Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 582 596: The spirit fox has a husband!

Chapter 579 596: Linghu has a husband!

Liu Guang only felt that his eyes were stunned, but it was only a ten thousandth of a second, so he didn't care at all. He was still ten centimeters away from Chen Feng and was about to grab Chen Feng's throat.

But suddenly, there was a flash of silver light in front of his eyes, and he saw an extremely beautiful skeleton appearing in front of him. Liu Guang subconsciously grabbed the neck of the skeleton.

Only then did Liu Guang take a closer look. The skeleton was covered in silver and exuded a faint light. The perfect bone proportions did not look disgusting at all, but had a different kind of beauty.

Liu Guang glanced over, but found nothing unusual about this skeleton. Compared with the one used by humans to protect themselves, Liu Guang was about to crush the neck of the skeleton with all his strength. Suddenly, a silver light flashed in front of his eyes, followed by a slap. The angel with snow-white wings appeared in front of him.

"Nivea, Nivea!" Liu Guang subconsciously let go and looked at the angel flapping white wings in front of him in disbelief, with a look of dementia and shock on his face.

"Gary!" The angel called out softly, and Liu Guang was shocked all over, and then began to tremble violently.

"Nivea, it's you, you're not dead, you're not dead!" Liu Guang stretched out his trembling hands and gently touched the angel. When he touched the angel's delicate and smooth face, he suddenly became even more excited.

"Gary!" Tears flowed out of the beautiful female angel's eyes involuntarily. Liu Guang suddenly reached out and hugged the angel, and tears flowed down instantly.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed to be a success.

Nine-tailed fox (white and silver-nightmare skeleton)

Hit rate: 1 billion

Defense: 500 million

Blood volume: 800 million

Damage: 8000-120000

Charming Light LV100: The most powerful trick of the nine-tailed spirit fox, it can let the enemy see what he wants most, whether it is wealth, status, women or other things. Once the enemy is confused, he will fall into a state of confusion. Success Rates vary.

Bloody Minions LV50: The nine-tailed spirit fox is beautiful in appearance, but its attacks are very vicious. The claws in its hands can easily tear open the enemy's defense. It penetrates deep into the enemy's body, grabbing flesh, blood and even internal organs, causing absolute damage to the enemy. In the "Charmed" state, attack power increases tenfold.

Heart-Drawing Claw LV50: The bloody minions specialize in attacking the enemy's body, while the Heart-Drawing Claw only targets the enemy's heart. At the same time, it can only be used when the enemy enters the "charm" state. One hit will definitely hit, and if it hits, it will cause death!

Will-o'-the-wisp jade: The nine tails of the nine-tailed spirit fox burn with enough will-o'-the-wisp to melt gold and break jade. Then the will-o'-the-wisp will disappear, appear secretly in a circle around the enemy, and finally burn collectively toward the center, making it impossible to resist! If there are a large number of undead units around, the damage of the will-o'-the-wisp will be increased.

Demon Fox Flame: Spouts demon fire from its mouth, which is invincible. If there are a large number of undead units around, the damage of the demon fire will be increased.

Name of the Nine Tails: The nine-tailed spirit fox is named after the nine tails and has nine lives. Every time it dies, the skeleton will not disappear, but will lose one tail and 10% of all attributes. It will not die completely until the ninth tail disappears. . The tail regenerates every 100,000 years.

Demon Fox: Transform from the human form of a nine-tailed spirit fox into a beast form of a nine-tailed spirit fox. The attributes are increased by 1000% for 30 seconds. The power of the ghost fire jade and the demon fox flame is increased by 5 times. CD: 20 days.

"Poor Liu Guang, I didn't expect that I missed this beauty in my heart. Unfortunately, it seems that the beauty is dead. Maybe that beauty is the opportunity for Liu Guang to embark on the path of corruption!" Chen Feng looked helplessly at Liu Guang and Jiuwei. The spirit fox looks like glue.

The charm of the nine-tailed spirit fox is not only to let the enemy see what he wants to see, but also to let the enemy see, touch and feel it. Even Liu Guang can now lift his pants XXOO the nine-tailed spirit fox. Done.

In Liu Guang's eyes, the nine-tailed spirit fox skeleton was his beautiful lady "Nivea", but in Chen Feng's eyes, it was the nine-tailed spirit fox that Liu Guang held and talked about love with.

Chen Feng did not act rashly. Instead, he summoned the Ice Skeleton Mage to harden the surrounding lava to prevent any demon from appearing above and causing his plan to fail.

Now Chen Feng wants to confuse, delay, and confuse Liu Guang. When Liu Guang is trapped and unable to extricate himself, Chen Feng hopes that the nine-tailed spirit fox can grab Liu Guang's heart with one claw.

Although Liu Guang is deeply involved now, Chen Feng still feels a faint mental power locking him. Liu Guang is still wary of himself. Perhaps it is because of tens of thousands of years of caution and tens of thousands of years of longing that Liu Guang is not willing to believe what he is seeing. things.

Chen Feng was not in a hurry. Chen Feng had no intention of killing Liu Guang. He knew that he could not become a fat man in one go, so he had to take his time to kill Liu Guang.

