Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 804 817: Hard Fight (5) Two updates!

Chapter 801 817: Hard Fight (5) Two updates!

There was absolutely nothing the Dark Siege Assault Beast could do. The ten times gravity just now was simply murder, but Chen Feng was already committing murder. The ten times gravity was simply more painful for the Dark Siege Assault Beast than killing him.

It was like a huge mountain pressing down on its body. The blood throughout its body was also affected by gravity and flowed slowly. The entire body of the Dark Siege Assault Beast curled up on the ground. Together, the entire ground was sunk deeply into one layer.

Even the ground is slightly cracked, as dense as a spider web. People with trypophobia may become crazy.

One can imagine how much weight it has reached.

The Dark Siege Assault Beast is naturally tragic, being tortured by six skeletons in turn. Three of them would have been depressing enough, but now that there are six, it is even more tragic.

Especially there are two identical skeletons, the nine-tailed demon fox, the flaming dark siege assault beast is so exciting, and the defense reduction of the barbarian skeleton makes the pain penetrate even deeper into the bone marrow.

The damn paladin easily blocked the attacks of the Dark Siege Assault Beast, which was countless times larger than itself. Asura kept appearing on the Assault Beast, constantly firing black knives.

The thing that makes the Dark Siege Assault Beast the most angry is the Assault Beast Skeleton. This guy is as huge as the Dark Siege Assault Beast, but it does the opposite of the Dark Siege Assault Beast. Every time the Dark Siege Assault Beast fights, it is caused by this Guys are messed up.

A slap, a fist, a hard bump, or a bite. Damn it, is this a fight or a fight between vixens? All the teeth are used. The Dark Siege Assault Beast feels very injured.

But there was nothing that could be done about it. After less than half an hour of fighting, the transformation of the nine-tailed demon fox was not over yet. The Dark Siege Assault Beast lay down completely because it was beaten too much.

The death of the Dark Siege Assault Beast once again brought Chen Feng a huge amount of experience points, but what made Chen Feng look ugly was that the experience points converted from the 10% of the Dark Siege Assault Beast's honor points actually amounted to 1 The level cannot be improved.


Looking at the experience bar, Chen Feng's face turned green. A dark siege assault beast and a lesser demon. The experience value converted from 10% of the honor points only increased the experience by 36%.

In this way, if you use all the experience, you can get 360% of the experience value, but how many levels can Chen Feng get?

Level 3?

It is estimated to be level 2, even level 2 is enough!

"Oh my God, please knock me back with that thunder!" Chen Feng made his first request to go home after arriving in this world. Chen Feng was already very helpless about upgrading.

There are so many honor points, and they have only been increased by this point. This means that after Chen Feng kills Leoric, he may not be able to upgrade. According to Leoric's level and strength, Chen Feng can increase it by up to 40%. to 60% and want to upgrade.

Humph, it’s difficult!

Covering his head, nine skeletons began to attack Leoric. Under Chen Feng's order, the dragon knight had to give up fighting alone and start fighting together.

Nine skeletons themselves are very powerful in combat. Generally speaking, four to five can be enough for Leoric to behead, but now nine skeletons come together, making Leoric miserable.

But that was Leoric in normal times, and now Leoric was not afraid at all. Instead, he fought more and more fiercely.


With a big hammer, the entire ground collapsed instantly. The huge Siege Assault Beast's body was kicked into the air. Then the ground quickly cracked, and the Siege Assault Beast suddenly fell to the eleventh floor.

Countless skeletons on the eleventh floor began to rush towards the siege assault beasts, and Leoric was not immune, because he was the one who smashed the hammer, and the first place to crack was under his feet.

The whole ground cracked, Leoric fell down, and the siege assault beast also fell down, and then the dragon knight followed with the giant dragon. The huge body fell on the ground on the eleventh floor, and countless skeletons immediately It turned into broken bones flying everywhere.

Then the nine-tailed spirit fox also went down, the four Neflan ancestor skeletons also went down, and Asura also went down.

Chen Feng glanced at the tenth floor, looked at the lonely throne in the distance, jumped down simply, and then moved all the skeletons to the eleventh floor.

The entire battlefield was instantly transported to the eleventh floor.

At the same time, the Dragon Knight can finally play its part. If the tenth floor is no longer needed, then why is the ceiling still there?

With a breath of dragon's breath, the entire ground on the tenth floor melted and turned into molten lava, falling down. In an instant, countless powers were incinerated into ashes.

Chen Feng looked at the skeletons around him. Each skeleton was at least level 35. Its combat power was more than one level higher than that of skeletons above the tenth level.

But compared with Chen Feng's skeleton, he looked like a child, and the kind that had just come out of his mother's belly.

