Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 598 614: Crazy Transaction (Part 2)

Chapter 595 614: Crazy Transaction (Part 2)

"So it's your place. I heard a few days ago that that little guy Zalida killed a lava demon. I eagerly came to ask him for it, but he said he gave it to someone else!"

"I was still thinking about who the bastard was who took away the body of the Lava Demon King. Why the hell haven't he come to sell it after so many days? Isn't it possible to keep the barbecue for myself?"

"I didn't expect it to be here with you, okay, okay!" Hagrid was excited. He had actually coveted the Lava Demon King for a long time, but demons like the Lava Demon King rarely appear, especially in recent years. It hasn't appeared in years.

So Hagrid had no choice but to drool over the information about the Lava Demon.

The last time I heard that Zalida had killed a lava demon, Hagrid ran over excitedly, but came back disappointed. From that day on, Hagrid was looking forward to someone sending the lava demon away every day. The body came to be sold, but it never came.

Today, Chen Feng was accidentally exposed. If it weren't for his awesome status, I'm afraid Chen Feng would still have kept three peak level 2 corpses. After all, he would sell them when the war started, and the price wouldn't be a bad one.

But today, Chen Feng was shocked. A legendary figure stood in front of him. When Chen Feng was reading, this Hagrid often appeared, and every time he appeared, he was accompanied by a super artifact.

Because of him, Tyrael could walk sideways in front of Azmodan, but Azmodan always took a detour in frustration.

Because of him, Imparis put aside his grudge against humans and began to try to accept humans, because the weapons he gave to Imparis were also modified, making Imparis even more invincible.

Because of him, the equipment built by the angels in heaven has been reduced to second-tier status, and the quality attributes of the weapons and armor that humans can equip have continued to rise, causing more and more humans to survive in the demon fortress.

At first, there was no equipment that humans could wear in the Demon Fortress, and demons could not explode equipment, so the human mortality rate was as high as 80%. Later, angels discovered the power of human equipment and began to use ores to create new equipment.

Although the new equipment could withstand the attacks of some demons, as the demons discovered the demon fortress, more and more demons attacked, causing varying casualties to both humans and angels.

Of course, humans die more.

Later, the blacksmith masters in the human world couldn't stand it anymore, so they came to the Demon Fortress from Harrogas (Harrogas is a blacksmith concentration camp) and began to build equipment specifically for humans. Only then did humans' chances of survival increase. , the mortality rate began to gradually decline.

Until tens of thousands of years ago, Hagrid came to the Demon Fortress. This barbarian was a unique guy. Hagrid was less than 30 years old at the time and was a veritable genius.

But after this genius came to the Demon Fortress, instead of joining the army, he shamelessly joined the ranks of blacksmiths. The status of blacksmiths at that time was not as high as it is now. Although the blacksmiths at that time were respected by everyone, at that time they were mostly cultivators. Repair equipment and then develop some new things. The role of the blacksmith is only the role of the NPC.

But later, Hagrid's astonishing forging talent completely surpassed his fighting talent, and an ultimate forging genius began to appear in the Demon Fortress.

He forged the Great Knight's Domination Shield, a shield specially made for the Paladin. It has a block rate of over 80%, allowing the Paladin to dominate in the face of physical attacks.

The shield made of hell's unique ore was astonishingly strong. The status of the Paladin rose sharply in an instant, and the impact was that human beings' survivability skyrocketed.

The Paladin is the human shield in the team.

Immediately afterwards, Hagrid began to forge weapons. After all, with the protection of the Paladin, the output of others is the key to life and death. Hagrid collected many demon minions and finally tried it, using the spikes of the demon to spike As arrows, bows and arrows made from the sinews of the giant beast's fists and the ribs of the immortal bones instantly became a super weapon popular among angels and humans.

The ejection ability of this bow and arrow is very amazing. At full strength, it can make the arrow fly tens of thousands of meters. With the help of the spikes of the Spike Demon, the penetrating power is even more amazing.

Amazon rose to prominence in an instant.

Then came the barbarian battle axes, spears and other weapons. The physics profession was instantly hailed as the savior. Later, Hagrid began to switch to the legal system and used various materials for crazy testing to create a weapon that was not inferior to the physics profession. Legal equipment.

Humanity rose up in an instant, and even many talented humans, with the help of equipment, overwhelmed the angels. Humanity's status in the demon fortress suddenly became unparalleled.

Later, the angel had no choice but to beg Hagrid. Hagrid was already 60 years old at that time, but he still looked young and energetic. He immediately accepted the angel's test and began to help the angel make weapons. .

The shocking result was that Hagrid used demonic materials to make weapons used by angels. In an instant, Hagrid's status reached its peak.

