Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 554 570: A cheap young man! (5 more updates!)

Chapter 551 570: A cheap young man! (5 more updates!)

(I’m so tired. I suddenly realized that I hadn’t eaten. I said I didn’t have the energy to write. Today, my grandma took the whole family to burn incense and worship Buddha. I was the only one in the house. I realized that I haven’t had dinner yet, so I went out first. Have dinner and come back to continue updating. There may be 8 updates today!)

"How to chase? Dig a tunnel!" Chen Feng gave full play to the essence of guerrilla warfare and started digging directly on the wall behind him. Not to mention that the dwarf was born to compete with rats for territory. Soon a passage was already taking shape. .

"Okay, it seems it won't take long to dig there!" Chen Feng took a look at the range of the strange scream. It was only less than 500 meters. Although it seemed that it could be seen at a glance, it was still very far away when it was actually dug. After all, it's a whole mile, 500 meters. Even if you run, you have to run for several minutes.

Don't call it digging.

Fortunately, many of Chen Feng's men were masters of sneaking around, especially the red-bearded dwarves. In less than three minutes, they had dug out a place that could accommodate three dwarves standing together.

When three dwarves dig together, the speed is naturally increased several times. In addition, Chen Feng also asks Ghost Sword Bone Snake and Gale Crow to help. The role of these two little guys is to make the wall as soft as possible.

The "Bone Penetration" of the Ghost Blade and Bone Snake penetrated directly into the wall, and bursts of dull sounds came out. Unfortunately, in this huge and extremely lively cave, it did not attract the attention of any enemy at all.

Even a super demon like the Ghost Claw King cannot distinguish a strange sound from the battle of hundreds of thousands of troops. The battle below is hundreds of thousands of ice crawlers and sickle insect demons fighting.

"Come on, come on, damn, you must not die!" Chen Feng actually started to pray, praying that the poor fallen man would not die so early, otherwise Chen Feng would suffer a big loss.

Chen Feng risked being discovered to find the fallen man. If the fallen man died when Chen Feng arrived on the other side, then Chen Feng would have lost more than he gained.

The excavation continued and the fighting continued. Chen Feng was bored and began to take out the "Demon Fortress Encyclopedia Manual Edition" in his hand and read through it.

In fact, the book in Chen Feng's hand is not complete, because there are only two parts in the book. One is the introduction, which introduces how newcomers come here, what the place is used for, preparations to be made during the battle, etc. various rules.

The other part is the introduction of demons. There are 18,644 types of demons included here, ranging from the lowest level 9 to the most advanced level 1. Even in the last few pages, Diavolo and other demon kings are introduced.

Of course, without exception, there are words like "If you encounter the devil, you will definitely die" written on it. Obviously, in hell, even Tyrell would not dare to be arrogant when facing a big devil like Diavolo.

Chen Feng looked inside the books. The classification of demons in the books was very simple, just like in the Xinhua Dictionary. They were searched in two places: "Level" and "Region".

First of all, the demons in the original manual are arranged according to level, as if the good things are left at the end. The higher the level, the stronger the monsters will appear at the end.

To divide it according to regions, you need to have a regional map. Unfortunately, there is no map in the manual. You have to buy this map. Fortunately, Chen Feng has a map that Kasha gave to Chen Feng. It is the best map in the entire Demon Fortress. A classy place.

First of all, the map is like a satellite map. You can zoom in and out freely, but it cannot monitor the ground. You can only view an approximate location. If the environment changes, the map needs to be taken to a special place and modified, which is quite difficult. Trouble.

But fortunately, basically the landform features of hell will not be too abnormal. Although the map in Chen Feng's hand has not been used for hundreds of years, it can still be used, except for the area where Chen Feng is located.

Except for the snow-capped mountains, everything else here was defeated by the Lava Demon King.

"Snow mountain, snow mountain, snow mountain!" Chen Feng looked in the manual and found the area where the snow mountain was located. Chen Feng immediately opened the page of the catalog of snow mountain monsters.

"Huh? There are no Ice Creepers and Scythe Insect Demons?" Chen Feng was suddenly startled. There were no names of the two monsters in the book. There were only the Fallen King and a group of other demons, but there were no Scythe Insect Demons and Ice Creepers at all. name.

"Could it be that this is an undiscovered place?" Chen Feng suddenly burst into laughter. If this is the case, then Chen Feng will make a lot of money. If this is really a place that has not been discovered by humans or angels, Chen Feng will be really prosperous.

1% commission!

Within a certain period of time, as long as those who hunt demons here, whether they are angels or humans, as long as Chen Feng discovers and kills enemies in the area where Chen Feng discovers and reports, then every demon that is killed will have 1% of the honor points are given to Chen Feng.

In other words, this area was discovered by Chen Feng. Chen Feng discovered two large numbers of demons, the sickle bug demon and the ice crawler. Then Chen Feng went back to the city to report it, and then brought the angel over for review.

