Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 851 864: Azmodan escapes!

Chapter 848 864: Azmodan escapes!

Power, endless power emerged from his body, and Chen Feng could clearly feel that he seemed to be able to control everything around him, and that all life was under his control.

With a wave of his hand, several skeletons that had died unexpectedly came back to life again. They looked at their own bodies in shock, and then looked at Chen Feng. They immediately knew that it was Chen Feng who had resurrected them. It sounds simple, but in fact it is extremely tragic. They In order to protect Chen Feng, he was willing to give his own life, but the result was that he was killed instantly.

The previous battles lasted for minutes or even hours, but this time it lasted for a few seconds, which gave these guys the idea that they were too weak, but they were helpless, who allowed so many enemies?

In order to fight, Izek's shield was broken, his weapons were broken, and finally all the bones in his body were broken. Mok's head was trampled alive, and the assassin's skull was blown apart by Lazy, and then burned into ashes with a fire. The mage skeleton was the only one alive, but his body was covered with scars and he almost died.

The dragon knight's dragon spear and dragon shield were broken, the dragon's wings were torn off, its tail was broken, the dragon's head and jaw were split open, the dragon knight himself was severely trampled to pieces, and there was no trace of good at all. Bones come.

Under such circumstances, they finally protected Chen Feng, and at the moment when Chen Feng truly became a god, one of them gained the power of chicken and dog to ascend to the sky. With one move, all the skeletons were resurrected in an instant, and then countless powers poured into them. inside the body.

The skeletons were resurrected, powerful power poured into their bodies, they understood, and the restrictions were lifted.

In the past, due to Chen Feng's level, the strength of several skeletons was actually limited, such as Bulcasso and the Dragon Knight. Even though they were not strong, the Dragon Knight was essentially a golden skeleton. In the words of Dragon Turtle.

"The golden skeleton is equivalent to a lesser devil!"

The Dragon Knight has never exerted such power, but now there is no limit, because Chen Feng has become the Skeleton King. Chen Feng no longer needs to be restricted by any skills. As long as Chen Feng's mental power can support it, Chen Feng can Unlimited summoning of skeletons.

Chen Feng showed his power. With a wave of his hand, skeletons all over the sky began to be summoned crazily. This time, the leader of the Life Legion was excited and excited in the cemetery, because he had never thought that he would be the first to restore skeletons. The king's is actually his army.

Under Chen Feng's summons, countless skeletons of the Life Legion began to appear on the ground. Countless magic arrays appeared on the ground. Groups, pieces, and piles of skeletons continued to crowd in. Chen Feng frantically calculated his own fate. The upper limit of mental power control.

"One hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, one million!" Chen Feng's eyes widened in excitement. Chen Feng has always focused on developing the skeleton sea. However, due to skill limitations, the maximum number of Chen Feng's skeletons was only 45W. For countless demons, this number of skeletons is really not enough.

But it's different now. In just a few seconds, the number of skeletons has exceeded one million, and this number is still increasing crazily by hundreds of thousands per second.

"Two million, three million, five million, ten million."

Chen Feng opened his mouth. He didn't know whether to be happy or excited. In just half a minute, the total number of Chen Feng's skeletons reached a terrifying ten million. On a normal day, Chen Feng wouldn't even dare to think about it. .

However, this number is still increasing crazily.

"Twenty million, forty million, sixty million, eighty million, one hundred million."

One hundred million!

Chen Feng's eyes widened and he suddenly started laughing crazily. One hundred million, really one hundred million. As long as he reaches this number, Chen Feng feels that he has no regrets in this life. One hundred million skeletons, the number is still beating crazily. .

A full 250 million, Chen Feng finally felt a stinging pain in his brain, and immediately stopped summoning. A full 250 million, Chen Feng's current mental power can support the upper limit of summoning, reaching an astonishing 250 million. .

"Hahaha!" Chen Feng laughed crazily. This terrifying amount was enough for Chen Feng to stand still and challenge the demon of Yijing alone. When Chen Feng only had 45W skeletons, he defeated the demon of Yijing. Everything was turned upside down.

Now Chen Feng has 250 million, 250 million. This number is enough for Chen Feng to sweep through hell. Moreover, Chen Feng knows that as long as he can make up another Skeleton King in the future, this number will still rise, and at least double it. times.

"Kill!" Without saying a word, Chen Feng gave the order, and countless skeletons began to kill crazily around them. At this time, the dozens of inferior demons also woke up and immediately roared towards Chen Feng and Chen Feng. The skeleton rushed over.

"Did you just kill my skeleton?" Chen Feng turned his head and looked at the group of inferior demons with cold eyes. Suddenly, the group of inferior demons felt that the temperature around them suddenly dropped, and there were bursts of cold air all over their bodies, and a wave of death. The taste suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart.