Chen Feng's army of 150,000 ordinary skeletons directly crushed the entire eleventh floor and killed all the skeleton monsters. Chen Feng took a look at the experience value, which was less than one million. Chen Feng decisively ignored this group of garbage monsters.

At Chen Feng's current level, the experience point he gets is about 1 point, which is mandatory, or the experience point is retained, just like a casual reward, giving you a little consolation prize.

Chen Feng couldn't calculate how much experience points he had, because Chen Feng never looked at numbers below a million, so Chen Feng didn't know whether he had killed more than 100,000, or 990,000.

Countless skeletons died, and the eleventh floor immediately became empty. The entire ground was covered with arrows, but Chen Feng's own skeletons trampled them to pieces within a short time.

Leoric refused to admit defeat at all. The hammer in his hand hit this and then that, smashing Chen Feng's skull to pieces, and Chen Feng finally experienced the tragedy of level suppression + blood-sucking.

King Leoric's own strength suppressed Chen Feng's skeleton, but with the help of Chen Feng's transformation into the Blood Skeleton King and various attribute increases and skill blessings, Chen Feng's skeleton had a higher combat effectiveness.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how powerful the Dragon Knight is, they only have a few hammers to deal with against Leoric. After all, although they are both inferior demons, their combat prowess is worlds apart.

Look at the Olympic Games. There are still hundreds of people participating in each event, but only a few people stand on the battlefield in the end. And once the results come out, the gap is huge.

Therefore, although they are both inferior demons, the gap between them is still very huge, or it is precisely because they are of the same level of strength that the gap becomes very obvious.

Therefore, Leoric actually completely suppressed Chen Feng's skeletons in terms of level and strength. It was just that the number of Chen Feng's skeletons was increasing, coupled with Chen Feng's various assistance, which made it difficult for Leoric to move forward.

Look at the hammer in Leoric's hand, and his health immediately jumped back a bit. The nine skeletons finally lost a bit of blood and recovered within a few seconds. This made Chen Feng very injured.

Moreover, Leoric also had a lot of combat experience. In every battle, he would let Chen Feng's skeletons attack the parts with the thickest skin or the injured but least affected parts.

"Izek, didn't you say that there are few paladins in this world who can beat you in combat skills?" Chen Feng asked Izek. Izek actually made several mistakes, which resulted in his death. Leoric's blood volume returned to full.

"Yes, Master, but unfortunately, Leoric is one of those who is better than me!"

".Go on."

Chen Feng covered his forehead helplessly. Leoric was the one who was better than Izek in terms of fighting skills. Chen Feng covered his head to avoid this cheater.

To be honest, Chen Feng coveted Leoric ten thousand times. If Leoric was Chen Feng's skeleton, with the blessing of Chen Feng's equipment, Leoric could even challenge Diavolo in a duel, provided that Di Apollos did not use the source.

"Why don't you give it a try? Although you are powerful, the level is not necessarily higher than my skills?" Chen Feng was really coveted. With one last cruel move, he transformed into the Black Skeleton King and directed a dark gaze at Leoric. past.

However, the rewards he received were within Chen Feng's expectations but also unexpected.

Leoric turned his head, and his whole head turned at least 270 degrees. A burst of light burst out from the soul fire, and then the black gaze instantly hit the soul fire.

But the dark gaze immediately turned golden, and instead shot straight towards Chen Feng.

The golden light that was bounced back suddenly entered Chen Feng's mind. Chen Feng suddenly screamed, and an incomparable pain came from his mind. Chen Feng suddenly felt a golden light in his eyes, and then he couldn't see anything.

Immediately entering the cemetery, Chen Feng immediately started rolling on the ground. Chen Feng felt an extremely severe pain in his head, as if a yacht was rushing back and forth in his head, and something was trying to get out of his brain.

The astonishing severe pain made Chen Feng roll on the ground completely unable to estimate his identity. He looked so embarrassed.

But after a while, the Creation God Skeleton King emitted a burst of soft white light in Chen Feng's mind. Chen Feng felt that his mind was much more relaxed. It took a whole day for Chen Feng's brain to stop hurting at all. Then Chen Feng laid on Dragon Turtle's back. After sleeping for seven days and nights, my mental strength was restored.

"My mother, what on earth is that light? It's so terrifying!" Chen Feng was still frightened and regretted his greed. Once he was hit by that light, Chen Feng would subconsciously cover his head when he saw the golden light in the future.

"You, why don't you come in and ask me? With your current strength, the level of Paladin Izek is at its peak. You can't take back the skeletons at the level of inferior demons, because the inferior demons have already touched them. Some high-level stuff!”

"They can protect their own soul fire! Therefore, your dark gaze cannot penetrate other people's mental defenses before it has attack power!"

"So, you better gather the Dark Skeleton King together!"

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