Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 820 833: Fallen Thunder Angel, Remiel!

Chapter 817 833: Fallen Thunder Angel, Remiel!

"This is the angel who sent me, Nislok!" After Chen Feng recovered for a full day, Taverna introduced an angel to Chen Feng with a smile. Chen Feng was immediately shocked. The angel was a member of parliament, with wings of light behind it. They have all become insubstantial to the root, which means that this angel has begun to insubstantial. When the body is completely insubstantial, he will be the most advanced archangel.

"Lord Nislock, we meet again!" Chen Feng said with a smile. This was not the first time that he and Nislock met. After all, as the Councilor Angel guarding the Demon Fortress, Nislock would attend every meeting, so he also met Chen Feng. Many times.

"That's right, Your Excellency Chen Feng, I'm relieved to see you're fine. I didn't expect you to save nearly a million people by yourself. It really surprises me!" Nislok said with a smile, and Chen Feng scratched his head.

One million is not much in any city, but Chen Feng only saved one million people. Even the number of people in the Amazon Islands was dozens of times higher than that one million.

However, there are only one million people in Tristram and Lu Goin, and they also include professionals and ordinary people. You can imagine how many people have died in this world.

In fact, the real tragedy was in Cadian. The population of Cadian back then was at least 30 million. However, the moment the Demon King appeared, the lives of 30 million people had been taken away by the God of Death.

"Your Excellency Chen Feng, this time I came to the shelter not just to protect Miss Taverna, but this time I also came to see some of my sworn enemies!" Nislok said, and Chen Feng frowned slightly.

"The World Stone in Sanctuary was destroyed, but it was not completely destroyed. You already know the condition of your body. This is the World Stone's self-protection. It has already passed its most dangerous and weak days. Now that your body has been digitized again, it means that the World Stone has resumed its work!"

"So, your equipment, skills, and attributes can be used again. Although it is a pity that the World Stone was destroyed, you can already feel the changes in your body compared to you," Nislok said to Chen Feng.

"That's right, the World Stone, which sealed human talent, was destroyed. It can become more powerful than humans!" Chen Feng said with a smile, and a trace of embarrassment flashed on Nislok's face.

He did not expect that Chen Feng actually knew the function of the World Stone. In fact, this was not a secret among the upper echelons of humans and angels. It was just that humans did not have the strength to destroy the World Stone, and they did not want to destroy the World Stone.

What kind of existence is the World Stone? The eyes of the creator god Anu can use the World Stone to observe the entire universe. How can the real secret treasure of the universe be destroyed easily? Even at the peak of human strength, it can only be damaged. , and cannot be destroyed.

The destruction of the World Stone this time obviously only damaged the World Stone. After nearly three months of recuperation, the World Stone began to work again, and the work was an extremely huge undertaking.

The attributes, skills and equipment of all professionals have been changed. Now Chen Feng already knows the attributes of his equipment. Fortunately, the attribute of full skills has not disappeared, which is enough for Chen Feng.

Compared with the previous equipment attributes, the equipment attributes of this generation are simpler, but they are infinitely useful. Although Chen Feng has only seen the attributes of a few pieces of equipment on his body, he can still calculate them. Compared with the future, the world will pay more attention to equipment. , then the price of equipment will skyrocket.

As professionals upgrade, the attribute points added will directly affect the human body, and the strength of human beings will become stronger and stronger. If you want to compare, upgrading to level 1 in the past only increased the strength by 1 level, but Now upgrading to level 1 has increased the strength by level 2 or even level 3.

Melee professions will become more powerful. Strength, agility, and physical fitness will increase the strength of melee professions crazily. And intelligence attributes will make countless legal units become wiser and calmer. In addition, intelligence attributes will increase in the later stage. With the wonderful use of mental power brought by it, countless mages will slowly transform from the main damage output to the real center of the team.

What really surprised Chen Feng was that all the skills of the barbarians had changed. The skills of the Druid, Amazon and other professions had not changed at all, except that they had added skill runes and skill glyphs.

However, the barbarian's skills have undergone earth-shaking changes. Only one of the original skills, Whirlwind, has been retained, and all the others have become new skills.

This made countless barbarians feel surprised and uncomfortable, because the new skills included a full 8 more skills than the original ones.

The barbarian's new skills include 22 combat skills and 16 passive skills, for a total of 38 skills. However, the original skill list for the three departments combined only had 30 skills.