"Deprivation of life!" Chen Feng suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at a demon. The demon was stunned. Suddenly, he felt his skin "click" and crack like a biscuit. Then blood spurted out, and the skin became visible to the naked eye. It quickly dehydrates, then dries out, and finally weathers and turns into fly ash.

Then came the muscles, blood, and bones. The demon looked at himself in horror, just like an old statue being gradually weathered by the wind. His whole body was turned into ashes by the wind.

Chen Feng divided the life energy in his mind into one hundred equal parts. Tranquil Rain requires a full 10 points of life energy, and the life deprivation just now requires 15 points. It is a very powerful skill.

It's a pity that it is ineffective against the demon king. Otherwise, if this skill consumes half of the life force at one time, if it is used twice in a row, the two demon kings will still be alive?

"Death ray!" A series of rays of light erupted from Chen Feng's hand. One point of life energy can support the death ray twenty times. Chen Feng consumes 5 points of life energy and can shoot more than a hundred death rays.

Suddenly the whole sky was occupied by gray death rays. Countless demons retreated in fear, but they met Chen Feng. The death ray was like a tarsal maggot, following those demons tightly, and even the ray was very easy. He turned a corner in the air and finally hit the enemy. The demon screamed and fell from the sky.

His wings were penetrated by Chen Feng, and the fleshy wings began to bloom visibly, as if they were hit by a petrifying light, and then the stone turned into sand.

"No, no, no, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" The demon started running wildly, and quickly ran towards the distance, and even looked back in horror, because there were seven or eight ways. The light chased behind his buttocks.

But how can crawling compare to light. The demon hadn't taken two steps when the light caught up with him. In an instant, the light penetrated the demon's body. The demon screamed and his whole body suddenly began to slowly petrify, and then slowly turned into sand. Scattered all over the floor.

"Run!" Countless lesser demons began to scream crazily. Chen Feng, who just now was the turtle in the bowl, suddenly transformed into a giant dragon and swallowed the enemy alive in one mouthful. Not even given a chance to beg for mercy.

Countless demons screamed, shouted, and kept running away, but this time it was a great harvest. How could Chen Feng let them escape? Suddenly, several skeletons hurriedly chased after them, and when they found a demon, they exploded. Damn it, the dragon knight has recovered all his strength at this time. He was previously limited by Chen Feng's skill level, but now he has the strength of a true inferior demon.

In the past, because of Chen Feng's skill level, the dragon knight really turned into a golden color. However, under the suppression of Chen Feng's skills, the dragon knight could only exert the strength between a level 1 peak demon and a second-level demon. Although Chen Feng's With the increase in equipment, it has reached the level of a lesser demon, but reaching it by itself is still different from reaching it with skill blessing.

This time, Chen Feng transformed into the Skeleton King and was no longer restricted by his skill level, because from this moment on, Chen Feng was already the owner of the cemetery. He used to borrow it, but now he uses it for himself. Naturally, You can exert 100% of your strength.

The dragon knight's combat ability skyrocketed, and with the blessing of Chen Feng's equipment, the battle immediately became quite powerful. Within a few seconds, a lesser demon was pinned to the ground by the dragon knight's dragon.

"I remember, it was you who broke my dragon spear just now?" The dragon knight looked at the demon coldly. As expected, revenge is the most satisfying thing. While the demon was begging for mercy and screaming, the dragon knight's dragon spear hit hard He poked the devil's body continuously, and the devil died very simply after a while.

Then the Dragon Knight found a lesser demon again.

"Did you break my red lotus shield just now?" Before the demon began to beg for mercy, the dragon knight's shield slapped the demon's face hard, and his flesh and blood were immediately blurred, and then he slapped continuously, The demon was beaten to death within a few seconds.

Next, those who tore off their wings, those who broke off their tails, and those who split the jaws of the giant dragon's mouth, none of them escaped the dragon knight's revenge, and with Chen Feng's support behind them, all the skeletons tried their best to seek revenge.

"Stop playing, I'm going to die if you play!" Bulcaisuo yelled. Chen Feng suddenly smiled and rushed forward, hitting Duriel with a series of death rays in his hand.

"Du Ruier, you returned to hell before my eyes. This time, I will seal you again. I will take your soul stone back!" Chen Feng said to Du Ruier, and instantly he was a hundred Dao's death ray rushed towards Du Ruier.

Azmodan took a look and saw that Chen Feng's combat prowess was no less than his. In addition, Chen Feng's target was Duriel, and Bulcaisel was also helping Chen Feng attack Duriel. Azmodan immediately smiled.

"Your Excellency Chen Feng, I didn't expect that you would be more powerful than I thought when we met today. We will meet again next time!" Azmodan's body suddenly erupted with countless original powers, and he was forced to retreat in an instant. Bulcaisel was about to rush forward, and then ran away in an instant.

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