kill him!"

Chen Feng is naturally confident, because after becoming the Gale Skeleton King, Chen Feng can already summon 5 legion commanders. In other words, after Chen Feng summons the Flame Bone Dragon, War Behemoth, Mountain Snowman, and Bulcaisuo, he can still summon them again. Summon two legion commanders, similar to earth pangolins, holy light unicorns and the like.

Immediately, Chen Feng set off. Following the information, he flew directly towards the city in stealth mode. In order to prevent others from knowing that Chen Feng had appeared, Chen Feng had to become invisible. Otherwise, if Azmodan escaped, Chen Feng would have no place to reason. .

Walking all the way, for two full months, Chen Feng failed to kill any demon. He spent all his time on the road. In addition, the Gale Skeleton King was the fastest moving, but he still managed to catch up. Two months, if you put it on the Life Skeleton King, it would take at least half a year.

Arriving in the city, Chen Feng did not plan to attack the city with great fanfare, but secretly walked in silently. This time Chen Feng did not catch the rabbit but did not let the eagle fly. If he messed up, he would find Azmodan next time. Dan's strength will be fully restored, and then it will be difficult.

Entering the city, the city was desolate, with wailing all over the place, as if countless disaster victims had gathered here. It seemed that the life of the demons was not very good. Chen Feng was gloating all the way. Anyway, for him, the more these demons lived, the worse they were. The worse it is, the happier he will be.

It's night now, but there are still countless demons lying around on the roadside or in the corners. They are obviously homeless and thin. They are indescribably pitiful and pathetic, but Chen Feng never pities his enemies. .

Because if the person lying here was a human being and a demon came in, he would probably think that this place was a huge food city.

According to the intelligence, the lords here are three lesser demons. They accepted Azmodan. In fact, it was Azmodan who occupied this place. Even though Azmodan was injured, he could still easily deal with several lesser demons. loose.

"It seems that Azmodan is living a good life!" All kinds of food passed by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng realized that it was dinner time, but Chen Feng didn't want to try the devil's food, because the devil's food is the devil.

Following all the way, the place they came to was indeed the location of Azmodan, and there were several demons sitting around. There was a dinner party in the evening. Chen Feng suddenly smiled. Azmodan was so virtuous, but he still had the heart to eat. ?

Now Chen Feng is not afraid of being discovered at all, because at this time Chen Feng has the power of Skeleton King Gale, and Skeleton King Gale is the only one among all Skeleton Kings who can become invisible. With the invisibility effect, even Azmodan has a complete Skeleton King. , Chen Feng could not be found.

Because of the power of the Skeleton King, even other Skeleton Kings cannot detect it. They can only be forced out with a wide range of skills, or attack by chance. Of course, at the level of the Skeleton King, the attack methods are no longer limited to skills.

"Lord Demon King, it has been almost three months now. How is your recovery from your injury?" A demon asked Azmodan. Chen Feng smiled. Unexpectedly, someone had already asked him what he was most concerned about. problem.

"Well, I have almost recovered. I will trouble you all for another month!" Azmodan chewed the food and said calmly. A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of several lesser demons. This is their city. But Azmodan took it as his own, which is really outrageous.

It's a pity that in front of Azmodan, they can only grovel and don't even have the strength to resist. When Azmodan came here seriously injured, the three demons had an opportunity to take advantage of it, but with two casual moves, Azmodan Just completely defeated them.

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