Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 813 826: Get ready to go to sea!

Chapter 810 826: Get ready to go to sea!

As Chen Feng guessed, Lu Gaoyin's situation is not optimistic. Food has begun to be obviously insufficient. The month-long heavy rainfall and strong storm have left no one working in the entire city. All farmland has been flooded and all food has been lost. Destroyed.

The only food that can be eaten now is the food that has been hoarded for a long time.

It has to be said that Lu Gaoyin did a very good job in hoarding food. Four hundred thousand people, almost two meals a day, lasted for a month, and based on the current surplus food, they could probably eat for seven or eight days. Then The total amount of food is simply an astronomical figure.

And Lu Gaoyin has no shortage of places to live. Now all the nobles live in the palace, and their mansions and compounds are occupied by countless ordinary people, of course, most of them are professionals.

Although Lu Gaoyin is close to the sea, it must be said that Lu Gaoyin is very lucky. The underground waterway, which was originally Lu Gaoyin's Achilles' heel, became Lu Gaoyin's rescue location. Huge waves crashed ashore. As a result, The seawater that should have flooded the city was retained along the underground waterways. What was not drained away was accumulated in the underground waterways.

As a result, there was no flooding in the entire city, but the dry desert outside was no longer dry.

"Let's arrange people first. Is there a doctor? There are some patients here. Rescue them first!" Chen Feng said to Jie Hain. Jie Hain nodded, knowing that the only one he could rely on now was Chen Feng, so he did not refute.

"Also, prepare old fishermen, prepare to go out to sea for big fish, and gather your highest-level professionals here. Although the equipment in the backpack is useless, the backpack can still be used!" Chen Feng said, and Hai Jieyin nodded and understood immediately. What Chen Feng meant.

Every professional is a mobile warehouse. The higher the level, the greater the capacity of the warehouse. Now the equipment skills are useless, but the backpack function still exists, which must be made good use of.

More than a hundred professionals were selected. The level of Lu Gaoyin's professionals was higher than that of the group brought by Chen Feng. There were even a group of people with levels over level 40, which surprised Chen Feng.

This time, all of Chen Feng's flying skeletons, accompanied by experienced old fishermen, went to sea. Everyone was looking forward to their return this time and bringing enough food.

Now that 200,000 new humans have joined, the food for seven or eight days can only last for five days at most, so this group of people must come back within five days. Even if they don't bring much food, they can at least cope with it.

"How is the devil's offensive going?" Along the way, the most frightening thing is the devil. Countless devils came to the human world from hell. Some appeared in the human world directly following the space cracks torn apart by higher devils, and some appeared in the human world. Some were summoned by their own accomplices to appear, and some also tore apart the earth and emerged from the abyss.

Anyway, countless demons have come to this world. Chen Feng has killed countless demons along the way. Fortunately, these demons have not appeared powerful, such as lesser demons, etc., which have not yet come down. Otherwise, it would be really bad. .

"It's okay. The demons now are just soldiers. After your skeleton arrives, we will be safe. At least for a month, no demons have entered the city to kill people!" Jie Hain's words made Chen Feng sigh in relief. .

I have sent all the remote skeletons to help. You must know that the remote skeletons are Chen Feng's real treasures. Chen Feng has never been willing to let them die. But this time the remote skeletons left Chen Feng and traveled a long distance to Lu Gaoyin first. In fact, It's an act of committing suicide.

Once a group of remote skeletons are meleeed, that group of remote skeletons is basically dead. Although the crossbow skeleton carries a dagger, the dagger can only exert 30% of the attack power. For those who win with attack speed, As far as the crossbow skeleton is concerned, it is basically scrapped.

The battle outside the city continued, but this time Chen Feng's army of 400,000 skeletons was joined. Countless demons were eradicated in an instant. The faint white light of the badge on Chen Feng's chest never stopped, and countless honor points swarmed in.

"This can't continue like this. More demons will come back from who knows when. Prepare some food and water. We are going to the Amazon Islands!" Chen Feng finally discussed with Akara for a long time and finally decided to go to the Amazon Islands.

Because the Amazon Islands can be said to be the safest area in the world, the powerful barrier is even three points stronger than the Demon Fortress, and the entire island is an island in the sea, surrounded by the sea, and ordinary demons cannot appear at all. Here, even if you can fly, you will be shot down. Who makes everyone on the island a sharpshooter?

There are more than 8,000 retired Amazons inside, each with levels over 80. They retired because of old age and frailty, but they are not unable to draw their bows, so even if the enemy comes, they will be shot into a hornet's nest.

"Really want to leave? But how are so many of us going to get there!" Jie Hain was a little reluctant to leave his own country. After all, this is his own country. Once he leaves here, the king of Jie Hain will exist in name only.

