Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 577 591: Tunnel War, Hey, Tunnel War!

Chapter 574 591: Tunnel War, Hey, Tunnel War!

Chen Feng is also very fast. Although he only has half a day, it is simply impossible for Chen Feng to fly 100,000 kilometers in half a day. However, Chen Feng has a trick to freeze for a period of time, then fly into the sky, and use the flying The pig skeleton flies for 5 minutes, and then continues to jump down into the lava. The flying pig skeleton rests for 5 minutes, and then flies for another five minutes.

The speed of the flying pig skeleton was strange. In just three hours, Chen Feng had already seen the huge city. Unfortunately, the city was even bigger.

"Dig a hole!" Half an hour later, Chen Feng arrived near the city, surrounded by demonic poor people. Chen Feng changed into the Flame Skeleton King. It was not suitable for the enemy to find him now.

When he started digging, Chen Feng was really not as fast as he should have been. He dug out a big hole in a short time, and of course there were 20 friends to help him, and the rampaging skeleton!

Not only did this group of guys not suffer any injuries under such high temperature of the magma, they were jealous and excited. Chen Feng spent thirty minutes digging out more than thirty intricate passages, but because Chen Feng gave a large amount of magma to It was blocked, and the demons didn't notice that the magma was reduced at all.

Chen Feng didn't know where he was now, but the place he came in was the outlet of the city's river. In other words, it was on the edge of the city, similar to the junction of Zhejiang and Fujian.

The demons here basically belong to the poor. In fact, just like the human world, those with strong strength and rich family naturally live in the best places in the city. Those demons with weak strength, poor family background, and underground status naturally live in the city. 's edge zone.

But at least it is much better than the demons living in tents outside. Chen Feng will naturally not target those powerful demons.

First of all, those demons live in the middle of the city, which is very far away from here. When Chen Feng reaches his destination, it is estimated that the angel army has already arrived.

Furthermore, the enemy's strength was too strong for Chen Feng to deal with. Although Chen Feng could directly burn out the enemy's eyes and even brains, these were circumstances where the time and place were favorable.

At that time, Chen Feng was in the depths of the molten lava. The surrounding temperature was as high as 3,000 degrees. If the steel was thrown down, it would turn into molten iron. With Chen Feng's power, he mobilized a large amount of high temperature, condensing the temperature to 6,000 degrees, and directly burned it. capture the enemy's eyeballs and brains.

This is because of the good geographical environment.

But in Chen Feng's current environment, the surrounding temperature does not exceed 300 degrees. This is the surface, and the temperature is too different from the ground below. Although Chen Feng has dug a tunnel, it cannot be dug too deep, otherwise it will be troublesome to get ashore.

Therefore, Chen Feng aimed at ordinary demons and later transformed into the Bloody Skeleton King, summoning an army of skeletons to turn the area upside down.

As for other demons descending into the lava to fight Chen Feng, Chen Feng is not worried for the time being. Although the Scarlet Skeleton King is not immune to fire, it is still possible to dive into the lava depths of 10,000 meters.

At that time, when the temperature was four to five thousand degrees, Chen Feng summoned the rampaging skeletons. Basically, level 3 demons were not afraid at all. The rampaging skeletons were simply a group of lunatics in the lava.

Quietly arriving at the edge of the ground through a passage, Chen Feng could clearly hear the footsteps coming from the rock formations, and suddenly smiled softly.

"Get ready, erupt!" Chen Feng shouted, and all the lava around him began to explode violently. In an instant, it broke through the weak rock formation, and in an instant, lava several meters high burst out from the ground. .

The demons exclaimed for a while, and then Chen Feng realized that this place was actually a street with countless stalls. Chen Feng took a closer look and saw that they were selling some ore and the like.

"Humans!" A sharp-eyed demon exclaimed when he saw the humans still hiding underground. In an instant, Chen Feng made a big move, and countless demons appeared on the ground. For a while, the demons around him started roaring and charging. When they came up, those who couldn't fight began to flee crazily.

Unfortunately, Chen Feng planned to wreak havoc. In an instant, Ashura Skeleton's Ghost Slash killed dozens of demons, and then other demons began to show off their power.

Then, a large number of remote skeletons began to appear, and then Chen Feng smiled, and countless ordinary skeletons appeared from the side of the cave. The place where Chen Feng is now is a small cave in the middle of the road, with bright red magma underneath. Countless explosive stones were taken out.

"Come on, come on, blow me up!" Chen Feng said with a smile. Today he was determined to be a terrorist. I saw a large number of ordinary skeletons holding rocks and starting to throw them at the houses in all directions. .

Suddenly there were violent explosions, and in less than half a minute, flames shot into the sky. Although this was hell, the building materials here could still be ignited.

Suddenly a corner of the city burst into flames. Chen Feng took a look and immediately put away all the skeletons, leaving a group of rampaging skeletons behind him. He took the lead in peeling away the somewhat hardened molten lava and began to flee.

