Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 849 862: Finale - The Life Skeleton King Kabbalah is born

Chapter 846 862: Finally - Kabbalah, the Skeleton King of Life, is born!

Countless cold air was instantly converted and utilized by Chen Feng, and the even more powerful "Frozen Thousand Miles" swept out in an instant. All of a sudden, countless demons did not even scream, and were directly frozen on the ground.

"Chen Feng!" Du Ruier felt angry and annoyed in his heart. How could he be so stupid? He knew that Chen Feng could control any ice, but he ended up sending him to his door.

There are elite demons all around. Now, with one move, all of them are dead, injured, and basically the ones who are not dead are left with a little bit of life. It is estimated that someone can kill them with a few pokes of his fingers.

"Chen Feng, I have to admit that you are really strong, you can actually break into this place!" Azmodan looked at Chen Feng. This was also the first conversation between Chen Feng and Azmodan.

"Azmodan, the King of Crime, I didn't expect that you would be waiting for me here. These losers are waiting for me here. I agree, but I still want to never offend you!" Chen Feng He asked, looking at Azmodan.

Perhaps, Azmodan is the only demon among all the demons that Chen Feng has not provoked, so Chen Feng still doesn't understand that Azmodan is here personally.

"Hmph, Chen Feng, you are too arrogant. Do you think you are really invincible? You actually dare to challenge the whole hell alone. I thought you wouldn't dare to come here since I was here, but I didn't expect that you actually dared to come. You dare to come here!" Azmodan said with a sneer.

"Well, it seems you can't stand me either!" Chen Feng said with a smile. Suddenly a series of explosions came from behind. Chen Feng looked back coldly and saw several lesser demons looking at Chen Feng in embarrassment. Countless traps beneath the feet are releasing brilliant sparks.

"Second bitch!" Chen Feng said lightly, and the expressions of the inferior demons suddenly became extremely ugly, but there was nothing they could do, because at this time, Chen Feng had already taken action.

Chen Feng's trick is very simple, close the door, release Bulcasso, and become invisible by himself

"Hahahahaha, Azmodan, Duriel, how many years have passed, and I have missed you so much!" A burst of laughter came from the magic circle, and a burst of golden light came to Azmodan instantly. Before Azmodan could react, the two giant swords struck Azmodan hard like fly swatters.

"Bubulkelso!" Duriel screamed in horror. Countless lesser demons looked at the golden light in front of them in disbelief. Within the golden light, they saw a skeleton that was only three meters tall but exuded an extremely astonishing aura. , laughing and hammering Azmodan to the ground.

"It's really Bulcasso, it's really Bulcasso!"

"It's really him. Although it's a skeleton, those two big swords are absolutely unmistakable. It's really him!"

"Oh my God, this tyrant is back! The God of Death is back!"

Countless frightened voices emerged from the mouths of the lesser demons. Chen Feng looked at Bulcaisuo. He didn't expect this old man to be so domineering, but Chen Feng still had something to do.

He immediately released the transformation of the Gale Skeleton King in a corner, and quickly caused countless poisonous mist to spread again. To get the Life Orb, the Life Orb must first appear again, right?

Although the Life Orb is hanging in the air now, it is too high, up to 10,000 meters, for Chen Feng to fly up, so Chen Feng has to use poisonous mist to cover the demon's eyes. Although Duriel will notice the Life Orb, it will have already fallen by then. It fell into Chen Feng's hands.

In fact, it was okay for Chen Feng not to do this, but for the sake of safety, Chen Feng still had to do it. Everything was done using the most cumbersome but safest method.

The poisonous mist began to emit, and Chen Feng immediately transformed into the Gale Skeleton King, entered invisibility, and hurriedly left his original position. The next second, there was an explosion at his original position.

Sighing, it's damn good to be invisible. Secretly looking at the life orb, Chen Feng's mental power was frantically exploring. Because he was afraid of being discovered by the devil, Chen Feng used poisonous mist to distract them.

Putting on the forced teleportation ring, a bright smile appeared on Chen Feng's face.

Suddenly, Chen Feng became alert and saw that the Life Orb started to move. When he turned around, he saw that Du Ruier was about to take back the Orb, obviously thinking that the Orb was in danger.

But how could Chen Feng agree? He immediately roared urgently at Bulcasso, who rushed towards Duriel without saying a word.

When this god of death came over, Duriel was frightened half to death. Although he was at the level of a demon king, facing Bulcasso who had chased them back then, Duriel's deep-seated fear filled his heart again.

When Bulcasso was still there, the demons tried to invade the human world, but were later chased away by Bulcaisso. Then Tageo, the patron saint of the human world, used fog to cover up the traces of the human world.