"It's necessary. It's too dangerous here. Don't forget, it's only less than half a month away from Kadian. With the remaining demonic power over there, I'm afraid there will be more demons!"

"When the time comes to attack together, I may not be able to stop you!" Chen Feng shook his head and said. The stronger the demonic aura, the more demons will be attracted. Chen Feng already knows this, because Chen Feng can feel it. As long as the hell power in the air is very strong, you can be sure that there will be countless demons gathering in front of it.

Although Chen Feng couldn't immediately go to the ruins of Cadian to see what was going on, but with the power of hell soaring into the sky over there, Chen Feng could be absolutely certain that the number of demons gathered there was definitely no less than tens of millions, and the number was still increasing.

"Okay!" Jie Hein gritted his teeth and finally agreed. He took his Zi Ming with him. Maybe he could re-establish the Lu Gaoyin Kingdom in the future, but if he stayed here and refused to leave, , I am afraid that not only will the people lose their support, but their lives will also be in danger. It is better to follow them and wait for a comeback in the future.

Things were quickly arranged. Although the Kingdom of Lu Gaoyin suffered a huge blow, most of the people were still alive. In an instant, the entire country machine began to wind up and started to move. Suddenly, countless grains began to flow. I took it out and let it dry in the sun for a whole day without fear of mold and rot.

The water source was also quickly prepared. With Chen Feng here, there is basically no need to worry about drinking water. But with 600,000 people, Chen Feng cannot take care of it anyway. In addition, the ship must also be weighed down with something to prevent it from being too light. , so the water was still put in barrels and placed on the ships.

The ships also began to connect in series to prevent any ships from being lost. When the time comes, they will set sail together. The largest royal warships will lead the way. In fact, they are warships, but they are just big ships. They are equipped with a tank disassembled from the city wall. A ballista can boast of being a battleship.

There is no such thing as warships in the dark world, because there are only four or five seaports so far, but each one follows the rules of transaction. As for pirates, it is impossible to exist. The ships only transport food and the like. Items that are valuable to ordinary people but disdainful to professionals.

If there are pirates who dare to act arrogantly, three or four professionals from any port can destroy the pirates. Therefore, there is no possibility of pirates appearing on this planet because they are completely unnecessary.

As long as you do it, you can have enough food and clothing, why bother to live in the open and become a pirate?

Pirates do not exist, and there is no trade problem between ports, let alone plundering. Therefore, there is no need for such strange things as battleships to exist. The so-called battleships were actually made up by Chen Feng, because they have ballistas.

For three days, everything that needed to be prepared was prepared. Ships were allocated in an orderly manner based on age and family, and each ship was assigned according to its tonnage and maximum resettlement population, trying to keep one family together. , or a single child is born to continue the family line.

In fact, it is not their fault. All the latest batch of professionals are on a separate ship and are not with their families, because these children are the future of this world and have good professional genes in their bodies. Although the equipment is useless and the skills are There are no more, but Chen Feng knows that these will definitely still be useful. After all, attributes are still good. If the World Stone is really destroyed, then the equipment will simply have no attributes.

At noon on the fourth day, Chen Feng's flying army came back. Chen Feng, who had long received the report from the Dragon Knight, led a large group of people to pick them up at the harbor. The backpacks of more than a hundred professionals were full of fish. The old boatman smiled. He said that he was lucky this time and came across a large school of fish that was rare to see in a hundred years. He directly asked Chen Feng's skeleton to pull the net into the sea and pulled out several meals of sea fish.

Naturally, everyone was excited. People who were familiar with sea fish immediately began to classify, save those that could be saved, dry those that could not be saved immediately, and dispose of all that should be processed. Suddenly the whole city was filled with this disgusting fishy smell, but Everyone knew that the fishy smell represented food. As a result, countless people worked in turns and processed more than a thousand tons of marine fish in one day, which made Chen Feng speechless.

On the fifth day, the processing of sea fish was not over yet, and the stock in the city was officially exhausted. Chen Feng covered the devil, and now he was completely out of ammunition and food, but there was also an exciting thing, the reply from the Amazon Islands arrived.

Bone Dragon, Chen Feng's fastest flying skeleton, took Chen Feng's souvenir to the Amazon Islands. With the consent of the Amazons in the Amazon Islands, he prepared to migrate there with 600,000 people.

The Amazon Islands are now in good condition. Although they have also encountered earthquakes and tsunamis, and the strength of the professionals has plummeted, the barrier can still be used. In addition, the Amazon's shooting does not rely on skills but hard training, so the Amazons in the archipelago , On the contrary, they are the most capable group of people in the world.

Of course, maybe the group of barbarians on the snow mountain can also compete with each other. After all, the fighting power of those barbarians is very strong. Although a barbarian who has not become a professional has been Duan Lian for thirty years, he can compete with four To compete with level 50 professionals, their combat effectiveness is not unpowerful.

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