As a result, countless people began to envy this group of barbarians. Unexpectedly, the barbarians turned out to be a blessing in disguise, and many barbarians began to try to kill monsters, but their combat effectiveness was extremely amazing.

"Your opponent? Who is it? A lesser demon?" Chen Feng asked, and Nislok nodded. If it wasn't a lesser demon, he wouldn't have come to this world. The main reason is that although the lesser demon is weak, it is still powerful. This series of attacks is very annoying.

"His name is Lemuel. He is a fallen angel. He was once a councilor angel in high-level heaven. He has understood the laws of thunder and lightning judgment and is proficient in lightning attacks. His combat power is very powerful. His attack, speed, and defense are all amazing, but he has a bad temper!"

"He and I originally participated in angel training together and graduated from the angel academy together. He has always been my pursuit target. He is ten years older than me, but he became a parliamentary angel a hundred years earlier than me. He is talented. Quite amazing!”

"Later, I became the Councilor Angel after he fell. My goal all along has been to kill him, this shameless traitor!"

Chen Feng remained silent. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing. It was actually very simple. Nislok had always regarded Remiel as his idol, but his idol betrayed Angel. Naturally, he hated it very much.

It's like a close friend of yours has betrayed you. In the eyes of people with faith, that feeling is the most angry. After all, in the eyes of people with faith, people who have the same faith as you, plus they are close relatives. , is also an idol, and if you betray your own beliefs, it is an unforgivable sin.

Therefore, Nislok hated Remiel to the core.

For such a thing, Chen Feng naturally raised his hand and agreed. A fallen angel with inferior demonic strength and mastered the law of thunder. Once such an angel comes here, Chen Feng doesn't know whether he can stop it.

The Thunder Law is the most violent attack power. Even though Remiel's ranking is not high, his combat power is enough to be at the top of Minglei. Coupled with the thunderous movement speed, it is really difficult to fight.

Nislok stayed. Of course, it was not where Chen Feng was now, but next door. The master bedroom had been destroyed by Chen Feng (improper power control), and there was only one guest room left. Fortunately, Chen Feng and Tavina stayed there. The two of them were already in a relationship, so there was no need to hide anything.

With his wife by his side, Chen Feng was naturally happy. In fact, Tavina's arrival this time was not decided by her alone. Mr. Mandala had long been eager to tuck his granddaughter into Chen Feng's bed.

This time, thanks to the care of the World Stone, the old man fainted for three days and three nights. When he woke up, he shouted slogans of concern for Chen Feng and sent Tavena down.

And he also had an accomplice. No one could have imagined that the accomplice was actually Imparis.

Imparis also has his own thoughts. Chen Feng is definitely a treasure to Imparis. Not only is he strong, but he is also neither arrogant nor impetuous. More importantly, the children he gives birth to are all God-given sons. Then The talent is quite amazing.

Although Chen Feng's eldest son can now be booked as his apprentice, as a war machine, how can Imparis be willing to have only one soldier under his command?

Therefore, Tavina's belly has become Imparis' concern. It can be said that the person who cares most about Chen Feng's children today is not Chen Feng, not Chen Feng's wife, not Chen Feng's wife's family, but Imparis.

This guy fantasizes about teaching seven or eight geniuses who were given by God in the future, then storming into the enemy's headquarters, capturing a few demon gods alive, and then stepping on the demon gods' heads to laugh wildly for three thousand years.

"What are your plans again?" Seeing Chen Feng leaning on the bed and thinking about things after the busy work, Tavina asked softly. The ups and downs just now made Tavina feel weak and unable to lift a little bit. Come on.

"I was wondering what's going on in Tristram now. When we left, Super Diablo seemed to be coming out of the ground, but it's been three months and there's still no movement from it!"

"Are you worried?" Taverna asked.

"Yeah, who wouldn't be worried? Super Diablo's combat power is higher than anyone else in the world. Even if Tyrell is still alive, the United Imparis may not be able to defeat it!"

"And after so many years, Super Diablo is no longer the ignorant guy he was when he was created. I can say with certainty that even if the three demon gods personally take action, they can only suppress him at most, but cannot defeat him!" Chen Feng sighed and said.

"Is he really that powerful?" Taverna suddenly whispered, and Chen Feng shook his head with a wry smile.

"It's so powerful. If it wasn't so powerful, how could it be possible to control Kane and destroy the World Stone!" Chen Feng said with a wry smile, and Tavina suddenly looked shocked.

"You already know?"

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