Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 869 882: Chen Feng’s plan!

Chapter 866 882: Chen Feng’s plan!

"I'm very disappointed. I'm really disappointed with you. Thirty thousand people fought against ten thousand people, but we actually lost more than twenty thousand people on our side, which is more than twice as much as the enemy!"

"You talk nonsense like this, but you still have the nerve to talk about how powerful you are. Is this the style of your barbarian clan? You rely on human lives to earn money, right?" Chen Feng pointed at the people standing on the ring and roared loudly.

"Lord Hagrid, this guy!" A barbarian looked at Chen Feng angrily. Apparently Chen Feng's map cannon also hit them, but Hagrid shook his head and motioned to the barbarian not to move and continue to look at Chen Feng.

"It's not fair. We have no weapons at all. The mages have sharp weapons in their hands!" A barbarian was immediately unconvinced and underestimated, but in this silent environment, after passing the amplification of the ring, in an instant The news spread throughout the arena, and the barbarian looked at Chen Feng in shock. He had forgotten that the arena had such a function.

"Unfair? Do you think this is really unfair? What is fair? You are a group of barbarians. I give you elite armor and weapons, and then let you slaughter a group of mages who can't even use magic?"

"Or should I open up the use of skills and let more than 10,000 mages attack you with magic? Do you think that is fair?"

"Fair enough, stupid!"

"There is no fairness in this world at all. Why are you a professional and they are not? Is this fairness? What have you done? You are also the child of your parents. How can you become a professional with your virtues, while others have struggled Exercise but can’t become a professional?”

"Is this fair?"

"It's only fair to weaken your strength and give weapons to mages. Don't forget, you barbarians have a total of 30,000 people, while there are only 10,000 mages. Can't you pig heads figure out the arithmetic here? ?”

"But I'm really disappointed. There are 30,000 people. When I beat 10,000 people, 20,000 people died. Think about it with your heads smaller than walnuts. Did you make a profit or a loss?" "

Chen Feng roared angrily, and all the barbarians standing on the ring lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"I have said that I have never objected to fighting. You are all warriors and will all go to the battlefield in the future, so your duty is to fight. There is no way I can suppress your enthusiasm for fighting!"

"But, but what? But you are fighting in such a boring way, and for what reason? It's just a few words of contention that has led to the entire academy!"

"Look around you. These are all partners you can rely on back to back in the future, but today they all fell to the ground because of a few words of loyalty!"

"Look with your eyes, the blood is red. They are all humans, not demons with black blood!"

"Smell it with your noses. Do you smell the smell of blood? This is the blood of your own companions. How can you resist taking action?"

"I thought that in a fight, at most, a broken leg, some blood, and a bruised nose and face would be enough!"

"But what about now? Now look at your appearance, dead. Have you seen how many people died on the ground? Do you want me to tell you their names one by one!" Chen Feng roared crazily, all the students Everyone lowered their heads, and even some girls started sobbing.

"Shut up, everyone. No one is allowed to cry. You all open your eyes and look at me. This is your companion. You are sure you can trust such a companion. You are sure that you can use it on the battlefield in the future." Leave your back to them?"

Chen Feng said loudly, and all the barbarians suddenly changed their expressions, because Chen Feng seemed to want to expel these students from the school.

When they thought of this, all the students sat on the ground in fear and looked at Chen Feng in disbelief.

"From today on, the Barbarian Academy and the Mage Academy will be merged together, and I will train them personally. From today on, the cultural classes at the Barbarian Academy will be doubled, and the physical classes at the Mage Academy will be doubled. Get them all up for me!"

Chen Feng looked at the countless students lying on the ground and waved with a cold face. Countless green lights instantly fell down. This is the real power of the Life Skeleton King. Treatment is the theme. In fact, fighting is not the Life Skeleton King. Too good at it.

All the students who fell on the ground actually stood up one by one. The students around them exclaimed. Last time they saw Chen Feng save one person, this time he saved a whole group of people. This made all the students look at Chen Feng. , all like gods.

"Meeting dismissed!" Chen Feng yelled, and his entire body disappeared in an instant. He teleported to another place, but Chen Feng laughed.

"Are you happy?" Hagrid came over, looked at the smile on Chen Feng's face, and shook his head helplessly. All the children were deceived by the bad guy Chen Feng. This was what Chen Feng expected.

