Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 880 894: Half a year later!

Chapter 877 894: Half a year later!

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, the sacred spring is coming!" An angel immediately came over with a bottle of sacred spring, and poured it all on Chen Feng's head. Chen Feng felt a refreshing feeling, and his eyes instantly recovered. Vision and hearing senses also began to recover.

"Damn it, I was so fucking blown away!" Chen Feng roared angrily. As soon as he touched his face, he felt a burning pain. He immediately took out a mirror and looked at it. He was dumbfounded and then threw the mirror away.

"Damn it, I've been disfigured, you damn Azmodan!" Chen Feng roared angrily. Chen Feng's face was severely burned, and there was no complete piece of flesh left. That damn helmet protected his head, not his head. His face was completely burned, and not a single hair was missing.

"Lord Chen Feng, stop howling for now. Look at Lord Imparis. He is dying!" The angel immediately said to Chen Feng. Chen Feng quickly turned his head and looked at Imparis who fell on the ground. He was shocked. .

"How could this happen?" Chen Feng exclaimed, but just as he was about to bend down, a sharp pain came over his body. The power of the explosion was so amazing. Although Chen Feng's health bar had recovered, his body was still full of bruises.

"You were knocked unconscious by the bomb. In order to save you, Imparis attacked Azmodan in a sneak attack. As a result, Azmodan was already prepared and seriously injured Imparis. Now he is on the verge of death. If he doesn't receive treatment, he will die. He's going to die!" Bulcaisuo said, Chen Feng nodded immediately and was shocked when he saw Imparis's injury.

The whole body of armor was like a broken porcelain bowl. There was no intact piece at all. One-third of the wings were missing. The whole body was dim and dull, and it was getting weaker. If this continued, I was afraid there was only one way to die.

Fortunately, Chen Feng regained consciousness.

When Chen Feng stretched out his hand, he saw a light ball appearing directly in Chen Feng's hand, consuming 50 points of life energy. This skill is called "Extended Life". This green light ball contains countless life energy.

Chen Feng immediately shot the light ball into Imparis's body, but after ten minutes, there was no improvement in Imparis, and Chen Feng's face suddenly became ugly.

"How could this happen?" Chen Feng felt incredible. Even the dying Skeleton King could be resurrected with this move, jumping alive, but it had no effect on Imparis.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour passed. Not only did Impalis's injury not improve, but it became more serious. Chen Feng suddenly looked very ugly. A rain of tranquility could only stop Impalis. Reese's injury worsened.

"How could this happen?" Chen Feng looked completely incredulous and looked at Bulcasso, who shook his head helplessly.

At this time, I saw a group of people running from a distance. They were Hagrid and Chen Feng's wife. Someone must have informed them.

"Chen Feng!" Julian and others saw Chen Feng at a glance, but when Chen Feng turned his head, all the girls covered their mouths, looked at Chen Feng in disbelief, and then burst into tears.

"Why is this happening? Your face?" Hagrid asked in shock, but Chen Feng had no time to explain now.

"Look at Imparis. My moves have no effect on him at all. I'm almost out of energy, but he still doesn't get better. What's going on? It stands to reason that with so much power, even a dead person can't. It's time to come back to life!" Chen Feng immediately pulled Hagrid over. Hagrid was older and more knowledgeable.

As soon as he heard that it was Imparis' question, Hagrid immediately ignored the question on Chen Feng's face and eagerly came to Imparis's side. He looked at the dying Imparis lying on the ground and was shocked. How could this happen? It looks like this.

"Don't ask anymore, hurry up and see what force is preventing him from recovering. It stands to reason that with the few tricks I just used, even if there is only one head left, he can be resurrected!" Chen Feng said.

With up to 50 points of life energy, this skill can resurrect even the dead, but it has no effect on Imparis. Chen Feng even began to wonder if it was a problem with this trick.

"Let me take a look!" Hagrid immediately began to check, but the more he looked, the more shocked he became.

"Two origins. There are actually two origins in Imparis's body. Have you met two demon kings?" Hagrid asked Chen Feng in shock, but Chen Feng shook his head. Several wives looked on with distress. Chen Feng's disfigured face.

Although Chen Feng often transformed into a skeleton in the past, the girls knew that it was what Chen Feng looked like after his transformation, and there was actually nothing he couldn't fight. But now the girls knew that it was Chen Feng's real body, and now his entire face was disfigured. The girls were naturally distressed.

"It's Azmodan. That guy actually mastered the origin of Belial's lies. The two origins conflicted with each other, and the power produced was amazing. We won miserably!" Chen Feng said with a bitter smile. Bulcaisel had already stunned Chen Feng. The subsequent scenes were passed to Chen Feng.

"Azmodan!" Hagrid's eyes widened. He didn't expect Azmodan to be so powerful.

