Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 865 878: The fastest construction speed, the campus is established!

Chapter 862 878: The fastest construction speed, the campus is established!

When it comes to the construction industry, it still depends on the number of people. Don’t you see, whether it’s World of Warcraft, Red Alert, or Age of Empires, the speed of construction increases with just one person?

When it comes to people, Chen Feng doesn't have any, just a few architects commanding him, but when it comes to skeletons, hehe.

Three months, just three months, 11 colleges, city walls, squares, classrooms, martial arts arenas, and testing colosseums were all completed, covering an area of ​​more than 2,400 square kilometers. In an instant, a myth was born in Chen Feng's house Born in the hands.

The entire city contains Chinese, European, French and other architectural styles. It not only looks beautiful, but also has endless uses. The 11 branches each present a magic circle structure, located in all directions of the city, and just below each branch. A magic circle is buried that protects the branch individually.

But once the 11 magic circles are combined, they form a stage of enchantment that instantly envelops the entire city, making the academy instantly extremely safe.

Behind the 11 branches is the city wall, so the 11 branches are placed closest to the city wall, so that if there is danger, all teachers can be the first to join the battle.

Of course, there's really no way to tell about danger.

On the first floor of the college, there are avenues and dormitories. There are 11 colleges with a total of 22 dormitories, divided into men and women, forming a circle. Then inside the dormitory is a circle of classrooms, a total of 11 classrooms. The classrooms are still being renovated, so they have not yet After confirmation, the specific number of classrooms to be opened still depends on the number of students.

In the inner circle is the arena for martial arts and the Colosseum for testing, both of which have soundproof barriers to prevent the passionate battles inside from distracting countless students.

Inside is a large playground with various equipment and sixteen stages.

Chen Feng planned to let countless students fight everywhere, so the arena competition was definitely a must. In the middle of the sixteen arenas was a huge thunder, with a length and width of three thousand meters and a height of 2 meters.

There are seats all around the playground, which is almost the same building as a football field. It has shelter from the wind and rain. In fact, there is a barrier, so there is no need to worry about rain.

The construction was completed, and then the decoration started. Chen Feng's skeleton couldn't do it anymore. It took two full months before the decoration was completed, and then the decoration of the barriers began, which took another month.

As a result, half a year passed in a blink of an eye. It has been five or six years since Chen Feng came to this world. This half year has passed the fastest. Chen Feng devoted himself wholeheartedly to this college, and all the problems he encountered were solved. Chen Feng solved it.

Not enough wood, cut it!

If you don’t have enough stones, you need to open mountains.

The mountains are all finished, let’s go down to the sea to fish for stones.

Half a year, half a year later, Chen Feng finally finished building this city. Chen Feng was involved in every detail, which made Chen Feng feel that this city was built by Chen Feng himself.

Next, all the teachers and materials began to move in. The 11 branches are the office buildings of the teachers. Because the school is larger, the school also learned from the Demon Fortress, opened underground passages, and added accelerators, so that the teachers can quickly traveling back and forth over thousands of kilometers.

To use an analogy, if you are traveling by car from Hangzhou to Shanghai, it is about 180 kilometers, and this city is about ten such distances, and it is in diameter.

The area of ​​Shanghai is 636 square kilometers, and the area of ​​Chen Feng's college is basically three to four times that of Shanghai.

All the teachers began to arrive one after another. The teleportation array has not been installed in the city, but when the teachers arrive, it will be installed.

As soon as the teleportation array was installed, more people came. After everyone who was supposed to come arrived, Chen Feng solemnly announced that the academy was open, and then solemnly pulled down the red cloth hanging on the city wall. Several golden typings appeared on the city wall.

"Hope Academy!"

"What a name, Hope Academy, the hope of mankind, the hope of angels, the hope of the future, great!" Imparis was the first to praise, and everyone immediately started to praise it.

This is a name that Chen Feng and his family thought about for seven or eight days. Chen Feng had many names in his mind, such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Harvard University, etc., but he couldn't use them.

There are even more people whose lives are not mainstream, but they are even more unusable. Julian's last words reminded Chen Feng.

"The academy is for cultivating the future of mankind, why not call it the Academy of the Future?" But Chen Feng did not agree.

"No, what the academy cultivates is not the future, but hope, hope of survival, hope of strength, and hope of peace. Therefore, the academy is called Hope Academy!"

Everyone who listened applauded, and finally the name was decided.

The grand opening ceremony was a bustling day. Chen Feng took people to visit the entire college. The older generation who were originally a little reluctant were immediately convinced.

