Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 542 559: Ghost Killing!

Chapter 539 559: Ghost Killing!

Slowly going deeper into the cave, the deeper and deeper the cave becomes, the colder and colder it gets. Chen Feng always feels that he is going downhill, but the slope of the entire cave is only 30 degrees at most. This is the slope for skiing, but Chen Feng feels like he is going downhill. Like falling straight down.

"Maybe it's because it's too cold!" Chen Feng looked at the walls around him. The walls were all covered with a thick layer of ice. Chen Feng knocked on it, but it couldn't be broken open at all. The ice was so solid that it was impossible to break it open. People are surprised.

"Good guy, if this kind of ice crawler is made of ice cubes, it will probably be a disaster for melee combat!" The ice crawler has some of the most difficult attributes for melee combat.

Freezing damage, freezing slowness, freezing ability, and a solid ice body.

Originally, the freezing effect was the most hated attribute of all melee professions. Once the melee was hit by the freezing attribute, it would be a disaster. The attack speed would decrease, the movement speed would decrease, and even the speed of drinking a potion would also decrease.

Therefore, never engage in melee combat with enemies with freezing attributes. This is something all professionals in the Demon Fortress know very well. Leave enemies with freezing attributes to long-range combat.

The ice crawler also comes with extremely strong ice all around. Even ordinary ice cubes will be incredibly strong if placed in the refrigerator for a week, and this ice has been stored for who knows how many years. .

The lower the temperature, the stronger the ice. Especially now that he is still diving underground, Chen Feng can clearly feel that the temperature around him is getting colder and colder, and it seems that the pressure around him has also begun to change.

"Click, click, click!" A voice suddenly came from the front. Chen Feng was startled, and then suddenly realized that he had bumped into something.

How could there be no ice crawlers in a place with ice? Sure enough, ice crawlers in the distance slowly walked out from the corners. The speed was as slow as a turtle, but Chen Feng was very afraid.

"I'll go!" Asura was about to show off his strength and immediately said to Chen Feng. Chen Feng took a look and saw that there were 5 ice crawlers not far away. Chen Feng glanced at Asura's skeleton.

"Go, be careful!" Asura Skull immediately rushed forward, shouted and immediately kicked off, his whole body rushed over like a cannonball, and suddenly a burst of dazzling black light bloomed from his body.

Is the black light dazzling?

"Ghost Slayer!"


The eight long knives easily drew a jet of black light, and then Asura gently put away his posture and slowly walked towards Chen Feng. Chen Feng looked at Asura's skeleton in astonishment.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!" |

With five consecutive explosions, bursts of ice novae suddenly erupted from the group of ice crawlers. Chen Feng's mouth suddenly grew bigger, and he stared at the Asura skeleton in shock.

"Kill with one strike!" Chen Feng took a breath of cold air, with a look of shock on his face. An hour ago, he had to rely on long-distance to kill the ice crawler, but now, Asura Skeleton just went up and used a skill, and it was like this. Solved easily.

The five crawlers brought Chen Feng less than 50,000 honor points, but it only took less than 3 seconds to get this honor point. Chen Feng suddenly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and he was extremely excited and began to surge. .

"Master, what I said is right. It is indeed an attacker. It is too powerful. Ghost Slash, 26 times the damage, is equivalent to 260W damage." The flying pig skeleton was also stunned, although it claimed to be invincible in defense. But in front of the Asura Skeleton, the Flying Pig Skeleton was completely unable to show its strength.

26 times damage, ghost slaying, 2600% damage. Enemies who see the ghost shadow will all die. It’s so powerful!

The Asura Skeleton slowly put the eight long knives into the scabbards on his back. The Flying Pig Skeleton flapped its wings and flew to the side of the Asura Skeleton, looking at the Asura Skeleton carefully.

"I have decided, in the future you fight, I will protect the master!" The flying pig skeleton suddenly flew to the shoulder of the Asura skeleton and said loudly to the Asura skeleton.

"Okay!" Asura Skull's words were already very fluent, but I don't know if it was the swordsman's pride that made him speak very little. He nodded very indifferently and agreed to the proposal of Flying Pig Skeleton.

"Okay, from now on, I will protect the master from behind, and you will fight in the front. As soon as there is danger, you will come back immediately to save me, no, to save the master!" The Flying Pig Skeleton continued.

"Okay!" The Asura skeleton continued to nod indifferently. The flying pig skeleton suddenly became proud and flapped its small wings. Chen Feng suddenly smiled helplessly. The flying pig skeleton became more and more lively.

"Let's go, stop playing!" Chen Feng said. Chen Feng continued to move forward with a group of skeletons. Along the way, the Asura skeletons never made a move. Even when they encountered ice crawlers, they were killed by other skeletons in turn. .