If the Nine-tailed Spirit Fox takes action now and the thing fails, the tragedy will still be for Chen Feng. According to Liu Guang’s strength and the strength of the Nine-tailed Spirit Fox, the strength of the Nine-tailed Spirit Fox is now completely inferior to Asura’s skeleton. subsequent state.

Therefore, Chen Feng still doesn't know whether the nine-tailed spirit fox can defeat Liuguang, and he doesn't want to know, because this is not what Chen Feng wants to know. What Chen Feng wants to know is when Peter will bring the Senator Angel or something.

Liu Guang and the nine-tailed spirit fox were becoming more and more inseparable, but Liu Guang didn't do anything intrusive. Chen Feng seemed to be giving his wife to someone else, which looked particularly awkward.

Although he wanted to kill Liu Guang mentally, Chen Feng needed to calculate the success rate of whether he could escape if Liu Guang did not die. The combat power displayed by Liu Guang was definitely hidden, and the hidden power was enough to kill Chen Feng, and as a Humans, Chen Feng knows how fast angels move.

Run, where are you going?

Liu Guang is an angel, and according to Chen Feng's observation, part of the wings have been energized. In other words, he is close to the level of a Senator Angel, but has not yet reached the level of a Senator Angel. However, judging from the degree of energized wings, he is even better than Uncle Peter. Be awesome.

Does Chen Feng dare to fight Peter?

It's obviously impossible. Although Chen Feng now dares to fight even level 3 demons, it's either under the unique geographical advantage, such as the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain, or in the lava.

And there is another crucial point, that is, there is only one enemy. If there are more than three, Chen Feng will probably not be able to escape in time, so there is still a gap in all of this.

For example, level 9 angels or humans need to be able to survive the attack of 3,000 level 3 demons and kill all 3,000 level 3 demons in order to have the title of level 9.

As for Chen Feng, he has survived the attacks of up to 3,000 level 5 demons at the same time, and has killed 3,000 level 5 demons. Chen Feng completely ignored 3,000 ice crawlers, but 3,000 sickle insect demons, then Chen Feng Just run.

Therefore, based on the strength of humans and angels, Chen Feng's current strength is at level 7, and generally level 7 professionals are around level 80. Chen Feng's current strength has surpassed his own level by a full 20 levels.

And it is absolute strength. If counted as individual killing strength, Chen Feng can even fight against level 3 peak demons without losing. He can even fight against level 2 average demons and even kill them.

Therefore, Chen Feng's strength is still erratic, mainly due to the uneven strength of the skeletons. The most powerful skeleton is the Asura skeleton. After all, if he activates a skill, all attributes will increase five times, and the nine-tailed spirit fox is no match.

Of course, if Sister Spirit Fox goes crazy and turns into Sister Fox, then for sure, even if Asura Skeleton activates "half devil and half ghost", she will not be a match for Spirit Fox.

It's a pity that Chen Feng has never seen that move. When he challenged the spirit fox, Chen Feng also guessed that the spirit fox was waterproofing, but it was a bit serious. Anyway, he didn't use any of the fighting skills before he was defeated by the transformed Asura skeleton. Went out.

Finally, Chen Feng waited for the opportunity. The last trace of doubt in Liu Guang's body had disappeared. Chen Feng watched Liu Guang hugging the nine-tailed spirit fox in disgust and gnawing on it. Fortunately, Chen Feng didn't have any thoughts about the nine-tailed spirit fox.

The most important point is that this nine-tailed fox has a husband. Yes, this nine-tailed fox has his own husband in the cemetery. If Chen Feng's energy increases to 6000W, he can also summon his husband.

Moreover, her husband does not have the "charm" skill, but is a very powerful fighter. In the words of the Nine-tailed Spirit Fox, a brat like Asura Skeleton can be slapped away by her husband.

Chen Feng suddenly felt helpless.

"Master, I think it's better to fight. He is completely defenseless. I can dig out his heart. Even if I can't dig it out, the serious injury to his chest will greatly weaken his strength. When the time comes, I can transform into a demon fox and I won't be afraid at all. Him!" the nine-tailed fox said to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng glanced at his honor badge, which showed that the streamer's honor points were as high as 130 million. Chen Feng still shook his head. It was better to be careful. He almost died just now, and Chen Feng was not willing to take risks.

"Continue to enchant, the time is almost up!" Chen Feng looked at the distance and now a full 7 hours have passed. Logically speaking, Uncle Peter should be here by now.

Just as Chen Feng was secretly waiting anxiously, the entire lava suddenly trembled, followed by an extremely angry roar, and at this moment, the nine-tailed spirit fox actually took action.

The claws moved towards Liu Guang's chest without saying a word. Liu Guang was awakened by a roar. The next second he felt an incomparable pain in his chest. All the five claws and fingers of the nine-tailed spirit fox were visible. into his chest.

"Get lost!" Liu Guang understood everything at once, and burst into tears. With an extremely angry roar, he slapped the nine-tailed fox fiercely.

At this moment, the flying pig skeleton instantly appeared in front of the nine-tailed spirit fox. The nine-tailed spirit fox did not dig out the heart, but poked 5 holes in the heart and immediately took dozens of steps back.

Liu Guang's palm hit the flying pig skeleton hard, and then an even more terrifying force bounced off the flying pig skeleton. Blood spurted out from Liu Guang's chest, and he flew backwards!

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