Each classroom has its own characteristics, and each college has its own style. With the addition of the arena, the Colosseum and other measures, the school not only does not lose the fighting style, but puts strength at the forefront.

In addition, Lilith's grandfather personally serves as a picket team, the atmosphere will definitely be very good, healthy and progressive, and continue to make progress.

Enrollment has begun, and countless people are rushing towards the college from all directions. Fortunately, Chen Feng is smart and has teachers go to various cities to enroll students separately, and then go to places with teleportation arrays, such as those that have started to resume production again. Lu Gaoyin and other places were teleported to the academy.

Chen Feng bears the transmission fee alone.

On the first day, due to problems with the enrollment measures, less than a hundred people came to sign up. On the second day, the number rose to more than a thousand. On the third day, Chen Feng's enrollment measures were thrown out, and more than 30,000 people came. .

Forty thousand on the fourth day, more on the fifth day.

The enrollment lasted for a whole week, and the total number of students he called reached an astonishing 480,000. Chen Feng recruited almost all the children who were old enough, because Chen Feng did not restrict whether they were professionals or not.

Chen Feng said that he could recruit as many people as he could under the age of 25 and over 8. Since the school was so big, he didn't have to worry about having no place to live. Chen Feng also recruited thousands of chefs to be responsible for cooking.

As for the other sweepers and miscellaneous workers, all the students did it themselves. Chen Feng even prepared a military management plan, because military management is the best plan to gather people's hearts and cultivate quality.

Then there is the arrangement of students, of which Angel Academy has the largest number of people, because professionals have been assigned to their respective academies. Only angels and children who are not professionals do not have specialized occupations, so they are arranged together.

Imparis and Chen Feng both agreed on this point, not because they looked down upon them, but because they had not yet become professionals, or had passed the age to become professionals.

Therefore, those children who cannot become professionals have only two choices: warrior monks or demon hunters.

The college's education is very targeted, with professional classes in the morning and unified courses in the afternoon.

Professional courses are naturally taught by professional teachers. Each profession is different, which Chen Feng never cares about. The same course teaches a series of subjects such as geography, botany, war command, biology, demonology, etc.

Because he is a new student, he is still in a familiar environment. In the evening, Chen Feng arranged a big dinner. All the children were together, eating and making noise. Chen Feng allowed fighting, but not private fighting. Chen Feng said this on the first day of school. , If you want to fight, you can ask a teacher to vouch for it, go to the ring, as long as it doesn't cause disability or kill anyone, anything is OK.

The party every night increases the students' feelings for the school, but is Chen Feng really a kind-hearted person? The real devil begins in the second week after school starts.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There were three huge explosions in a row, and countless children jumped up from the boat crazily. Then they hurriedly put on their clothes, arranged their quilts, placed their things, and after washing, they gathered towards the big playground.

Immediately afterwards, the tragic training began. Chen Feng did not arrange to stand in a military posture, but only had a series of goose steps and response training to various orders.

The curriculum has also changed, with military training in the morning, professional classes in the afternoon, and unified classes in the evening. Because there are so many children, especially those in Angel Academy, each class is spread out.

For example, this college teaches demon subjects, and that college teaches biology. After class is over, the teachers have to run to the next college as quickly as possible, drink water, and continue class.

Although they were a little tired, the teachers felt less tired after seeing the eyes of countless children eager for knowledge.

The academy has begun with great vigor. I don’t know how many people in the world are paying attention to this place. Chen Feng naturally cannot be embarrassed, but because it has just started, countless children are still ordinary teenagers and do not have the power of professionals, so Chen Feng decided that one year The test will be opened later. ,

Of course, it is different for professionals. Professionals have to take exams every month. The same is true for angels. Only ordinary children start taking exams after a year.

Every teacher will instill in you during class that although you are professionals, you are also human beings, no different from others. If you look down on others, you are looking down on yourself. Although there are still many gaps, it also inspires from the side. The efforts of ordinary teenagers.

One month after the school started, the first test naturally attracted the attention of countless people. Parents of almost all professionals were invited. Anyway, the college is big enough, and your entire school can accommodate people from all over the world.

There are densely packed people everywhere. The first test is a literary test, which is the same in the whole school. The test goal is the simplest, the degree of understanding of the devil.

According to the Chinese exam, it is divided into multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, question and answer questions, and scenario simulation questions. Everyone knows the first three, which are no different from the Chinese language exam. The latter one simulates a situation for you and gives you a few people. , or how many demons a person would choose to fight alone.

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