Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 875 889: The mortal enemy of the Wind Demon Eagle!

Chapter 872 889: The mortal enemy of the Wind Demon Eagle!

At noon the next day, the demon began to attack again. This time, Chen Feng did not continue to block it because Azmodan had not appeared yet. Chen Feng had to save his power. Although summoning skeletons did not use up much of Chen Feng's power, if he summoned too many skeletons, Chen Feng's Mental power will decrease, and it will be terrible if the legion commander cannot be summoned by then.

"There are still so many!" Looking at the almost undiminished number of demons, Imparis sighed. Although he could attack very brutally, he did not dare to leave the city in order to wait for Azmodan. fighting.

Who knows if Azmodan is waiting for Chen Feng's strength to drop to a certain level.

"Chen Feng, you can change your skeleton army, otherwise our people will have no place to fight!" Imparis looked at Chen Feng and said with a smile, and Chen Feng nodded with a smile.

After canceling all the skeleton armies, Chen Feng summoned Bulcaisuo and the legion commander. This time, the Holy Light Unicorn was not among Chen Feng's summons. Instead, Chen Feng summoned the Gale Wind Demon Eagle, the legion commander of the Gale Legion. out.

As soon as the Wind Demon Eagle appeared, there was a shocking eagle cry, and the crisp eagle cry echoed across the entire battlefield. The huge Wind Demon Eagle spread its wings, and Chen Feng suddenly opened his mouth.

When the wings were opened, they were actually over a thousand meters in length. What shocked Chen Feng even more was that the Gale Demon Eagle also told Chen Feng that this body could still change, and it would not be a problem to become tens of thousands of meters long.

"What are you waiting for? Transform and let me blow these bastards away!" Chen Feng suddenly smiled excitedly, and he immediately had a way to force Azmodan to come out.

Unless Azmodan doesn't want these demons anymore.

The Gale Demon Eagle spread its wings and began to wave wildly. Suddenly, fearful hurricanes appeared instantly, and the ground was blown open. The violent hurricanes instantly carried countless demons away.

The hurricane blew away the demons. It seemed like a cartoon, but it was the reality. The huge hurricane brought countless demons and blew them fiercely towards the border. Chen Feng even strengthened the hurricane in a very clumsy way.

Suddenly, a very amazing situation appeared on the scene. Behind the Wind Demon Eagle, countless demons were fighting human angels. In front of the Wind Demon Eagle, the terrifying hurricane seemed to be a lawn mower, instantly mowing down countless demons. The demon was blown away.

Within the few kilometers in front of the Gale Demon Eagle, almost no demon can be seen. Even if it is hiding underground, the violent hurricane can blow the demon out.

The ground has been hung up for several meters.

"Good guy, this is the real land scraping!" Chen Feng said with a smile. He didn't expect that the Swift Wind Demon Eagle was so effective. After a while, the demons stopped connecting. The demons in front were killed by humans and angels. The demon behind was blown away.

All of a sudden, the demons felt very embarrassed, because the demons in front were almost killed, and the demons in the back were unable to connect for nearly ten kilometers.

Chen Feng laughed, and the Gale Demon Eagle told Chen Feng that it would not be tiring to flap its wings like this, and it could last for several months.

"Okay, it won't take a few months. In the past few days, just blow it for me. If you see a demon approaching from any direction, blow it away for me. Don't let any demon get close!" Chen Feng smiled very obscenely, Im Paris couldn't help but raise his fingers. This move was so fucking awesome.

The Wind Demon Eagle spreads its wings, and the length of its wings reaches an astonishing 40,000 meters. The huge wings spread out, like overwhelming the sky and the earth. When the wings flap violently, they can roll up countless tornadoes at will.

At this time, the Gale Demon Eagle is standing in front of the city. If you have the ability, come over. If you come over, I will blow you away.

Suddenly, Yijing's demon was actually blocked by the Gale Demon Eagle alone. Chen Feng suddenly smiled helplessly. He didn't expect that there was such a way.

However, despite the powerful storm of the Swift Wind Demon Eagle, it still has no effect on some powerful ones. At least there are many demons above level 2 who can rush over at will.

"It's the Wind Demon King, be careful!" Suddenly, Imparis pointed to the sky and said. Chen Feng immediately looked over and saw countless demons in human form, but almost as long as birds, flying over quickly.

"Nah, birdman?" That guy looks like the Garuda in mythology. He has a human body, an eagle head, bird claws, and big wings. It looks like the golden-winged roc in Journey to the West has turned into a human shape. It looks like It's ferocious, yet yet domineering.

"Wind Demon King, why did these guys show up?" Chen Feng squinted his eyes. The Wind Demon King belonged to a hidden family and rarely participated in battles. However, every time he participated, all members must be dispatched, including all those who could fight.

"I didn't expect Azmodan to be able to call these guys out!" Imparis was shocked. The Wind Demon King completely ignored the Storm Eagle's storm and rushed straight towards the Wind Demon Eagle.