Ghost Slash also has a cooling time and cannot be reused within 10 minutes, which means the cooling time is ten minutes. Chen Feng also nodded. For such a powerful skill, ten minutes is already very impressive.

"I wonder what the eight-armed Ghost Slash looks like?" Chen Feng was suddenly curious. The Ghost Slash seemed to use eight long knives to attack the enemy, but Asura told Chen Feng that there was only one long knife attacking the enemy. A long sword can kill the enemy.

The eight-armed ghost slaying uses the eight arms unique to the eight-armed Asura. Each hand holds a long knife, and is used to perform 8 consecutive ghost slayings. Moreover, this skill is not a group attack, but a group attack. It is a single target skill.

Knowing this, Chen Feng was almost stunned, because "Ghost Slash" is actually only a group attack skill, which causes damage to enemies in a line. Generally speaking, the attack distance is about 30 meters, and then centered on a line, 2 to the left and right of the line All enemies within 2 meters will be damaged.

This is Ghost Slayer.

The Eight-Armed Ghost Slash caused eight ghost slashes to just one enemy. Chen Feng couldn't help but look forward to it, but Asura said that there was no enemy worthy of him using this move, and Chen Feng could only sigh helplessly.

Indeed, this skill requires a cooling time of up to 10 hours. Although it is very powerful, it is a single-target skill after all. Chen Feng does not want to waste it, who knows what powerful monsters are down there.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about something to test Eight-Armed Asura's "Eight-Armed Ghost Slash", a group of ice crawlers suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng. These guys suddenly buried themselves underground and waited until When Chen Feng passed by, he suddenly emerged from the ground.

"No, we're surrounded!" When Chen Feng came to his senses, Chen Feng suddenly exclaimed, because countless ice crawlers had suddenly appeared on the ground.

"Human!" An ice crawler suddenly emerged from the ground. Chen Feng's eyes suddenly narrowed. Generally, ice crawlers are less than 3 meters tall. They are actually about the same height as humans.

But the ice crawler in front of him was suddenly glowing with a burst of golden light, which was particularly dazzling among the ice crawlers surrounded by blue.

"Sure enough, there is a dark gold, Asura, do you want to kill this?" Chen Feng said to Asura, Asura glanced at it, but shook his head.

"Too weak!"

Chen Feng almost spit out a mouthful of water. That was a dark gold level ice crawler. It was already a level 4 demon. How could he still say it was too weak?

"Not hard enough!" Asura slowly walked out, stretched out his hand, and with the top hand on his left hand, he pulled out a long knife from behind, and then threw it directly into the air.

Immediately afterwards, the long knife fell down quickly, and the first hand on Asura's right hand suddenly reached out and grabbed the long knife.

"Boom!" Immediately afterwards, Asura stamped his feet fiercely, and suddenly his whole body rushed out like a cannonball again, and the long knife in his hand suddenly flashed with a dark light.

"Ghost Slayer!"


Asura slowly walked back, and a series of explosions sounded behind him. Chen Feng was stunned, because the dark gold level ice crawler was also one of the exploding ice crawlers.

"So strong!" Chen Feng gasped. Now is the time when the Asura Skeleton really showed its strength. The few Ice Creepers just now were just practicing their skills.

But now, he actually killed a dark gold-level ice crawler with a single blow. Chen Feng was suddenly surprised, and then he was pleasantly surprised again. This strength was too powerful.

"It's too soft, it cut open with just one knife!" Asura slowly walked back and shook his head helplessly at Chen Feng, who almost bit off his own tongue.

He actually said that he was too soft. If other melee professionals knew about it, they would be furious. You must know that the solid ice on the Ice Crawler's body is what many professionals hate the most.

Weapons can't cut, arrows can't shoot, flying knives can't be thrown, javelins can't poke. Only elemental magic has an effect, and only lightning, poison, and fire have little effect. As for ice, people Just be absolutely immune.

But today, the Asura Skeleton actually said it was too soft. Chen Feng suddenly had the urge to applaud. What a shame. Others said it was too hard, but his own Asura Skeleton said it was too soft.

Next, a battle broke out instantly, with tens of thousands of ice crawlers in all directions. The Asura skeleton also pulled out several other knives and threw them directly into the sky, and then jumped up directly, He grabbed all the long knives in his hands, and then kicked them out as soon as they landed on the ground.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise among the ice crawlers. Although Asura's skeleton was covered in ice and his speed was at least half slowed down, the one who attacked him was the most hated one. There was no ice crawler. You can survive its attack.

"The battle has begun!" His back was safely handed over to the Asura skeleton, and Chen Feng turned his head and looked at the ice crawlers surrounding him from behind. This was the real battle!

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