"Stop dawdling, what's going on in Imparis?" Chen Feng asked.

"There are two origins in his body that are fighting madly. In other words, they are in conflict. The two origins are conflicting with each other. On the one hand, they are absorbing the power of Imparis and strengthening themselves. As a result, your powers join in. It just turned into a three-party battle!"

"The constant conflict of energy is constantly consuming the life force you injected into it. As a result, Imparis' body is naturally not in good shape! What you have to do now is to continuously inject life force, at least five times the current amount. ! Only then can we suppress the other two forces!"

"Inject at least twenty times to completely eliminate those original sins!" Hagrid said, and Chen Feng was dumbfounded.

A life extension requires 50 points of life energy. Chen Feng only has a hundred points in total. After using several skills, it is impossible for Chen Feng to use the life extension once, but it takes twenty times.

"That's the only thing!" Chen Feng suddenly nodded, and endless ice emerged from his body. Everyone looked at Chen Feng in confusion, but Chen Feng suddenly stretched out his hands and slowly closed his eyes.

"Summon, Tears of Ice!"

"Tick tock!" Only a crisp sound was heard, and the entire sky instantly formed a huge whirlpool. Then, in the whirlpool, a drop of water actually fell down and fell into Chen Feng's hand. It instantly solidified into a drop like a small soybean. Crystals of the same size.

An unparalleled power burst out from above, and everyone looked at Chen Feng in shock.

"I can only summon this thing three times in my life, Imparis, I'm giving you an advantage!" Chen Feng sighed, but it's a pity that Imparis can't wait, otherwise when Chen Feng's life energy is fully restored, Chen Feng can use a Use the skill called "Hope of Life".

It consumes one hundred points of life energy to resurrect the dead. Its use value is far better than that of Tears of Ice, and it can be used unlimited times in a lifetime. Unfortunately, Chen Feng's life energy is restored too slowly. At least eighty points have been used now. , it takes at least one day to recover, and it is one day in the real world, not counting the cemetery.

Chen Feng gently picked up the Tears of Ice and slowly placed it on Imparis's forehead. Suddenly, the endless cold air was released crazily. Imparis was immediately frozen, and a memory immediately What poured into Chen Feng's mind was actually the effect of Tears of Ice.

"Okay, that's it. This will gradually repair Imparis's body. It will take a month. You should take good care of Imparis. If you have any problems, come to me in time!" Chen Feng took a deep breath and said habitually. He touched his forehead and suddenly felt a burning pain.

"Nima, I almost forgot, I still have injuries on my face!" Chen Feng immediately transformed into the Life Skeleton King. Don't waste the remaining twenty points. They all gathered towards Chen Feng's face. New skin and flesh quickly appeared on Chen Feng's face, and he recovered after a while.

"Chen Feng!" Several wives threw themselves into Chen Feng's arms, and Chen Feng suddenly smiled.

"I made you worry!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng himself did not expect that this battle would be so dramatic. He was actually knocked unconscious by a bomb. Just now, Chen Feng only heard a loud bang, and then he completely lost consciousness. If it hadn't been for Yi Mparis sacrificed his life to delay, and I was afraid that Chen Feng would be attacked by countless original sin bombs in the next second.

But what Chen Feng didn't expect was that Azmodan's attack power would become so terrifying. This means that the next time Chen Feng sees Azmodan, it will be even more difficult to deal with him, because Chen Feng doesn't know how to improve now. But Azmodan is improving all the time.

In this way, the gap between the two sides will widen even further.

"It seems that we have to look for the parts of the Skeleton King. Try to find the last part of the Skeleton King of Gale. This way, I don't have to be afraid of Azmodan!" Chen Feng sighed, thinking that he would transform into a living skeleton. Wang already had enough combat power to kill Azmodan, but he didn't expect that Azmodan would now abuse him.

If it weren't for Imparis, Chen Feng would have died today.

Chen Feng is ready to set off to search for the body of the Skeleton King. More than half of the Skeleton King has not yet been found. Chen Feng can only continue to look for these things now.

Within the World Stone.

"Chen Feng set off to find the parts of the Skeleton King!" Diavolo said.

"I know, I'm already making arrangements, but I haven't found the second part of the Skeleton King yet. It seems that things like the Skeleton King exclude the search for the World Stone!" Super Diablo Club said.

"We took away this piece of the Gale Skeleton King from under the Hell Furnace. It was our luck, but we still have to find it. The Skeleton King is too powerful. Once Chen Feng collects three of them, I am afraid that you and I will be , are no match for him!"

"If he finds more than 8, even if we fuse, we can only be tied with him!"

"If he finds any part of the God of Creation, it will be a disaster for us. Remember to put the skull away so that Chen Feng cannot find it!"

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