I don’t know the specific Chen Feng. Anyway, Du Ruier and others were tortured by Bulcasso back then. When he saw Bulcasso rushing towards him, Du Ruier was shocked and immediately started to fight back with his original strength. .

But suddenly, he felt that the connection between himself and the Life Orb was cut off. The next second, countless green lights suddenly burst out from the side, and Bulcasso burst out laughing.

Chen Feng succeeded, Chen Feng really succeeded. Chen Feng grabbed the Life Orb, and the Life Skeleton King unconsciously possessed Chen Feng. Chen Feng instantly transformed into the Life Skeleton King, and then endless dazzling waves bloomed all over his body. Green and bright.

"Ah!" A roar was involuntarily vented from Chen Feng's chest. Countless green lights and countless life forces crazily integrated into Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng's data climbed crazily at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. .

"Life, death, merge!" The soul fire in Chen Feng's head suddenly changed from gold to emerald green. The green light flashed suddenly, as if Chen Feng's eyes were shining. At the same time, in front of Chen Feng's eyes, A lush forest appeared in an instant.

There is an extremely huge forest, with a lake in the middle of the forest. The golden sunlight shines on the lake, glowing with waves of phosphorescence.

Suddenly, the whole picture began to change. It seemed that the whole picture was in fast forward. It began to change rapidly. The flowers bloomed and withered, and the trees slowly grew up, and then turned into big trees in the sky, but then slowly withered and decayed. , and finally died of old age.

Scene by scene, section by section, that is the cycle of life.

Chen Feng saw it and saw that the forest slowly turned from a small forest into an extremely huge forest.

Chen Feng saw it and saw a small lake. As the number of animals and plants increased, it slowly turned into a large lake. The creatures inside slowly increased from tiny shrimps to fish. After the reproduction, the lake finally dried up, the fish died, and the ground cracked.

Chen Feng saw it, and saw that the forest was empty, and animals slowly appeared, herbivores and carnivores. The grass was eaten, and the animals were also eaten. They died on the ground, slowly decayed, and turned into white bones. Eventually the bones rotted away.

Chen Feng saw it and saw that the planet slowly began to change from its original snow-white color. There was water, trees, animals, and people.

The water was gone, the trees were gone, the animals were gone, the people were gone, and finally the planet exploded, but within a few seconds, a new planet appeared after the explosion.

All of this appeared before Chen Feng's eyes. Life, death, reincarnation, from existence to nothing, from prosperity to ruins. Chen Feng seemed to have realized something, but he could not say anything.

Suddenly, the whole picture turned into a brilliant green light, and then Chen Feng entered his mind. In the past, only one will of the Creation God Skeleton King sat quietly in Chen Feng's mind, but now there is another one.

A small green skeleton sat quietly next to the golden skeleton. The two did not speak, but they were extremely comfortable. Chen Feng could clearly feel that both the golden skeleton and the green skeleton were sighing.

meet again.

After being apart for countless years, we met again. Chen Feng felt happy, very happy. An infinite power revived from Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng opened his eyes, and there was a faint green light on his human appearance.

It turns out that a complete skeleton no longer requires Chen Feng to become a skeleton again. Now Chen Feng is still a human body, but he has the true power of the Skeleton King, the power to destroy the world.

Chen Feng felt like he had become a fucking god!

"Impossible, why did your strength suddenly increase?" Du Ruier looked at Chen Feng in horror, because he felt in Chen Feng a strength comparable to his own.

"I have to thank you for this!" Chen Feng said with a smile. Du Ruier was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought of the treasure he had just lost, and was shocked.

"I have been arranging for half a year to get the orb in your hand, and today I finally succeeded! Hahahahaha!" Chen Feng laughed. For half a year, since he got the body of the Life Skeleton King, Chen Feng has been thinking about it day by day. Night thinking, how to get the life orb.

Today, I finally got it. After going through all kinds of difficulties and even taking the wrong path several times, Chen Feng finally succeeded.

The Skeleton King of Life, Kabbalah!

According to legend, he controls the existence of life and death between heaven and earth, and understands the laws of life and death. Although he does not have the power to move mountains and seas like the Flame Skeleton King, he does have endless life and a terrifying death. ability.

Chen Feng didn't know how the Life Skeleton King died, but Chen Feng knew that from today on, he was immortal. As long as he was unwilling to die, he would never die.

Chen Feng is truly as old as heaven!

"Du Ruier, in order to thank you, I decided to kill you myself!" The gratitude in Chen Feng's eyes instantly turned into murderous intent!

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