Sure enough, less than half a minute after Chen Feng turned his head, demons roared and jumped into the lava, and began to chase Chen Feng. Chen Feng smiled knowingly, these guys would never come back.

The rampaging skeletons showed off their power one after another. Each one was small in size, but had an extremely violent temper. Just like cannibals, they began to jump on the demons crazily, and then began to bite them crazily.

After a while, a demon was actually bitten to death. The flesh and blood on his body were all bitten off by his teeth. Chen Feng glanced at the shark-like teeth of the group of rampaging skeletons and suddenly grinned.

Fortunately, it was the body of the Skeleton King. Chen Feng took a sip of the molten liquid from his mouth, but it slipped away from his jaw. If it had been a human body, Chen Feng would have had to take a sip of the hot molten liquid and then have his intestines pierced. rotten.

Chen Feng continued to swim and immediately escaped the enemy's pursuit along the path. Chen Feng covered the passage with rocks. Most demons would not pay attention at all. Chen Feng moved the rocks into the passage and then continued to put the rocks back.

The enemy was still chasing in a passage, but little did they know that Chen Feng was right next door, continuing to search for targets and wreak havoc.

The news of Chen Feng's sabotage in the city was known to the Tianyi Demon King within a few moments. Although the city was huge, everyone knew that Chen Feng and Peter had escaped, so the Tianyi Demon King also ordered that if Chen Feng was found, he could be killed on the spot.

Of course, you must have this strength.

Because of the defeat of the Doomsday Viper, the Sky Wing Demon King and the Lava Demon King were very angry. At first, the Lava Demon King did not dare to chase, while the Sky Wing Demon King was busy interrogating Zalida and could not chase Chen Feng for a while.

Fortunately, the Sky-Winged Demon King is busy, but his subordinates are not busy.

Upon hearing that Chen Feng actually dared to come back to the city to cause trouble, the Sky Wing Demon King was immediately furious, and the Lava Demon King next to him also had an angry look on his face. This showed that he was just provoking and bullying others.

"Liu Guang, go and find me that human and angel. Be careful. That angel is very strong. If necessary, you can give up part of your talent and city!" the Sky-Wing Demon King said to an angel beside him.

"Bah, damn betrayer, you have to be careful not to have your angel heart taken out, especially the dark angel heart. I believe Peter will be very willing to take it out and mince it!" Zalida suddenly said Cursing angrily, the Liuguang waved his hand without saying a word, and saw a black whip slapped hard on Zalida's face.

At this time, Zalida was tied to a cross, with scars all over her body, and golden blood scattered all over the floor. But when the whip was used just now, what was left on Zalida's face was actually black blood.

Zalida screamed, and her face suddenly turned black. But within a few seconds, the black face returned to the golden light again. The black blood seemed to have drained out, and new golden blood began to seep out.

That's right, the one called Liu Guang is an angel covered in pitch black, a fallen angel.

Although the angel clan is very proud, there are still many people who are seduced and corrupted by demons. Especially when Yizuer, the first warrior of the High-Level Heaven, was seduced and fell, it became a taboo topic in the High-Level Heaven.

When all the senior executives mentioned this name, they either roared with anger with their faces red, or turned pale with embarrassment.

Yizuel, this angel who was once more powerful than Imparis, single-handedly defeated Diablo and Baal, led hundreds of millions of angels to rampage in hell, and directly extended the battle line to Andariel's original sphere of influence. .

At that time, Andariel had been sealed, and the power happened to be controlled by Andariel's subordinate Hellfire. As a result, Hellfire was defeated miserably. Finally, Diavolo, who returned in time, appeared, but he seduced the soldiers with a few words. Er, thus leading to the fall of Yi Zuer.

And Hell has gained a very, very powerful fighting force. After the fall, Izual is even more powerful. Even Diavolo bluntly said that his three demon gods and three brothers together may not be Izuer's opponent.

Later, Yizuer didn't know why his conscience discovered it. As a result, there was a fierce confrontation between the bright heart and the evil body. His body lost control and turned into a walking corpse. Yizuer walked aimlessly on the plain of despair. Any demon and Angels or humans, as long as they are living targets, will become its attack targets.

Finally, heaven sent 8 council angels, including the angel of justice "Tyriel", the angel of courage "Imparis", the angel of wisdom "Mathail", the angel of destiny "Israel" and other the most powerful ones. A group of angels.

Finally, Yizuer was beheaded in the Plains of Despair.

But unfortunately, Yi Zuer's soul has obtained the essence, but his body still cannot be judged. Every thousand years, Yi Zuer's body will be resurrected and wreak havoc in the Plains of Despair.

And this corpse is also a big test for angels and humans in the Demon Fortress. As long as you kill Yizuer's corpse, you can become a member of the "Holy Team" composed of angels and humans.

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