Later, Hagrid had to take a break due to his age. Although human equipment improved, within a hundred years of Hagrid's rest, the level of demon equipment also quickly caught up.

In an instant, the 2,000-year-old Hagrid became angry and directly asked the angel for the legendary fountain of life. But for some reason, the angel actually agreed.

After taking the Fountain of Life, Hagrid suddenly became youthful and rejuvenated. He led a group of disciples and disciples to start crazy forging and experiments. In less than a year, Hagrid discovered the devil's forging skills, and even during the truce in the second year. Before it arrived, a batch of Hagrid's equipment was produced. As a result, all the demons had been killed before the truce period came.

It was one of the rare battles in history that entered a truce period early.

Later, Hagrid's forging skills became more and more extraordinary, and the angels were very happy for Hagrid to be alive. They provided the fountain of life every year to keep Hagrid's body young. In the end, Hagrid even took a fancy to the sacred spring. Center, it turns out that the angel is very generous. As long as you want it, you can take it.

At that time, Hagrid just asked for spring water and continued to research equipment until Tyrael was defeated by Azmodan and begged Hagrid. Hagrid's true peak in life came.

Holy Sword Edruin.

A weapon that was given a new mission increased Tyrael's strength several times, making Azmodan run away with his head in his arms. A real artifact finally came from Hagrid's hand.

Later, Hagrid began to continuously forge artifacts. Even Imparis, who hated humans so much, had the shamelessness to come to Hagrid after countless duels with Tyraudi and failed miserably.

Hagrid had no hatred and immediately forged Imparis's "Spear of Valor" into the "Spear of Holy War". As a result, the tragic Tyrell began to be abused.

Later, there were more and more artifacts, but Hagrid stopped taking action, because Hagrid didn’t want to waste time on this kind of equipment with extremely high equipment requirements. Not only did those so-called artifacts have a level requirement of over 100, regardless of weight or other , none of which can be equipped by ordinary people.

This didn't suit Hagrid's wishes.

Hagrid hoped that the weapons he forged could be equipped by anyone and used to kill demons and protect themselves from demons.

Therefore, Hagrid basically stopped building so-called artifacts, but began to study more powerful attributes and the compatibility between attributes and equipment.

For example, if a shield blocks only 40%, Hagrid will have to study and change the block to 50%, 60%, or even higher.

For example, if a piece of equipment improves physical fitness by 50 points, Hagrid will increase the physical fitness to 100 points, 200 points, or even 1,000 points, or even higher.

Later, Hagrid also taught his skills to the public, and countless barbarians who could not become professionals gathered from Harrogath in the Demon Fortress, and a beautiful era of great forging began.

Therefore, now there are blacksmith shops all over the streets. The forging methods in each blacksmith shop are basically from Hagrid. Hagrid is taking the ultra-high-end route, while the low, medium and high routes are all divided. .

Therefore, today's blacksmiths are just like doing business, building their own equipment and then selling it, which gives humans more choices.

Chen Feng also didn’t expect that just selling something would actually blow up one of the most legendary human beings, the Master Craftsman. This Hagrid’s status in the minds of humans is now equivalent to the "Talasha" who sealed Baal back then. , even worse.

"Boy, you must sell these three corpses to me, even if I give you the broken head!" Hagrid said loudly to Chen Feng, who suddenly burst into a bitter smile.

"Okay, I'll sell it to you. I'll sell it if I keep it anyway, but it's free. Are you sure you can do it? The arbiter won't trouble you?" Chen Feng still has this common sense. Some things cannot be given away casually. Otherwise, the honor point economy that Angel has finally built up will be completely destroyed.

So on this issue, both angels and humans were very serious, and Hagrid was stunned.

"Okay, then I will buy these three corpses at the highest price. Is that okay?" Hagrid said with a smile, and Chen Feng nodded with satisfaction.

"The blood in this corpse has dried up, and the wounds are severely damaged. If you take all of them, I'll count you 24.8 billion, how about it?" Hagrid pointed at a corpse and said, that corpse was the lava that Zalida killed. Demon King, but Chen Feng was completely stupid.

24.8 billion?

Didn't Peter say at the beginning that the price of the Lava Demon King was only one or two billion?

Chen Feng looked shocked, but Hagrid was so anxious that he thought Chen Feng was not satisfied with the price, so he immediately gritted his teeth.

"Add another 300 million. It can't go any higher. The damage to this corpse is too serious. Many internal organs are damaged! 25 billion doesn't sound good, so how about 25.1 billion?" Hagrid looked at Chen Feng expectantly.

Is this even worth thinking about?


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