Although both sides have the word "gust", in essence, the "gust demon eagle" is a bird, while the "gust demon king" is a birdman. They belong to different species, and their combat capabilities are also very different.

"Chirp!" The Wind Demon Eagle roared angrily, and instantly stretched out its claws crazily. Only a scream was heard. A Gale Demon King was instantly caught in the claws of the Gale Demon Eagle, and then the Gale Demon Eagle pinched it hard. The Wind Demon King instantly turned into minced meat.

"Chirp!" The sudden attack of the Gale Demon Eagle caught Chen Feng by surprise, because Chen Feng did not issue an attack order at all, but the Gale Demon Eagle seemed to be crazy and attacked the group of Gale Demon Kings crazily.

The group of Wind Demon Kings also began to fight back crazily at this time. The two sides fought extremely fiercely in the sky. For a moment, Chen Feng was dumbfounded. Countless demons lost the control of the Wind Demon Eagle and began to approach the city quickly.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng exclaimed, but the Wind Demon Eagle did not answer. Fortunately, there were Flame Bone Dragon and War Behemoth beside him.

"The Gale Demon Eagle was a hell demon before he was alive. The Gale Demon King is a special race. There is a chance that they will be born with a strange creature called the Gale Demon Eagle."


"Fuck, everyone come together!" Chen Feng immediately became angry. In this way, there is no need to think too much about the matter. The Gale Demon Eagle is actually the companion species of the Gale Demon King. As a result, the Gale Demon Eagle was naturally abandoned when he was born. I don't know how much time has passed. After years of hard work, he became the leader of the Gale Legion.

"Fight!" Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Flame Bone Dragon took off directly into the air, and then a fireball spurted out. It was a big fireball.

"Get lost!" When a Gale Demon King saw the Flame Bone Dragon rushing up, he immediately slapped the fireball angrily. However, as the fireball exploded, his eyes widened. The huge explosion impact instantly dropped it from the sky. Come down.

"Tragic guy!" Chen Feng covered his face. The flame bone dragon's move had deceived countless people, but it was undeniable that the power was really amazing. The demon king level was immediately killed by the explosion.

Fortunately, Hagrid was not here. Hagrid was at home looking at the academy. If Hagrid saw it, he would be furious. This is good material. Why was it swallowed up by a ball of fire?

The Flame Bone Dragon rushed forward. He had the strength of a second-level demon. It was no problem to deal with level 2 peak demons. Several of them were killed in a short time.

On the other side, Chen Feng entered the cemetery by the way and asked Dragon Turtle about the situation of the Gale Demon Eagle. Only then did Chen Feng realize that the two sides were fighting to the death.

The Gale Demon Eagle, produced by the Gale Demon King, is an atavistic species. It does not have the strength of the Gale Demon King, so it is usually abandoned when it is born. However, for many demons, the level 2 strength of the Gale Demon Eagle as an adult is very terrifying.

Therefore, many demons have been wandering outside the realm of the Wind Demon King all year round, and they want to get a Wind Demon Eagle, and then cultivate it. After raising it, they basically don't have to worry about eating and drinking.

After all, the strength is level 4 during the growth period, and the strength is level 2 when reaching adulthood. The combat power is very amazing. It’s not that the Gale Demon King doesn’t look down on this strength, but he doesn’t like the Gale Demon Eagle and thinks it’s a punishment for them, so he appears here. This creature is not the Wind Demon King, so I don’t want it.

As a result, the Gale Demon Eagle and the Gale Demon King have become mortal enemies for generations. In many cases, the Gale Demon Eagle will be strangled to death as soon as he is born, and Chen Feng's army commander is actually secretly abandoned, but later he is His biological parents and twin brother were killed.

In the end, he became a skeleton and wandered around the cemetery. After joining the Gale Legion, his combat effectiveness increased all the way. Finally, he evolved into bronze and became the target of training. Then he grew up and became the legendary legion commander.

But a long time has passed, and his parents have died long ago. Before becoming a golden skeleton, the memory will not be restored, so when the memory of the Swift Wind Demon Eagle is restored, his parents still don’t know what is in the cemetery. In the corner.

"So that's what happened. The hatred for the Gale Demon King clan has been deeply rooted!" Chen Feng nodded and returned to the human world. Looking at the Gale Demon Eagle fighting in the sky, he didn't expect this guy to have such a miserable life.

Abandoned at birth, then picked up and raised by demons, and finally died at the hands of his biological parents, such a thing would be a tragedy in the human world.

The Gale Demon King began to die in large numbers. Although the number was large, what they encountered was Chen Feng's most elite troops. Their respective strengths reached the level of secondary demons, or even far exceeded them.

"Come back to me!" Finally, someone in the rear could no longer wait quietly. The Wind Demon King was an elite force, one of the most elite under Azmodan's subordinates. But now there were countless casualties, so naturally he could no longer wait. Go down.

"Azmodan, you are finally willing to show up!" In the sky, countless evil sources began to gather. Chen Feng squinted his eyes, and suddenly a light flashed on his body, and he saw a complete set of green equipment worn on Chen Feng.

Life Skeleton King Set.

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