"I thought I would have to keep suppressing it before I could explode, but I didn't expect it to explode so quickly. That's fine. It shows that these little bastards haven't reached their limit yet, so let's double it. I want them to waste their energy in speaking." !" Chen Feng said with a sneer.

They can no longer let loose. Starting today, Chen Feng decided to start wielding the butcher's knife. The originally wonderful days for these children were finally gone forever.

After returning home, Rasma stumbled to Chen Feng, hugged Chen Feng's calf, and called "baba" loudly and affectionately. Although it didn't sound clear, Chen Feng was extremely happy. Chen Feng is particularly happy that his child is just over one year old and can already call him daddy.

"Are you training again today?" Julian came over with a bowl of porridge in his hand, but like all children, Rasma almost refused to eat until he complained that he was hungry.

The first five daughters-in-law of Chen Feng's family chased and intercepted this little guy every day, causing the whole family to panic. But Tavina's Xiaobai followed this little guy every day, and once he ran too far, he would catch him back in one bite.

It was completely different from lying in swaddling clothes when he was a child. Rasma was quite quiet before, but after he could walk, he began to show his true nature as a little devil. He ran around everywhere, causing Chen Feng and the others to wonder. Finally, Xiao Bai From a wolf to a dog, it was picked up from nowhere.

Then he was slapped twice by Julian. The little guy didn't cry or make a fuss. After kissing Julian with a smile and being cute, he continued to cause trouble. Julian was helpless.

In fact, Julian thought he had hit him very hard, but Rasma was stunned that it was nothing, just like tickling him. In the end, Divina said she would hit him, but she slapped Rasma twice, which was exposed in his crotchless pants. On the little buttocks, Divina's palms were as red as the little buttocks, and Rasma looked at Divina in confusion, where is the tickle?

Chen Feng and others already knew that his son was too thick-skinned, and the only one who could deal with him was Chen Feng. Chen Feng slapped him twice, and the little guy could hold his butt and cry for an hour.

Therefore, every time Chen Feng comes back, the little guy is the first to come up and act cute, meaning that he is very well-behaved today, don't hit him. Chen Feng pinches his son's face, and then goes to see his eldest daughter. This girl is lying on the bed. I was looking at a few butterflies smiling on the bed.

It was flying in from the forest. It was surrounded by forests. In addition, Chen Feng planted flowers, plants and trees in the school. In addition, the inside of the barrier was like spring all year round, and there were countless butterflies and bees.

Some students were even attacked by bees. Later, a few students used magic to destroy the bees in anger. Instead, Chen Feng deducted some moral points. Bees sting you because you entered their territory and attack range. No. Who did you sting?

But because of a trivial matter, he visited three hives near a teaching building, which was a bit unreasonable. Although it was a very small matter, Chen Feng unceremoniously deducted one point from each person.

There were many butterflies on his daughter's bed. Chen Feng discovered that his daughter actually had a special ability similar to the Xiang Fei in "Huan Zhu Princess", which could easily attract all kinds of small animals.

Today there were butterflies, and yesterday there were a lot of bees and beetles. Even when she wasn’t supervising her eldest son, Rasma, Tavina’s giant white wolf, Xiao Bai, loved nothing more than sitting on the little girl’s bed. The little girl's bed was changed several times, because Xiaobai was too big, but she liked to sit on Terena's bed, and finally it was turned into an adult bed to accommodate it.

As for the second son Alexander, this guy is really Alexander. He hardly rests for 24 hours a day. Chen Feng regrets giving him the "blessing of life" so early. As a result, this boy is full of energy. It stands to reason that children develop their brains and will often enter. Sleep, but this kid is not sleeping. He stays up twenty-four hours a day, clinging to Emily, Chen Feng, Julian, and Lilith. However, when he sees Divina, he immediately shrinks back into the quilt.

This kid was tortured to death by Divina, because this kid has been very lively since he was a child, and he is the prettiest among Chen Feng's three children. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looks at you with watery eyes. Anyone will be fooled. Touch the softest place in your heart.

As a result, Divina gloriously announced that she would take care of Alexander. As a result, Alexander was really stressed out and was dressed up as a little girl every day. Alexander almost committed suicide.

After greeting the three little guys one by one, Chen Feng sat down on the sofa. Today's events reminded Chen Feng that having more students is not necessarily a good thing. It seems that management needs to be strengthened.

As for the people from the two colleges, they will soon know the consequences of the fight. Chen Feng has prepared a series of plans and is waiting for them.

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