As long as the review is passed, the book introduces that within 100 years, the sickle insect demon and ice crawler here will all give Chen Feng 1% of the honor points after the death of the demon in this area.

"That's great. Is there such a benefit?" Chen Feng couldn't help but get excited. This regulation is to stimulate humans and angels to take risks and find the enemy's lair.

Demons are very cunning, and demons are like beasts in nature. They kill each other on a daily basis, and you kill me and I kill you for the sake of life.

But once the war season comes, countless demons will go hand in hand, abandon their grudges, and attack humans. The most feared thing during the war is these demons that are clearly within the surveillance range of angels but have not been discovered.

Because these demons are very likely to become accidents, and these accidents will make the entire battlefield confusing, so angels and humans absolutely do not want such problems to occur, so they use this "1%" regulation to stimulate humans and angels, Find the devil's lair.

Chen Feng will naturally report it. There are so many sickle insect demons that Chen Feng cannot kill at all, especially now that there are countless ice crawlers. If Chen Feng goes down now, even if two level 2 peak demons don't take action, Sickle Insect demons and ice crawlers can kill Chen Feng.

One demon is not scary. What is scary is the endless number of demons. Now, the number of sickle insect demons below is at least 20W. It is densely packed and pitch black. If you are a person with intensive fear, you will probably be scared to death.

There are even more ice crawlers than Chen Feng can count. However, based on Chen Feng’s past experience with the Sunken Demons, it is estimated that his proficiency is above 50W.

With nearly 70W of enemies, Chen Feng would only die if he went down. These guys are not Sinking Demons. Chen Feng is not afraid even if there are one million Sinking Demons. These are sickle insect demons and ice crawlers.

The sickle insect demons, so far, are probably the only Asura skeletons that can be challenged in a one-on-one fight, and that's only in a one-on-one fight. If there are too many, Asuras will be eaten.

Except for the Asura skeleton, Chen Feng's other skeletons are useless. At most, he can only fight the ice crawlers. But now the number of ice crawlers is extremely terrifying. They can also spray "ice balls" from their mouths. Chen Feng's long-range The advantage was gone all of a sudden.

It's a pity, it's such a pity.

Otherwise, so many demons are all Chen Feng's honor points. After a little calculation, Chen Feng can basically get tens of billions of experience points, and may even increase his level to level 90 or even 100.

For other people, level is not the most important, equipment is the key, so they save their honor points to buy equipment, but for Chen Feng, level is the most important.

"Has it been dug through?" Suddenly, a surprising voice came from Chen Feng's mind. Chen Feng immediately walked into the cave. Sure enough, he saw only a thin layer, and the entrance to the cave had been dug through.

Chen Feng immediately got through and kicked the thick ice away. The next second, the flying pig skeleton appeared next to Chen Feng, and then a ball of cold air hit the flying pig skeleton hard. On the body.

"Sorry, tit for tat!" The flying pig skeleton grinned, and the cold air suddenly became even colder and rebounded suddenly. The fallen mage had an incredible look on his face and was instantly frozen into ice cubes by his own cold air.

"Is this going to kill you?" Chen Feng watched in astonishment as the badge on his chest flashed, instantly adding a full 4000W of honor points. Chen Feng hadn't reacted yet!

"Dead?" Chen Feng asked in shock towards the flying pig skeleton. He died in just two or three seconds?

"He's dead. Look, he couldn't survive in the first place. He was frozen to death by his own skills!" Chen Feng looked over and saw that the fallen mage had suddenly turned into an ice sculpture, with blood dripping all over his body. The blood was already dying at this time.

He was startled by Chen Feng's kick and immediately attacked subconsciously. However, he didn't expect that Chen Feng's flying pig skeleton attack would rebound twice, killing the guy instantly.

"Hurry up, the space inside the corpse is about to collapse, get ready to get something!" The flying pig skeleton said immediately, and Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

Fallen ones also have backpacks. If they are strong or lucky, they will keep their backpacks when they fall, while those who are unlucky will have their backpacks disappear. It may even attract the fallen ones themselves into their backpacks and then disappear.

However, there are very few such examples. Sure enough, in the next second, a large number of things began to pop out of the air crazily, as if by magic.

"Oh my god, so many good things?" Chen Feng's eyes widened in surprise, because many of the things were clearly the corpses of demons, and these corpses were all valuable items.

Chen Feng got another advantage. Not only did he kill an enemy with 4000W honor points in one go, but he also got a lot of things, and he even had to take his time to look at many things.

But in general, the goods received this time were no less than 5000W, or even higher, because Chen Feng had never seen most of the things that the Fallen exploded.

Just as Chen Feng was happily putting away the things on the ground, a look suddenly caught Chen Feng's attention.

Something was looking at Chen Feng. Chen Feng immediately turned his head. The thing immediately retracted into the corner, but Chen Feng's eyes widened in shock.

That actually is

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